esa que al acércame me eriza
me deja en total evidencia,
del deseo frívolo de amor.
No puedo siquiera imaginar
intentar o querer olvidarla,
esa mirada que me intimida,
mis piernas temblar lo haces chica.
Esos labios de frambuesas,
parece que se han de derramar,
en mi labios sediento de ti,
y el querer probar tu brillo labial.
Vestida de seda blanca,
enmarcada con mi imaginar,
de sandalias floral,
y aquel lazo que predomina tu belleza.
Me miro para ti,
y no asimilo que estés aquí,
a mi lado murmurando amor,
cuando yo lo siento en mi interior.
Par de rosas se posan ante ti,
de mis manos temblar,
una sonrisa de rostro cabizbajo,
una fragancia escondiendo el alma.
No se que es lo que me pasa,
me sudan cuando estas cerca,
manos resbaladizas en tu silueta,
que quieren pasar tus paginas.
Estoy aquí contemplándote,
como un amanecer brillante,
mi noche escarlata,
que iluminas cada estrella.
Mira mi guitarra tocar para ti,
escucha mi voz diciéndote amor
que eres tu la que yo he querido,
eso cuenta la historia de mi sentir.
Las estrofas se quedan cortas,
las palabras insuficientes,
no se si es tu caminar,
o el hecho que me haz de amar.
that one that makes me bristle when I approach it
leaves me in total evidence,
of the frivolous desire of love.
I cannot even imagine
trying or wanting to forget it,
that look that intimidates me,
my legs trembling you do it girl.
Those raspberry lips,
they look like they're about to spill,
on my lips thirsty for you,
and wanting to taste your lip gloss.
Dressed in white silk,
framed with my imagination,
in floral sandals,
and that ribbon that dominates your beauty.
I look at myself for you,
and I do not assimilate that you are here,
by my side murmuring love,
when I feel it inside me.
Pair of roses perch before you,
my hands tremble,
a smile on a crestfallen face,
a fragrance hiding the soul.
I don't know what's wrong with me,
I sweat when you are near,
slippery hands on your silhouette,
that want to turn your pages.
I'm here contemplating you,
like a bright dawn,
my scarlet night,
that you light up every star.
Watch my guitar play for you,
listen to my voice telling you love
that it is you that I have loved,
that tells the story of my feelings.
The verses fall short,
the words insufficient,
I don't know if it's your walk,
or the fact that you have loved me.

This poem is beautiful. I have written many poems for my beloved and I will share them tomorrow. There is nothing as beautiful as what one writes with love. Thank you for sharing.
It has captured my heart to read this, I hope your beloved likes it. Thank you.
You are welcome, I feel happy to see that poems ^^
Me faltan palabras para declarar lo precioso de tu poema.
Muchas gracias me contenta saber que a un poeta como usted le haya gustado.