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RE: The Horrors of Kwiksave: 'No Gawping!'

in Writing Club10 months ago

I feel for you, working in those stores somehow we wanted to paycheck but hell the work was well questionable. Boss leering over your shoulder common problem, KwikSave never stimulated much except hormones by the sound of it.

Never fear I tried the shoe store, grannies coming in to have foot measurements taken tried a pair or two then walked out huffing and puffing about the price, no sale after slogging over smelly old foot syndrome! You bet I feel for young you....



If I was thrown into Kwiksave (December 1980) again with hindsight, I couldn't have changed much. What I do now didn't exist then. It was a shitty time to be in the workplace, and hormones were all we mindless lads had then. Some of us knew more about soap than others.

Doubt the soap story changed much over the years, some still do not know it was invented! We did what we had to, thinking back sometimes (many times) simply slog for a buck or two.

I am still in touch with Welder but daren't send these stories his way, he might get a little upset with me, though it's almost all true.

Definitely don't want them reading your memories from back then. Although they may agree with you over a beer and have a good laugh, just make sure his wife isn't around.