Sienna || Convertida En un Cliché

in Writing Club3 years ago


Sienna || Convertida En un Cliché

Eran las 11:40 de la noche de un jueves, Sienna se encontraba en su segundo trabajo, aunque el sitio estaba concurrido, ella no sentía muchas ganas de socializar esa noche, pero sabía que no lo hacía no le pagarían, así pues que fue al baño, peinó su larga cabellera roja, acomodó su flequillo, retocó el maquillaje de sus labios y puso su más coqueta sonrisa, se acercó a la mesa de un par de caballeros que la invitaron a sentarse y en unos diez minutos ya había logrado que pidieran 6 bebidas y algo de comer, la noche prometía buenas ganancias.

No eran más de las dos cuando Sienna fue a pedir al dj que pusiera música animada para bailar, cuando vio a su compañera Lys en una esquina escondida del bar, un hombre guapo la sostenía contra la pared mientras besaba su cuello, sus manos se perdían bajo la falda de su compañera mientras esta gemía de placer, o al menos lo fingía muy bien, asqueada por la escena repetitiva, Sienna alzó sus cejas en señal de disgusto y se marchó a atender a sus clientes, no entendía porque Lys y otras de sus compañeras insistían en enredarse con los tipos que buscaban compañía en el bar, aun sabiendo que no era parte de su trabajo, ganaban suficiente por animar a los hombres a comprar bebidas y comida, y algo extra por bailar con alguno de ellos.

Sienna no sabía si era por la bebida o la adrenalina del trabajo lo que hacía que sus compañeras decidieran convertirse en un cliché y terminaran la noche en moteles baratos vendiendo su cuerpo por horas a esos hombres, por muy guapo que fuera uno que otro, que clase de hombre respetable tenía la necesidad de ir a un bar a pagar a una mujer por hacerle compañía, aunque era su trabajo y ganaba lo que no podría ganar en un trabajo normal, nunca le pareció respetable, Sienna no pudo sacar de sus pensamientos lo sucedido en su trabajo de la noche incluso después de estar en casa.

It was 11: 40 on a Thursday night, Sienna was at her second job, although the place was busy, she didn't feel much like socializing that night, but she knew that if she didn't she wouldn't get paid, so she went to the bathroom, combed her long red hair, arranged her bangs, touched up her lip makeup and put on her most flirtatious smile, she approached the table of a couple of gentlemen who invited her to sit and in about ten minutes she had already gotten them to order 6 drinks and something to eat, the night promised good earnings.

It was no later than two o'clock when Sienna went to ask the dj to play upbeat music for dancing when she saw her companion Lys in a hidden corner of the bar, a handsome man holding her against the wall as he kissed her neck, his hands lost under her companion's skirt as she moaned in pleasure, or at least faked it very well, disgusted by the repetitive scene, Sienna raised her eyebrows in disgust and left to attend to her customers, she didn't understand why Lys and other of her companions insisted on tangling with the guys looking for company at the bar, even knowing it wasn't part of their job, they earned enough for encouraging men to buy drinks and food, and a little extra for dancing with one of them.

Sienna didn't know if it was the booze or the adrenaline of the job that made her co-workers decide to become a cliché and end the night in cheap motels selling their bodies by the hour to these men, no matter how handsome one or the other was, what kind of respectable man had the need to go to a bar to pay a woman to keep him company, even though it was his job and he earned what he couldn't earn in a normal job, it never seemed respectable to him, Sienna couldn't get what happened at her night job out of her thoughts even after she was home.


Por las mañanas la vida de Sienna era muy diferente, estudiaba derecho y trabajaba como asistente en un consultorio jurídico, usaba pantalones de vestir y llevaba su cabello en un moño, le encanta su trabajo del día, puesto que también ganaba experiencia y conocimientos sobre su carrera, era una lástima que no ganara lo suficiente allí para mantenerse. Era la primera persona en su familia en asistir a la universidad, venia de un hogar lleno de personas talentosas en sus oficios, su abuelo había sido maestro de obra, su padre era un excelente plomero y su madre una costurera maravillosa, y a pesar que en casa nunca le había faltado lo esencial, no podían permitirse costear una carrera universitaria en la ciudad, pero eso no desanimo a Sienna, el día que recibió la carta en la que le informaban que había sido aceptada en la universidad estaba tan emocionada que ni lo pensó dos veces, sus padres habían ahorrado desde hacía años para ayudarle con algunos gastos, y gracias a eso pudo instalarse y mantenerse los primeros meses, al poco tiempo hizo amigos de diferentes círculos que la llevaron a conseguir ambos trabajos y desde que empezó en el bar, no solo cubría sus gastos sino que también podía ayudar de vez en cuando a sus padres.

Sábado por la noche, Sienna siempre se animaba los sábados, había buen movimientos en el bar y el ambiente era alegre, atendió sus mesas de la manera habitual vendió algunos tragos y también bebió algunos con los clientes que se lo pedían, pero poco a poco la noche se fue apagando y bar se fue vaciando sin razón aparente, a la 1am parcia que ya no iba a haber más trabajo por esa noche, así que Sienna se decidió a cambiarse, en ese momento llegó un grupo de hombres, risas fuertes llenaron el bar y empezaron a ordenar bebidas, eran extranjeros! La ciudad estaba plagada de ellos en aquella época, era obvio que iban a quedarse, así que no podía irse a casa aun, sin embargo no se acercaría, no le gustaban los extranjeros, eran demasiado confianzudos para su gusto, además bebían poco y coqueteaban demás, al pasar el rato llegaron más de ellos, y parecía que todos se conocían!

Para sorpresa de Sienna y del dueño del bar, o dejaban de ordenar bebidas y eso era bueno para el negocio, así que el dueño envió a las chicas a animar el ambiente para que siguieran tomando, Sienna llevaba una jarra de cerveza a una de las mesas cuando un chico tropezó con ella y vació media jarra encima, estaba tan furiosa, bajó la mirada hacia su vestido empapado, pero cuando miró al hombre que había provocado el desastre su ira se apagó al instante … y esa noche Sienna pasó a ser otro cliché

Sienna didn't know if it was the drinking or the adrenaline of the job that made her co-workers end the night in cheap motels selling their bodies by the hour to those men, no matter how handsome one or the other was, what kind of respectable man had the need to go to a bar to pay a woman to keep him company, even though it was her job and she earned what she couldn't earn in a normal job, it never seemed respectable to her, Sienna couldn't get what happened at her night job out of her thoughts even after she was home.

In the mornings Sienna's life was very different, she studied law and worked as an assistant in a law office, she wore slacks and wore her hair in a bun, she loves her day job since she was also gaining experience and knowledge about her career, it was a shame she didn't earn enough there to support herself. She was the first person in her family to attend college, she came from a home full of people talented in their trades, her grandfather had been a master builder, her father was an excellent plumber and her mother was a wonderful seamstress, and although at home she had never lacked the essentials, they could not afford to pay for a college degree in the city, but that did not discourage Sienna, The day she received the letter informing her that she had been accepted into the university she was so excited that she didn't even think twice, her parents had saved for years to help her with some expenses, and thanks to that she was able to settle in and support herself for the first few months, soon she made friends from different circles that led her to get both jobs and since she started at the bar, she not only covered her expenses but she was also able to help her parents from time to time.

Saturday night, Sienna was always lively on Saturdays, there was good movement in the bar and the atmosphere was cheerful, she waited on her tables in the usual way sold some drinks and also drank some with the customers who asked for them, but little by little the night was fading and the bar was emptying for no apparent reason, at 1 am it seemed that there would be no more work for that night, so Sienna decided to change, at that moment a group of men arrived, loud laughter filled the bar and began to order drinks, they were foreigners! The city was swarming with them at that time, it was obvious they were going to stay, so she couldn't go home yet, however she wouldn't go near them, she didn't like foreigners, they were too trusting for her taste, they also drank too little and flirted too much, as time went by more of them arrived, and it seemed like they all knew each other!

To the surprise of Sienna and the bar owner, they would stop ordering drinks and that was good for business, so the owner sent the girls to liven up the atmosphere to keep them drinking, Sienna was carrying a pitcher of beer to one of the tables when a guy bumped into her and emptied half a pitcher on her, she was so furious, she looked down at her soaked dress, but when she looked at the man who had caused the mess her anger was instantly extinguished ...and that night Sienna became another cliché

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