The Savage - Poetry

in Writing Club2 years ago


The Savage

You see yourself a savage
Wild , uninhibited and untamed
Wandering free in the forest
Your warrior soul deeply ingrained

Filled with purpose and power
You stride amongst the trees
Purple flowers in your hair
And mud upon your knees

Your moon blades at your side
You hunt for hurt and pain
Banishing it from the shadows
It'll never forget your name

You fiercely follow you mission
Determined in your pursuit
Defeating all that is bad
It's in your nature to fight , and transmute

Thank you


I really liked this poem. made me feel free.

Thank you

Un escrito con mucha fuerza que alimenta el alma de valor y positivismo
Bien hecho @farhanaa

A very strong writing that feeds the soul of courage and positivism
Well done @farhanaa

Thanks a lot