El árbol mágico parte 1 ||The Magic Tree part 1

in Writing Club3 years ago



María se mira al espejo con total incredulidad. ¿Cómo ha sucedido esto? ¿Cómo me he convertido en esto? ¿Cómo he llegado a ser tan perfecta? susurró suavemente y en voz baja, con una sonrisa orgullosa en su rostro.

La verdad estaba en cada palabra que decía, ya que era una hermosa princesa con la que la gente soñaría estar, pero no podría tener. La chica de pelo rubio pálido, grandes ojos azules, nariz pequeña y labios ligeramente finos y suaves al ser besados. María conocía esta verdad, y esto hizo que le resultara difícil casarse, y que el rey (su padre), eligiera un marido adecuado para ella.

Después de tantos intentos fallidos de conseguirle un marido adecuado, se adelantó a preguntarle por qué había rechazado a todos los pretendientes y príncipes adecuados de otros reinos. Ella respondió que sólo se casaría con el hombre que pudiera cultivar un árbol de dinero.

Su padre se detuvo confundido por sus palabras, pero no pronunció ninguna palabra. Más tarde, decretó que quien hiciera crecer el dinero en los árboles, tendría la mano de su hija en matrimonio.

Pronto la noticia corrió como la pólvora, y todo el mundo quería a la princesa.
El día del desafío, llegaron varios pretendientes, todos tratando de hacer lo imposible.
Y uno a uno todos fracasaron.

Hasta que apareció un hombre muy misterioso, que llevaba una capa negra, botas de cuero negras, una camisa blanca abotonada de manga larga, pantalones oscuros y guantes. Llevaba el pelo castaño corto y peinado hacia atrás; no estaba desordenado, sino todo lo contrario. Sus ojos eran de color avellana con motas doradas alrededor, una cicatriz bajo el ojo derecho le daba un aspecto rudo. Tenía un rostro extremadamente apuesto que demostraba que había pasado por el infierno y aún así se las arreglaba para encontrar la belleza.
La mujer que estaba al lado de María miró de arriba abajo al hombre, antes de dedicarle una leve sonrisa.
"¡Oh! es muy guapo, ¿verdad?", exclamó encantada.
María se limitó a asentir como respuesta y continuó observando la batalla.

El hombre misterioso sacó una botella transparente que contenía trozos de dinero triturados, la levantó para que la multitud pudiera verla.
Luego cavó un agujero donde vertió los trozos rotos, antes de cubrirlo con arena.

Pidió agua y se la trajeron. La vertió sobre la tierra dejando un poco de cantidad antes de empezar a recitar unas palabras mágicas.

Hurra mystifier Hurra mystifier Hurra mystifier, hizo esto varias veces mientras bailaba alrededor del lugar enterrado de una manera completamente extraña.

La multitud no pudo evitar quedarse atónita ante la dramática exhibición que tenían delante. El hombre detuvo su movimiento y se quedó callado durante un rato, antes de mirar al rey y sonreír.

Tomó la última gota de agua y la vertió sobre la arena donde había enterrado los trozos de dinero.
De repente se produjo una explosión de la nada, El aire se llenó de humo. El suelo tembló y se resquebrajó. Todo el polvo salió volando dejando un pequeño cráter en su lugar. Todos se cubrieron la nariz y la boca. Algunos se levantaron y corrieron lo más rápido posible.
María sin embargo se quedó sentada en su silla observando atentamente, esperó hasta que no quedara humo antes de ir al agujero. Llegó a la arena y vio... No... Se equivocó. Había más de una pieza. Había tres piezas de metal con agujeros que estaban llenos de arena, pero el hombre misterioso no estaba. Metió dos dedos en uno de los agujeros y sintió que algo se movía dentro. Intentó separarlos, pero aún así nada.

Estaban fuertemente pegados. Su corazón se desplomó. Volvió la mirada hacia su padre, que estaba sentado en su trono con cara de asombro.
Se dirigió de nuevo a las tres piezas y colocó un dedo dentro de ellas. Una fuerte explosión sonó y de repente el suelo se abrió, llevándose a María con él.

Translated with deeply.com



Mary looks at the mirror staring at herself in utter disbelief. How did this happen? how did I become this ..? How did I become this perfect?. She whispered gently and quietly beneath her breath, with a proud smile on her face.

The truth was in every word she said, as she was a beautiful princess that people would dream of being with, but not be able to have. The girl with pale blonde hair, big blue eyes, a small nose, and slightly thin lips that are so soft when they're kissed. Mary knew this truth, and this made it hard for her to marry, and for the king(her father), to choose a suitable husband for her.

After so many failed attempts to get her a suitable husband, he went ahead to ask her why she had rejected all the suitors and suitable princes from other kingdoms. She replied that she would marry only the man who can grow a money tree.

Her father paused in confusion about her words, but he didn't utter a word. He later made a decree that whoever makes money grow on trees, would have his daughter's hand in marriage.

Soon the news spread like wildfire, and everyone wanted the princess.
one the day of the challenge, several suitors arrived, all trying to do the impossible.
And one by one they all failed.

Until a very Mysterious man appeared, he wore a black cloak, black leather boots, a white button-up shirt with long sleeves, dark pants, and gloves. His brown hair was short and slicked back; it wasn't messy just right. His eyes were hazel with golden specks around them, a scar under his right eye gave him a rough appearance. He had an extremely handsome face that showed that he has been through hell and back yet still manage to find beauty.
The woman beside Mary looked up and down at the man, before giving him a slight smile.
"Oh! he's quite handsome isn't he?", she gushed in delight.
Mary only nodded in response and continued to watch the battle.

The mysterious man pulled out a transparent bottle that contained shredded bits of money, he raised it so that the crowd could see it.
He then dug a hole where he poured the torn bits, before covering it up with sand.

He demanded water, and it was brought to him. He poured it on the soil leaving a little quantity before he began to recite some magical words.

Hurra mystifier Hurra mystifier Hurra mystifier, he did this several times while he danced around the buried spot In a completely weird manner.

The crowd couldn't help but be stunned by the dramatic display In front of them. The man stopped his movement and went quiet for a while, before looking at the king and smiling.

He took the last drop of water and pour it on the sand where he buried the bits of money.
Suddenly an explosion occurred out of nowhere, The air was filled with smoke. The ground trembled and cracked. All the dust flew away leaving a small crater in its place. Everyone covered their noses and mouths. Some stood up and run as fast as possible.
Mary however remained sitting on her chair watching intently, she waited until there was no smoke left before going to the hole. She reached the sand and saw... No... She was wrong. There was more than one part. There were three pieces of metal with holes that were filled with sand but the mysterious man was gone. She put two fingers in one of the holes, she felt something moving around within. She tried pulling them apart, but still nothing.

They were glued together tightly. Her heart dropped. She turned her gaze towards her father, He sat on his throne looking shocked.
She turned back to the three pieces and placed a finger inside them. A loud explosion sounded and suddenly the ground opened up, taking Mary down with it.


Hi, @hdprinter.

I really loved this story and I see it is by you. You have a great talent that you should make the most of, however, to grow in this platform you should know that there are many rules, that if you don't follow them it will be impossible for you to advance in Hive.

Even if sometimes your posts don't receive the necessary rewards, you can't publish them again. Not even deleting the content to republish them, because sooner or later Hive Watchers will punish you.

It's a pity, because I see that you write very well. The Spanish translation is perfect, which means that in English it must be perfectly written. The votes come if your content is original, if you are creative, if you are looking to grow. Nothing in this life is easy, but you have talent to write and you already have 50%.

Hi @franchalad, I guess I wanted to know how things worked around here, that's why I kept on deleting, and reposting...but I'm glad you finally showed up to clarify things. I'm happy you at least enjoyed the story.

I'll make sure to apply these rules moving forward.
But I hope I'm still allowed to post the second part to this story here.

Of course you can publish the second part here, the only thing I hope is that you make the most of the opportunity provided by the platform.

Anything improper will be penalized, but if you work hard and strive to get ahead and learn, I am sure you will do very well.

Thanks @franchalad... I appreciate your support.

Don't worry, just try to respect the rules. Anything you need, you can ask me on Twitter. my username is franchalad.

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