[Esp/Eng]Examen final/Final exam

in Writing Club2 years ago

Era el día del examen final, el día para el que todo el mundo se había estado preparando. Los estudiantes de todo el campus se apresuraban a conseguir material de estudio de última hora, y atiborrarse de tanta información como fuera posible. Todo el mundo tenía prisa por asegurarse de tener todo lo necesario para el gran día.

En el centro de todo estaba Amanda. Estaba en su último año de universidad y éste era el examen final que determinaría su futuro. Llevaba meses estudiando, dedicando muchas horas al día, para asegurarse de que aprobaría el examen con nota. Estaba decidida a hacerlo bien, no sólo por ella, sino también por su familia.

El examen iba a ser duro. Amanda lo sabía. Era un examen exhaustivo, que abarcaba todo lo que había aprendido en los últimos cuatro años de universidad. Iba a ser una verdadera prueba de sus conocimientos, sus habilidades y su determinación. Pero Amanda estaba preparada. Había trabajado duro y estaba segura de que aprobaría el examen.

Mientras se dirigía a la sala de exámenes, Amanda no podía evitar la emoción. Estaba ansiosa por ver qué le deparaba el día. Cuando por fin llegó a la sala, se sorprendió al ver que estaba llena de compañeros, todos tan decididos como ella a hacerlo bien. Todos parecían nerviosos, pero Amanda podía ver la determinación en sus ojos, y eso la reconfortó.

Cuando empezó el examen, Amanda respiró hondo y empezó a leer las preguntas. Las primeras fueron fáciles, pero a medida que avanzaba el examen, notaba cómo aumentaba la presión. Intentó concentrarse en las preguntas, pero su mente no paraba de divagar. Podía sentir la tensión en la sala y sabía que todos los demás estaban sintiendo lo mismo.

Amanda intentó apartar los pensamientos y concentrarse en las preguntas. Había estudiado para esto y sabía que podía hacerlo. Leyó detenidamente cada pregunta, tratando de encontrarle sentido, y luego anotó sus respuestas.

A medida que avanzaba el examen, Amanda se sentía cada vez más nerviosa. Sentía que se le aceleraba el corazón y le empezaban a temblar las manos. Intentó mantener la calma, pero la presión le podía. Sabía que tenía que seguir, que no podía rendirse.

Y entonces, justo cuando estaba a punto de perder la esperanza, Amanda tuvo un momento de claridad. De repente se dio cuenta de que el examen no se trataba sólo de las respuestas. Era sobre ella, sobre su determinación, su perseverancia y su capacidad para seguir adelante incluso cuando las cosas se ponían difíciles. Era una prueba de su carácter y estaba decidida a superarla con éxito.

Con una nueva sensación de confianza, Amanda dejó a un lado sus miedos y terminó el examen. Cuando terminó, sintió alivio, una sensación de logro. Lo había conseguido. Había aprobado el examen final.

Al salir de la sala de exámenes, Amanda fue recibida por sus compañeros de clase, que la felicitaban por su éxito. Todos la abrazaron y Amanda pudo sentir el cariño y el apoyo que le profesaban. Se sintió orgullosa de haber hecho lo que se había propuesto.

Y mientras Amanda se alejaba, no podía evitar sentirse agradecida. Agradecida por su familia, por sus amigos y por todos los que la habían apoyado en este viaje. Sabía que no habría llegado tan lejos sin ellos y estaba agradecida por su amor y su apoyo.

Amanda había aprobado el examen final.


               * Spanish 

It was the final exam day, the day that everyone had been preparing for. Students all over the campus were hustling and bustling, trying to get their hands on last-minute study materials, cramming in as much information as possible. Everyone was in a rush, trying to make sure they had everything they needed for the big day.

At the heart of it all was Amanda. She was a senior in college, and this was the final exam that would determine her future. She had been studying for months, putting in long hours every day, trying to make sure that she would pass this exam with flying colors. She was determined to do well, not just for herself, but for her family as well.

The exam was going to be tough. Amanda knew that. It was a comprehensive exam, covering everything she had learned over the past four years of college. It was going to be a true test of her knowledge, her skills, and her determination. But Amanda was ready. She had worked hard, and she was confident that she would ace this exam.

As she made her way to the exam hall, Amanda couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. She was eager to see what the day had in store for her. When she finally reached the hall, she was pleasantly surprised to see that the room was filled with her classmates, all of whom were just as determined as she was to do well. They all looked nervous, but Amanda could see the determination in their eyes, and it gave her a sense of comfort.

As the exam began, Amanda took a deep breath and began to read the questions. The first few were easy, but as the exam progressed, she could feel the pressure building. She tried to focus, to concentrate on the questions, but her mind kept wandering. She could feel the tension in the room, and she knew that everyone else was feeling the same way.

Amanda tried to push the thoughts aside and concentrate on the questions. She had studied for this, and she knew she could do it. She read each question carefully, trying to make sense of it, and then jotted down her answers.

As the exam progressed, Amanda could feel herself getting more and more nervous. She could feel her heart racing, and her hands were starting to shake. She tried to stay calm, but the pressure was getting to her. She knew that she had to keep going, that she couldn't give up.

And then, just as she was about to lose hope, Amanda had a moment of clarity. She suddenly realized that the exam wasn't just about the answers. It was about her, about her determination, her perseverance, and her ability to keep going even when things got tough. It was a test of her character, and she was determined to pass it with flying colors.

With a newfound sense of confidence, Amanda pushed aside her fears and finished the exam. When she was done, she felt a sense of relief, a sense of accomplishment. She had done it. She had passed the final exam.

As she left the exam hall, Amanda was greeted by her classmates, all of whom were congratulating her on her success. They all hugged her, and Amanda could feel the love and support that they had for her. She was filled with a sense of pride, knowing that she had done what she had set out to do.

And as Amanda walked away, she couldn't help but feel grateful. Grateful for her family, for her friends, and for everyone who had supported her through this journey. She knew that she wouldn't have made it this far without them, and she was grateful for their love and support.

Amanda had passed the final exam.