El tiempo no se detiene [ESP/ENG]

in Writing Club2 years ago



El tiempo no se detiene
/// Time does not stop

Lamentablemente el tiempo no se detiene, por eso tenemos que aprovechar cada instante y disfrutar al máximo de todos los momentos hermosos que nos tocan vivir, porque a medida que pasa el tiempo todas las cosas cambian y a pesar de todo eso nos hemos mantenido juntos y enamorados como si fuese la primera vez.

El tiempo siempre sigue su curso, que diferente es el mundo hoy a diferencia de cuando nos conocimos y sin embargo aquí seguimos juntitos los dos mirándonos fijamente sin decir una palabra porque estás estarían demás.

Unfortunately time does not stop, that is why we have to take advantage of every moment and enjoy to the fullest all the beautiful moments that we live, because as time goes by all things change and despite all that we have stayed together and in love as if it were the first time.

Time always takes its course, how different the world is today as opposed to when we met and yet here we are still together, the two of us staring at each other without saying a word because it would be too much.

Tantos años que han pasado y me vienen a la mente esos momentos maravillosos cuando nos casamos y bailábamos pegaditos mientras nos susurrabamos al oído que nos amariamos para siempre, en ese momento solo existíamos tú y yo y nos prometimos que no dejaríamos que nada ni nadie nos separara jamás.

El tiempo pasa y pasa, fíjate en todas las vueltas que ha dado el mundo, pero nos esforzamos los dos cada día para que nuestro amor no solo creciera sino que se fortaleciera, mientras nos cubría por completo del más puro amor y así seguirá pasando el tiempo pero lo único que no ha logrado todo este tiempo es que se esfume lo nuestro.

So many years have passed and those wonderful moments come to my mind when we got married and we danced together while whispering in each other's ears that we would love each other forever, at that moment only you and I existed and we promised each other that we would never let anything or anyone separate us.

Time passes and passes, look at all the turns the world has taken, but we both made an effort every day so that our love not only grew but strengthened, while it covered us completely with the purest love and so time will continue to pass but the only thing that has not achieved all this time is that it vanishes from us.

No existe nada en este mundo que nos pueda separar, porque nos une el más profundo sentido de compromiso, por eso ni la más grande tempestad me hace dudar de lo bueno que ha sido encontrarte.

Tanto tiempo que hemos pasado juntos, ha hecho que te convirtas en mi más grande amigo y compañero, cuando estamos juntos sé que puedo hacerle frente a lo que venga porque me haces sentir segura y con gran confianza.

There is nothing in this world that can separate us, because we are united by the deepest sense of commitment, that is why not even the greatest storm can make me doubt how good it has been to find you.

So much time we have spent together, has made you become my greatest friend and companion, when we are together I know I can face whatever comes because you make me feel safe and with great confidence.



Si un día me llegarás a faltar sería muy duro para mí, por eso no desperdicio ningún momento contigo porque sé que me vas a hacer mucha falta cuando no estés, tu amor es un gran tesoro que he tenido el privilegio de hallar.

Por a eso a pesar del tiempo recordaré cada uno de nuestros momentos especiales porque han marcado mi vida de manera especial, por eso hoy como siempre te tomaré de la mano al caminar y te diré que he sido afortunada de que decidieras formar parte de mi vida.

If one day I would miss you it would be very hard for me, that's why I don't waste any moment with you because I know that I will miss you a lot when you are gone, your love is a great treasure that I have had the privilege to find.

That is why in spite of time I will remember each one of our special moments because they have marked my life in a special way, that is why today as always I will take you by the hand as I walk and I will tell you that I have been fortunate that you decided to be part of my life.

No tendré jamás palabras suficientes para agradecerte el gran amor que me has demostrado, es inigualable estar a tu lado, por eso cada día te quiero demostrar el gran amor que siento por ti, con mi atención y dedicación quiero que seas muy feliz tal como yo lo he sido a tu lado.

Son por estas y tantas razones que hoy celebramos varias décadas juntos, me complazco en celebrar con mis palabras nuestro gran y profundo amor, para que sirva de inspiración a todo aquel que desee amar a alguien de verdad, por eso en verdad he podido constatar que el amor puede durar todo el tiempo que lo deseemos a pesar de que el tiempo no se detiene. Espero mis queridos lectores de Hive, que este escrito sea de su agrado y aporte alguna lección valiosa a esta comunidad. Les mando un fuerte abrazo.

I will never have enough words to thank you for the great love you have shown me, it is incomparable to be by your side, so every day I want to show you the great love I feel for you, with my attention and dedication I want you to be very happy as I have been by your side.

It is for these and many other reasons that today we celebrate several decades together, I am pleased to celebrate with my words our great and deep love, to serve as an inspiration to anyone who wants to love someone truly, so I have truly been able to verify that love can last as long as we want it to last even though time does not stop.
I hope my dear readers of Hive, that this writing is to your liking and that it contributes some valuable lesson to this community. I send you a big hug.



Love is such a beautiful force that binds us together, despite hardship and tough times- we hold together and just like the nature, the human relationships go together through love.

Without love its not there as to survive on this earth,love is like drops of water in the unfailing deserts and sands.

Hope.,both of you be the same as before and more decades to be blessed.
My wishes may remain.

Yes love is a wonderful feeling, very necessary in our lives thank you for your good wishes and for reading my publication @asif7 ✨.