Me lo conto un compañero de trabajo que es de seguridad y me pareció interesante compartirlo con ustedes.
Era una tarde normal estábamos en la misma esquina en la moto esperando alguna novedad, en el abasto del señor Tony, tomando como siempre un refresco de limón, todo transcurría normal, pensamos sería una noche tranquila.
El negocio de Tony está ubicado en un lugar muy peculiar, las casas son un poco antiguas, así como el negocio, hace ademan de los artefactos colgados en la pared y en estantes, parece te sumergieras en la caracas de antier, con sus techos rojos, al fondo se escuchaba una canción de Nelson Ned, unos muchachos entraron a comprar dulces y me recordé de mi hijo que estaría en casa viendo televisión con su mamá.
Paso una patrulla a saludarnos y llevarnos la comida de la noche, todo seguía sin novedad, Carlos mi compañero dio un gran bostezo, y fue como un suiche para que hablaran por la radio.
-Alguna comisión cerca del valle.
-Acá grupo motorizado 32.
-Acérquense a el valle a captura de dos delincuentes que vieron desvalijando un carro.
-OK, nos dirigimos.
Prendí mi moto de alta cilindrada, Carlos salto a la parte de atrás y emprendimos a dirigirnos al sitio del siniestro.
Todo bien en la vía, como ya era entrada la noche, no había vehículos que obstaculizaran el movimiento, así que acelere aún más.
A eso de media hora, en la autopista a 120 Km/h, Carlos me grita.
-Parateeeee, coño párate.
I heard about it from a co-worker who works in security and I thought it would be interesting to share it with you.
It was a normal afternoon, we were on the same corner on the motorcycle waiting for something new, at Mr. Tony's grocery store, drinking a lemon soda as usual, everything was going normal, we thought it would be a quiet night.
Tony's business is located in a very peculiar place, the houses are a little old, as well as the business, he makes a gesture of the artifacts hanging on the wall and on shelves, it seems you dive into the Caracas of yesteryear, with its red roofs, in the background you could hear a song by Nelson Ned, some boys came in to buy candy and I remembered my son who would be at home watching TV with his mom.
A patrol passed by to greet us and bring us the food for the night, everything was still uneventful, Carlos my partner gave a big yawn, and it was like a suiche for them to talk on the radio.
-Some commission near the valley.
-Here motorized group 32.
-Go to the valley to capture two delinquents who were seen robbing a car.
-Okay, we're on our way.
I started up my high-displacement motorcycle, Carlos jumped on the back of it and we started to head for the accident site.
Everything was fine on the road, as it was already late at night, there were no vehicles obstructing the movement, so I accelerated even more.
About half an hour later, on the highway at 120 km/h, Carlos yells at me
-Stop it, damn it, stop it.
Me orillo rápidamente.
-Que paso, vale que tienes.
-Pana ayúdame, vamos a devolvernos.
-Pero que paso, viste algo sospechoso.
-No vale es que SE ME CAYO EL OJO.
Resulta que a Carlos un par de años atrás en un enfrentamiento, tuvo un percance y perdió el ojo derecho, el comando colaboro para que se colocara un ojo de vidrio, bueno que es otro material, pero por costumbre se le llama así.
Prendo la moto nuevamente y a unos dos kilómetros según Carlos se le había caído. Comenzamos la búsqueda por todo el lugar, lleno de maleza en las orillas de la carretera, buscábamos afanosamente el ojo perdido. Y afortunadamente lo conseguimos, el ojo allí mirándonos en la cuneta como diciendo aquí estoy panita, lo recogimos se lavó y se colocó Carlos su ojo.
Que suerte lo conseguimos y todo salió bien, porque al llegar al sitio del llamado también capturamos a los sospechosos del robo de carros, todo salió bien y el comando nos felicitó.
I edge me, rapidly.
-What happened, okay you got it.
-Pana, help me, let's go back.
-What happened, did you see something suspicious?
-No, it's just that MY EYE FALLS OUT.
It turns out that Carlos a couple of years ago in a confrontation, had a mishap and lost his right eye, the command collaborated to place a glass eye, well it is another material, but by custom it is called so.
I start the motorcycle again and about two kilometers away, according to Carlos, he had dropped it. We began the search all over the place, full of weeds on the edges of the road, we were looking hard for the lost eye. And fortunately we got it, the eye there looking at us in the gutter as if to say here I am panita, we picked it up, washed it and Carlos put his eye.
We were lucky to get it and everything went well, because when we arrived at the site of the call we also captured the suspects of the car theft, everything went well and the command congratulated us.
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