Se alejó de mí / He walked away from me

Mi sonrisa se despedía en el horizonte, dejando un rastro de rosas y púrpuras sobre el lienzo del cielo. Era una despedida, cuya mezcla de nostalgia y resignación hacían que el momento fuera eterno.

La brisa fresca me acariciaba el rostro, trayendo consigo el aroma del mastranto que impregnaba el ambiente. Mi alma, ahogada, se liberó en un suspiro cuál canto mañanero.

La noticia de la partida de Marcos, así como eventos anteriores donde el adiós era la señal que el firmamento ponía, hizo que todo, antes lleno de risas y música, ahora se encontrara en un silencio de esos que nublan el alma.

Nunca como ese día me detuve a pensar la fugacidad de mi vida, en la brevedad del instante. Como un escape ante la tristeza, mi mente se llenó de imágenes y recuerdos, era repasar un álbum.

No hubo lágrimas, ni llanto, menos aún dolor. Un solo adiós no me hizo despertar, pero la secuencia de ellos hicieron que valorara con mayor intensidad los momentos que antes había compartido. Eso me causó enojo.

Fui incapaz de valorar lo bello y hermoso, de descuidar lo importante y sublime. La vida con su ritmo frenético y sus vaivenes me embriagó.
Hasta que no tenerlo me hizo reaccionar.

Con la partida de amigos y familiares he comprendido que el valor de las personas no se define por su presencia, sino por su ausencia. Tonto yo.

Esperar que algo o alguien ya no esté, para tomar consciencia de su importancia fue lo que hizo marchar mi sonrisa.

Se alejó de mí. Hoy la estoy recobrando, poco a poco ha vuelto a mi lado, porque no trato de recuperar el tiempo perdido, hoy en estas ausencias descubro el verdadero tesoro, la memoria de lo vivido, el aprendizaje y la oportunidad de valorar lo que aún tengo.


He walked away from me

My smile was saying goodbye on the horizon, leaving a trail of roses and purples on the canvas of the sky. It was a farewell, whose mixture of nostalgia and resignation made the moment eternal.

The cool breeze caressed my face, bringing with it the scent of mastranto that permeated the atmosphere. My soul, drowned, was released in a sigh like a morning song.

The news of Marcos' departure, as well as previous events where goodbye was the sign that the firmament put, made everything, once full of laughter and music, now found itself in a silence of those that cloud the soul.

Never like that day I stopped to think about the fleetingness of my life, the brevity of the instant. As an escape from sadness, my mind was filled with images and memories, it was like going through an album.

There were no tears, no crying, even less pain. A single goodbye didn't wake me up, but the sequence of them made me appreciate more intensely the moments I had shared before. That made me angry.

I was incapable of valuing the beautiful and beautiful, of neglecting the important and sublime. Life with its frenetic rhythm and its comings and goings intoxicated me.
Until not having it made me react.

With the departure of friends and family I have understood that the value of people is not defined by their presence, but by their absence. Silly me.

Waiting for something or someone to be gone, to become aware of their importance was what made my smile go away.

It went away from me. Today I am recovering it, little by little it has returned to my side, because I am not trying to recover lost time, today in these absences I discover the true treasure, the memory of what I have lived, the learning and the opportunity to value what I still have.

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Valuing what we have is an admirable thing and also giving praises to GOD for making everything possible.