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In the men's high jump at the Tokyo Olympics, Italy's Gian Macro Timberi and Qatar's Mataz Issa Bershim competed in the final. They both jumped and happened to be 2.37 meters high. Olympic officials gave both athletes three more chances to decide victory or defeat, but on all three occasions the jump height of both athletes was only 2.37 meters. Withdrawing from the competition due to severe pain, Bershim was clearly entitled to the gold medal as there was no competition in front of him, but he asked the officials if it was possible for both of us to be entitled to the medal. It is said that this is possible only if you give up. Burshim immediately withdrew from the competition. The committee declared the two equally entitled to the gold medal. There was a strange scene in front of the spectators when the sportsman spirit surpassed all faiths, religions, colors and races and humanity won a great victory.
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