Hola Hivers saludos a esta comunidad de escritores libres y amantes de la literatura, hoy les traigo una lineas de lo que en un dia muy caluroso redacte, en el patio de mi casa debajo de una mata. Misma brindaba una sombra tan espeza que manaba tranquilidad.
A continuacion.
Sin entender
No, es tratar de entender
Habia sido un despertar implacentero, y sentia que no habia dormido nada, en casa solo mi fisico me pedia descanso. Sin hacer caso a las necesidades que me imponia mi cuerpo pense en disponerme a darme un baño con agua muy fria y asi poder disipar la apatia que sentia en ese momento, sin mas ya caminando y sintiendo ese gran peso en mis hombros sin poder ergir mi cabeza llegue al baño.
Mientras me duchaba, pude notar que mi estado de animo no era el usual, sentia mucho coraje y me preguntaba el porque? gran coraje e hipotencia.
Pasaron las horas y mi mal humor seguia muy desconcertante y lo unico que podia hacer, era ir a la cocina, servirme una gran taza de cafe caliente y clavarme en el movil hasta que fuese la ora de irme al trabajo.
Los minutos se hacian eternos y mi cabeza era un tornado categoria 5 de las indescriptibles ecenas que pasaban por mi mente las cuales me dieron a conocer en el lugar que me encontraba y en la vida rutinaria que me absorvia y hasta ahora me daba cuenta.
Es tan frustrante ese momento donde el tiempo se detiene y puedes ver todo tan detenidamente y ves correr frente a ti todo eso que has echo por una "posision" y que? Posision que me obligaba amar esta soledad, felicidad de carton que ahora puedo ver.
No era asi que pensaba vivir.
Un ataque de panico sin control invade todo mi pecho y siento mi respiracion acelerando tan rapido invadiendo todo mi entorno una oscuridad tan espesa sintiendo como caigo al suelo, podia sentir como todo a mi alrrededor giraba como un neumatico sin freno alguno, sin control ya no pude mas mis fuerzas ya no estaban controlando mi cuerpo.
Desconcertado, me habia desmayado. con cuidado mire a mi alrrededor, como pude me levante.
Retome fuerzas y me dispuse a salir de casa muy de prisa sin pensar en nada, viendo el finito de la calle que estaba caminando escuche los paso mientras caminaba tan deprisa, era tan fuerte el pisar que daba, cada paso en el asfaltado, era imposible escuchar el pasar de los autos.
Lleno de fruatracion y ahogado de tantos porque?
Segui caminando y algo llamo mi atencion.
Mi mano en el bolsillo derecho de mi traje, tocaba mi reloj. Sacandolo pude ver la hora y solo restaba 30 min para llegar a mi trabajo.
El paisaje que me rodeaba no era tan refrescante como para hacerme sentir mejor.
Que difícil sentirse así.
Esas ganas de decir todo lo que tienes.
pero solo te invade eso frustracion, enojo, angustia, desespero. Ya el tiempo acabo esta echo, Mi mente en un absolutamente nada, GRITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Escucho el desgarrador llanto de un niño, el aullido de un perro y cuerbos volaban por doquier, sintiendome caer ya mi cuerpo frio y sin fuerzas a lo lejos escucho la voz de un niño decia cuidadooooo.
// Solo queria una vida llena de felicidad familia y amigos con quien vivir momentos bellos los cuales brinda esta hermosa vida, pero hay una rutina que dia a dia se esfuerza en aprisionarte cada ves mas robandote eso que te hace vivir y querer seguir construyendo eso que se llama Amor. //
Imagenes descargadas de la app pinteres.
Hi Hivers greetings to this free writers community and literature lovers, today I bring you a lineas of what on a very hot day you compose, in the courtyard of my house under a bush. Same offered such a mirage shadow that kept quiet.
Not understanding
No, it's trying to understand
It had been a relentless awakening, and I felt that I had not slept at all, at home only my physique asked me for rest.* Without paying attention to the needs that my body imposed on me I thought about preparing to take a bath with very cold water and thus be able to dispel the apathy that I felt at that moment, without more already walking and feeling that great weight on my shoulders without being able to erect my head I arrived in the bathroom.*
As I showered, I could notice that my mood was not the usual, I felt a lot of courage and I was wondering why? great courage and powerlessness.
The hours passed and my bad mood was still very disconcerting and the only thing I could do, was go to the kitchen, serve me a large cup of hot coffee and nail me on the mobile until it was the time to go to work.
The minutes became eternal and my head was a categorical tornado 5 of the indescribable ecenas that went through my mind which made me known in the place I was and in the routine life that absorbs me and so far I realized.
It is so frustrating that moment where time stops and you can see everything so carefully and you see running in front of you all that you have done for a "position" and what? Position that forced me to love this loneliness, cardboard happiness that I can now see.
It wasn't so I thought I would live.
A panico attack without control invades my whole chest and I feel my breath speeding so fast invading my entire surroundings such a thick darkness feeling as I fall to the ground, I could feel like everything around me turned like a neumatico without any brake, without control I could no longer my strength was no longer controlling my body.
****woke up************
Unconcerted, I had passed out. carefully look at my surroundings, as I could get up.
I took strength and got ready to leave the house very in a hurry without thinking about anything, seeing the street finite I was walking I listened to them as I walked so fast, the pisar I took was so strong, every step in the asphalt, it was impossible to hear the passing of the cars.
Full of frustration and drowned from so many why?
I kept walking and something caught my attention.
My hand in the right pocket of my suit, touched my watch. Taking it out I could see the time and I was only 30 min to get to my work.
The scenery around me wasn't as refreshing as to make me feel better.
How difficult to feel this way.
That desire to say everything you have.
but only that frustration, anger, anguish, despair invades you. Time is over, My mind in absolutely nothing, GRITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
I hear very heartbreaking The cry of a child, the howl of a dog and crows flew everywhere, feeling me fall already my cold body and without strength and in the distance I hear the voice of a careful child.
// I only wanted a life full of happiness family and friends with whom to live beautiful moments with which this beautiful life provides, but there is a routine that day by day strives to arrest you more and more stealing that makes you live and want to continue building what is called Love. //
Discharged images of the pinterest app.