Summing up "Before December"/Resumiendo "Antes de Diciembre"

in Writing Clublast year (edited)

Before December! It is a title that in my opinion sounds very tender and the truth is that it did not disappoint me, in this book you will see realistic things from day to day and what the life of a young woman who decides to study far from home is like, Jennifer the protagonist of our story She is a young girl who is just flourishing and starting university, she has a boyfriend whom she leaves in her city as well as her friends and family, although she will only be gone for three months, her boyfriend (Monty) makes her the proposal of having a open relationship Jennifer at first does not accept this but upon insistence she agrees.

Upon arriving at her residence, Jenifer leaves her luggage and meets Naya, the girl who from now on will be her best friend. University life begins and we see how Jenifer gets along, taking her classes, taking her exams and, most importantly, getting to know her. new people.

We see how Naya introduces her to her boyfriend and her group of friends in which Ross is, the boy who will be in charge of turning Jennifer's world around, since this is an insecure girl who carries the mistakes of others like If they were his, he has self-destructive attitudes, letting people hurt him while he thinks he is guilty of it.

Ross falls in love with Jennifer from the first moment and, despite having a very shady past, he decides to give her the best version of himself, while she feels overwhelmed by the fact that her boyfriend is an abuser, who hurts her and destroys her relationships. things and then apologize, make her believe that it was her fault while giving her the idea that it is for her own good.

We see how during these months away from home Jennifer begins to see different horizons and her perspective of the world begins to change. She goes through a momentary crisis since her parents do not have enough money to cover the expenses of her residence and in this situation her Ross without a doubt proposes that she come live in his apartment, without any kind of double interest, with great sadness Jennifer accepts since her new group of friends lives in Ross's apartment and the atmosphere becomes pleasant.

Time passes and Jennifer faces the constant jealousy of her boyfriend, the same one who offered her an open relationship and had slept with other girls, he even had a not very good record since he had cheated on her with her former best friend. That same jerk now keeps bothering her and jealous of her in the worst way when he knows that she lived with Ross and that they had had something

Jennifer is already halfway through the course and is exhausted since every day the classes are more demanding, and when she left she couldn't believe what she saw, her boyfriend (yes the psychopath) takes her by force by the arm to take her back to the city, while she struggles because she does not want to leave, she wants to finish her course, she likes her university life and wants to continue there, but he forcibly takes her to the student residence so that she can collect her things.

Upon entering the residence he sees that most of Jennifer's things are missing and she is clearly not living there. Monty has a jealous attack and becomes aggressive, destroying all the clothes she had left in the residence, also destroying your photos. He threw a photograph that was in a painting in Jennifer's face and she luckily dodged it. He took Jennifer's glasses, which were of high value to her since they were expensive and her parents gave them to her with a lot of love. and effort, it crumbles when it sees that he destroyed them

After this fight, Ross arrives at the residence since the receiver notifies him of what happened and helps Jennifer pick up everything while offering her support. She tells him that they were finally over and that she would no longer have to tolerate something like that again. Ross is glad that she is finally free and doesn't have to tolerate a guy who hurts her so much.

Time continued to pass and Jennifer realizes that Ross gives her a feeling that her now ex-boyfriend never managed to make her feel, so they begin to date in a more formal way, while enjoying life she meets Rossy's family and doesn't. She has a good relationship with his father, but she discovers that Ross and his brother don't get along with their father, she doesn't understand why but she can't find out.

Jennifer has to go to her city because her mother has a birthday, but in the middle of the celebration and her little vacation, her ex-boyfriend comes to look for her saying that he loves her and that they have to stay together, she reacts and indignantly tells him no, no. She loves him and that Ross does make her feel things that he couldn't, before this he hits her and she falls to the ground, he disappears and she doesn't say anything.

The next day her father talks to her about the blow and knows that he has mistreated her on several occasions and asks her to stop tolerating it. She thinks about this while on the plane. When she arrives at Ross's house, everything flows normally. until he discovers her hit and they have an argument, she defends her ex-boyfriend saying that he is not bad, while Ross tells her that if he is not, because he hit her, in the end she begins to accept that he really is not a good person and begins to value herself

At the end of the course, she and Ross are dating and are very happy, but since every moment of calm has to be ruined, Monty appears to take Jennifer away, but she struggles, Ross arrives at the exact moment and beats her up (believe me, read that scene gave me a lot of satisfaction) at the end of the day she thanks him, Jennifer's family loves Ross and they ask her to take him home, she does it for Christmas.

Jennifer asks Ross's father to apologize to him and so he will agree to have a meeting between both families, and he agrees, the relationship between Ross and his father improves and the date of Christmas dinner arrives, both families share, but Jennifer can't stop thinking about Ross's burden of acceptance, and that is that he had been selected to study abroad and become a great film director and he would reject the offer to stay with her.

Father Ross interrupts Jennifer to talk to her and convinces her not to stand between Ross and his opportunity to become successful. When she returns to Ross's apartment, she shares with him for a few days without stopping thinking about his letter. of acceptance, and makes the decision.

While she packs her suitcase in the student residence, she looks in the mirror, observes her eyes swollen from crying, without any pureness she sees how her friend Naya desperately comes in to see her, tells her that she is really making a mistake and not to leave. Jennifer does not agree and notices that her sister is waiting for her in the car outside the residence, but Ross arrives at that moment, he begs her not to leave him, not to leave and break his heart, but she, although she suffered from seeing him destroyed He leaves and leaves him with a broken heart, although she was also devastated, she decided to let him achieve his dream of being a great film director even though it hurt so much to let him go.

I really liked this book a lot, it is available on Wattpad, I am already reading the second part so I will soon tell you how this story continues, this book is authored by Joana Marcus and it is really awesome, give it a chance story and you will see that you fall in love with it.

Antes de diciembre! Es un titulo que para mi parecer se escucha muy tierno y la verdad no me decepcionó, en este libro veras cosas realistas del dia a dia y de como es la vida de una joven que decide estudiar lejos de casa, Jennifer la protagonista de nuestra historia es una chica joven que a penas esta floreciendo y comienza la universidad, esta tiene un novio al cual deja en su ciudad asi como sus amistades y familia, aunque solo se ira por tres meses su novio (Monty) le hace la propuesta de tener una relación abierta Jennifer al principio no acepta esto pero ante la insistencia esta accede.

Al llegar a su residencia Jenifer deja su equipaje y conoce a Naya, la chicha que de ahora en adelante sera su mejor amiga, la vida universitaria da inicio y vemos como Jenifer se desenvuelve, tomando sus clases, haciendo sus examenes y lo mas importante conociendo personas nuevas.

Vemos como Naya le presenta a su novio y su grupo de amigos en el cual esta Ross, el chico que se encargara de darle la vuelta al mundo de Jennifer, ya que esta es una chica insegura la cual carga con los errores de los demas como si fueran suyos, tiene actitudes autodestructivas dejando que las personas le hagan daño mientras piensa que es culpable de ello.

Ross queda flechado de Jennifer desde el primer momento y este a pesar de tener un pasado muy turbio decide darle la mejor versión de el, mientras esta se siente agobiada por el hecho de que su novio es un maltratador, que le hace daño y destruye sus cosas para despues disculparse, hacerle creer a ella que fue por su culpa mientras le mete la idea de que es por su bien.

Vemos como durante estos meses lejos de casa Jennifer comienza a ver diferentes horizontes y su perspectiva del mundo comienza a cambiar, esta pasa por una crisis momentánea ya que sus padres no tienen el dinero suficiente para cubrir los gastos de su residencia y ante esta situación su Ross sin ningun duda le propone que se venga a vivir a su departamento, sin ningun tipo de doble de interes, con mucha pena Jennifer acepta ya que su nuevo grupo de amigos vive en el departamento de Ross y se hace ameno el ambiente.

El tiempo pasa y Jennifer se enfrenta a los celos constantes de su novio, el mismo que le ofrecio tener una relación abierta y se habia acostado con otras chicas, incluso tenía un historial no muy bueno ya que la habia engañado con su antigua mejor amiga, ese mismo patan ahora no deja de molestarla y celarla de la peor manera al saber que ella vivia con Ross y que habian tenido algo.

Jennifer ya va a la mitad del curso y esta agotada ya que cada dia las clases son mas exigentes, y al salir no podia creer lo que veia, su novio (si el psicópata) la toma del brazo por la fuerza para llevarsela de vuelta a la ciudad, mientras esta forcejea porque no quiere irse, quiere terminar su curso, le gusta su vida universitaria y quiere seguir alli, pero este la lleva por la fuerza a la residencia de estudiantes para que ella recoja sus cosas.

Al entrar a la residencia este ve que la mayoría de las cosas de Jennifer no esta y claramente no esta viviendo ahí, Monty tiene un ataque de celos y se pone agresivo destruye toda la ropa que le quedaba en la residencia destruyendo tambien tus fotos, este le lanzo una fotografía que estaba en un cuadro en la cara a Jennifer y esta por suerte la esquiva, el toma los lentes de Jennifer, los cuales eran de un alto valor para esta ya que eran costoso y sus padres se los obsequiaron con mucho amor y esfuerzo, esta se desmorona al ver que el los destruia.

Despues de esta pelea Ross llega a la residencia ya que el receptor le avisa de lo sucedido y ayuda a Jennifer a recoger todo mientras le brinda su apoyo, esta le cuenta que por fin habian terminado y que ya no tendria que volver a tolerar algo asi, Ross se alegra de que esta por fin sea libre y no tenga que tolerar a un sujeto que le haga tanto daño.

El tiempo siguio pasando y Jennifer se da cuenta de que Ross le produce sentimiento que su ahora exnovio jamas logro hacer que esta sintiera, asi que comienzan a salir de manera mas formal, mientras disfrutan de la vida esta conoce a la famila de Rossy y no tiene una buena relación con el padre de este, pero descubre que Ross y su hermano no se llevan bien con su padre, ella no entiende el porque pero no puede descubrirlo.

Jennifer tiene que ir a su ciudad porque su madre cumple años, pero en medio de la celebración y sus pequeñas vacaciones su exnovio va a buscarla diciendo que la ama y que tienen que seguir juntos, ella reacciona y indignada le dice que no, que no lo quiere y que Ross si le hace sentir cosas que el no pudo, ante esto el la golpea y ella cae al suelo, el desaparece y ella no dice nada.

Al dia siguiente su padre conversa con ella sobre el golpe y sabe que el la ha maltratado en varias ocasiones y le pide que deje de tolerarlo, ella se queda pensando en esto mientras va en el avion, al llegar a casa de Ross todo fluye normal hasta que este descubre su golpe y tienen una discusión, ella defiende a su exnovio diciendo que no es malo, mientras Ross le dice que si no lo es porque la golpeo, al final ella empieza a aceptar que de verdad no es una buena persona y empieza a valorarse a si misma.

Ya a final del curso ella y Ross son novios y estan muy felices pero como todo momento de calma tiene que ser arruinado, aparece Monty a llevarse a Jennifer, pero esta forcejea, Ross llega el momento exacto y le da una paliza ( créanme leer esa escena me dio mucha satisfacción) al final del dia ella le agradece, la famila de Jennifer ama a Ross y le piden que lo lleve a casa, esta lo hace para fecha de navidad.

Jennifer le pide al papa de Ross que se disculpe con el y asi el accederá a tener una reunión entre ambas familias, y este accede, la relación de Ross y su padre mejora y llega la fecha de la cena navideña, ambas familias comparten, pero Jennifer no deja de pensar en la carga de aceptación de Ross, y es que este habia sido seleccionado para estudiar en el extranjero y convertirse en un gran director de cine y este rechazaría la oferta por quedarse junto ella.

El padre Ross interrumpe a Jennifer para conversar con ella y la convence para que no se interponga entre Ross y su oportunidad de convertirse en alguien exitoso, al volver al departamento de Ross esta comparte con el algunos dias sin dejar de pensar en lo de su carta de aceptación, y toma la decisión.

Mientras ella hace su maleta en la residencia para estudiantes, se ve al espejo, observa sus ojos inchados de tanto llorar, sin ningun puror ve como su amiga naya entra desesperada a verla, le dice que en realidad se esta equivocando y que no se vaya, Jennifer no accede y nota que su hermana la espera en el carro fuera de la residencia, pero Ross llega en ese momento, le ruega que no lo deje, que no se vaya y le parta el corazon, pero ella aunque sufria por verlo destrozado se marcha se va y le deja con el corazon roto, aunque ella tambien estaba destrozado, decidió dejar que el lograra su sueño de ser un gran director de cine aunque le doliera tanto dejarlo ir.

De verdad este libro me gusto mucho, esta disponible en wattpad, ya me estio leyendo la segunda parte asi que pronto les dire como continua esta historia, este libro es de autoria de Joana Marcus y de verdad esta bruta,l denle una oportunidad a la historia y veran que se enamoran de ella.


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