in Writing Club3 years ago

Hola a todos los usuarios de HIVE en especial a esta comunidad donde el dia hoy comparto unas lineas narrando una historia que cuenta como no todos los dolores sentidos por el ser humano pueden ser curado con medicina y necesitan de medicina espiritual.

Espero os guste la historia que os cuento a continuacion:


Entonces , dejé de usar ropa apretada, cambié de silla, compré fajas ortopédicas, hice yoga, Pilates, fui con quiroprácticos y médicos de todo tipo, pero el dolor seguía, un peso, una carga, una molestia que no me dejaba ni dormir y a veces, hasta me costaba respirar ...

Y? Qué hiciste?

Una sabia mujer... me dijo que era porque cargaba demasiado desde hace mucho.

Cómo supo eso?

Sólo con mirar mi columna tensa y comprimida, sólo con sentir con su tacto de manos viejas y ajadas mi piel desnuda ella supo...

Y? Qué te dijo?

Dijo...Tantas presiones haz cargado con los años, tanto dolor y rencor que has perdido la cuenta, cargas el peso del mundo propio y del ajeno...


Y entonces, entonces yo exhalé todo el aliento que llevaba reteniendo desde hacía más de dos décadas...

Te dijo cómo curarte?

Ella tomó mis manos en las suyas, en esas manos de anciana, me hizo bajar las manos, soltar los hombros, me levantó el mentón y se paró detrás de mí. Sus labios rozaron mi oído y suavemente me dijo:

"No todo es tu culpa"
"No todo es tu responsabilidad"
"No puedes hacerlo todo"
"No puedes solucionarlo todo"
"No tienes que aceptarlo todo"

Y mis ojos empezaron a soltar lágrimas gruesas como cristales rotos, hubo un momento donde pensé que lloraría sangre, de tanto dolor que estaba sintiendo.


Poco a poco mis hombros regresaron a su sitio, mi cuello se puso suave y se levantó nuevamente, mi espalda se irguió como hacía años no sucedía y escuché mis huesos emitir un crujido tenebroso...

El peso del mundo había descendido de mis hombros, el peso de los dolores del pasado había por fin bajado al piso e iba a ser usado como escalón...

Te dijo algo más?

Sus ojos lobunos me miraron expectantes y dijo:

“Hay dolores que se cargan en el corazón y esos no hay manera de sacarlos fácilmente, aprende a soltar el pasado o terminarás ahogando tu futuro... y también comprende que la falta de perdón no lastima más que a aquel que no puede perdonar".

Lecturas como estas, nos hacen entender que no todos los dolores se puede curar con una pastilla, muchos de esos dolores se curan soltando eso que nos hace mal, o con un simple perdon que no siempre es facil dar.

Si llegaste a este punto del post muchas gracias, te espero en proximos post donde con cada linea se escriban sentimientos que lleguen a tu corazon 💗💗


Hello to all HIVE users, especially to this community where today I share a few lines narrating a story that tells how not all pain felt by human beings can be cured with medicine and they need spiritual medicine.

I hope you like the story that I tell you below:


So, I stopped wearing tight clothes, changed chairs, bought orthopedic girdles, did yoga, Pilates, went to chiropractors and doctors of all kinds, but the pain continued, a weight, a burden, a discomfort that did not even let me sleep anymore Sometimes it was even hard for me to breathe ...

Y? What did you do?

A wise woman ... she told me it was because she carried too much for a long time.

How did you know that?

Just by looking at my tense and compressed column, just by feeling her with her touch of old and worn hands, my bare skin, she knew ...

Y? What did she say?

She said ... You have carried so many pressures over the years, so much pain and resentment that you have lost count, you carry the weight of your own world and that of others ...


And then, then I exhaled all the breath that she had been holding for more than two decades ...

Did she tell you how to heal?

She took my hands in hers, in those old woman hands, she made me lower my hands, let go of my shoulders, lifted my chin and stood behind me. Her lips brushed my ear and she softly said to me:

"It's not all your fault"
"Not everything is your responsibility"
"You can't do everything"
"You can't fix everything"
"You don't have to accept everything"

And my eyes began to release thick tears like broken glass, there was a moment where I thought she would cry blood, from so much pain that she was feeling.


Little by little my shoulders returned to her place, my neck became soft and rose again, my back straightened as it had not been for years and I heard my bones emit a dark crunch ...

The weight of the world had descended from my shoulders, the weight of past pains had finally come down to the ground and I was going to be used as a step ...

Did she tell you something else?

Her wolfish eyes looked at me expectantly and she said:

“There are pains that are loaded in the heart and those there is no way to remove them easily, learn to let go of the past or you will end up drowning your future ... and also understand that the lack of forgiveness does not hurt more than the one who cannot forgive ".

Readings like these make us understand that not all pains can be cured with a pill, many of those pains are cured by letting go of what makes us ill, or with a simple forgiveness that is not always easy to give.

If you reached this point in the post, thank you very much, I wait for you in the next post where with each line feelings are written that reach your heart 💗💗