
in Writing Club3 years ago



… Death, an inevitable end. Leaves everyone trembling no matter how hard they try to pretend

Thinking for a moment, how would it feel to be locked up in a tiny coffin, so little space and no ventilation

Leaves me gasping for air each time, trapped in my imagination.

Everyday in med school, dozens of lives lost on a daily. Heart stops beating, muscles stiffen, eyes staring into space… I look at their bodies edgily

Then it hits me again “ Death an inevitable end”

Stopping dead in my tracks “This would be me one day” a little voice inside my head whispers

the beginning of the end…
“Have you thought about the second phase?”thinking aloud

Being buried 6ft under… tons of dirt above me; there’s no escaping this.

Being compressed under, beginning to decompose

Reflecting back in the time and money spent on skincare … now my flesh starts decomposing and strips me bare

All alone; beneath the earth left to be forgotten, heat envelopes me

On and on it goes till I’m nothing but dust


…all that’s left of me is memories
Would I even be remembered when I’m gone?

We live and struggle just to die!

What next?? The afterlife?