aquel pequeño beso se perdió entre sus mieles
sin saber que de a poco ambos se abandonaron
que bonitos esos ojos pasteles que más nunca se miraron
y que dolor como dejaron de ser fieles.
se convirtió ahora en una voraz marea
atrás quedaron sus besos en aquellos atardeceres
como huellas en la arena con esos pies sin poderes
te fuiste, se fueron esas ruinas que tanto golpeas.
me gusta el frío de esta condena
ahora serás tú quien siga olvidando todo de un plumazo
mientras yo me alegro de serte ajena.
that little kiss was lost among their honeys
without knowing that little by little they both abandoned each other
how beautiful those pastel eyes that never looked at each other again
and what a pain as they ceased to be faithful.
now became a voracious tide
their kisses were left behind in those sunsets
like footprints in the sand with those powerless feet
you left, gone were those ruins that you hit so hard.
I like the cold of this condemnation
now you'll be the one who keeps on forgetting everything in one fell swoop
while I'm happy to be alien to you.
Que espectacular este poema, me encanto el tema ♥