Regalos de la vida 🚑 | gifts of life 🚑

in Writing Club3 years ago
Hola comunidad; Una vez una chica estaba muy entusiasmada porque el día siguiente tenía un viaje que para ella era importante pero antes decide ir al odontologo a hacer la limpieza mensual.Hello community; Once a girl was very excited because the next day she had a trip that was important to her, but first she decided to go to the dentist to do the monthly cleaning.


Al llegar se sintió un poco rara pasa y cierra los ojos para descansarlos un poco mientras el doctor le hace la limpieza, al abrir los ojos impresionada se da cuenta que esta en un hospital y con dolor de cabeza ese lugar ella lo conocía por ende sabía que estaba algo lejos de donde se ubicaba.Upon arrival, she felt a little strange, she passes by and closes her eyes to rest them a bit while the doctor cleans her, when she opens her eyes, impressed, she realizes that she is in a hospital and with a headache, she knew that place, therefore she knew It was a bit far from where it was located.


Asustada comienza a gritar y con el dolor de cabeza se esfuerza en levantarse e irse de allí en lo que llega el doctor que la había atendido en aquella clínica y al instante ella lo insulta y continúa gritando el doctor llama a las enfermeras y les pide que le apliquen un tranquilizante hace efecto y se duerme.Frightened, she begins to scream and with the headache she makes an effort to get up and leave while the doctor who had treated her at that clinic arrives and instantly she insults him and continues screaming, the doctor calls the nurses and asks them to They apply a tranquilizer to him, it takes effect and he falls asleep.
Al día siguiente pensativa, desorientada pero mas tranquilizada llega nuevamente el doctor y saca su celular y le muestra un video de YouTube de la noticia en la que una reportera afirmaba que un autobús se había volcado y en el que la mayoría no sobrevivió al terminar el video el doctor le pregunta -¿ese no es el autobús de tu viaje?- nerviosa y asustada le responde que si y que si se encontraba en el hospital porque había sobrevivido - si, si sobreviviste pero del cancer exclama el doctor- la chica aún sin entender le responde -¿Cual cancer?- el doctor le cuenta que cuando iba a comenzar a hacerle la limpieza vocal ella se desmayo y que de inmediato la llevó al hospital donde le descubrieron el cancer.The next day, thoughtful, disoriented but more reassured, the doctor arrives again and takes out his cell phone and shows him a YouTube video of the news in which a reporter stated that a bus had overturned and in which the majority did not survive at the end of the video the doctor asks her -¿isn't that the bus for your trip?- nervous and scared she answers yes and that she was in the hospital because she had survived - yes, yes you survived but from the cancer the doctor exclaims- the girl still Without understanding, she replies -¿What cancer?- The doctor tells her that when she was going to start doing the vocal cleaning she fainted and that he immediately took her to the hospital where they discovered the cancer.


Ella sin saber que decir llora por sus compañeros de viaje y agradecida con la vida y con el doctor le da un fuerte abrazo y exclama con lagrimas en sus ojos -la vida me dio otra oportunidad-.She, without knowing what to say about her, cries for her fellow travelers and, grateful to her life and to the doctor, gives her a big hug and exclaims with tears in her eyes -life gave me another chance-.
A veces estamos tan ciegos que no vemos lo que la vida nos tiene preparado y las señales que nos da; la chica tal vez si hubiese sobrevivido del accidente pero tal vez no lo hubiera hecho del cancer, todo pasa por alguna razón solo debemos aprender a aceptar los regalos de la vida.Sometimes we are so blind that we do not see what life has prepared for us and the signs it gives us; the girl maybe if she had survived the accident but maybe she would not have survived the cancer, everything happens for a reason we just have to learn to accept the gifts of life.