Guardia [ESP-ENG]

in Writing Club2 years ago (edited)



Horas y minutos, lentos, implacables, casi inseguros, pero continuos, avanzan sobre aquel pasillo. Piernas casi inmovibles, guiadas por la inercia de la necia conciencia, reacia a permitir un fallo sobre aquel cuerpo, inmutado, frente al pasillo, observando, analizando, escuchando, cada paso, suspiro, toque, hasta el más mínimo aleteo de las alas de una mosca.

Hours and minutes, slow, implacable, almost insecure, but continuous, advance on that corridor. Legs almost immobile, guided by the inertia of the foolish conscience, reluctant to allow a failure on that body, unmoving, in front of the corridor, observing, analyzing, listening, every step, sigh, touch, even the slightest flapping of the wings of a fly.

6:00 am

No es ni de cerca la primera vez que está despierto horas antes de las 6. Su desayuno, preparado por él mismo, engullido con ferocidad, cual depredador que ha capturado a su presa, gustoso, lo hace olvidar por momentos el sabor amargo de recordar, que debe abandonar su hogar, por un periodo predeterminado de tiempo. Es parte de su actividad diaria, antes de las 6, despertarse, hacer una corta rutina de ejercicios, darse una ducha, preparar el desayuno, y lo que será su almuerzo. Terminado todo su ritual, dispuesto con su uniforme, con una chaqueta encima, para evitar se ensucie, por diversas causas ajenas a él.

It is not nearly the first time he is awake hours before 6. His breakfast, prepared by himself, gobbled with ferocity, like a predator that has captured its prey, makes him forget for moments the bitter taste of remembering that he must leave his home for a predetermined period of time. It is part of his daily activity, before 6 o'clock, to wake up, do a short exercise routine, take a shower, prepare breakfast, and what will be his lunch. Finished all his ritual, ready with his uniform, with a jacket on top, to avoid getting dirty, for various reasons beyond his control.


Cerradura pasada, abrazo de despedida, “nos vemos en la noche”, la más común y recurrente antes de marcar el paso hacia su puesto. Como muchas mañanas, esta es fría, puede notarse vestigios de neblina alejarse, que le erizan la piel. El sol sale poco a poco, más, la calle está ligeramente solitaria, unos cuantos carros pasan, a mucha prisa, quizá por la lejanía de los empleos de sus dueños, o para dejar a tiempo a sus chicos en el colegio, quien sabe, pensamientos fugaces. Sus zapatos un poco desgastados, pero aún con vida por delante, soportaban su peso y lo protegían del agua y los charcos, que a su vez rodeaba.

Lock passed, goodbye hug, "see you tonight", the most common and recurrent before marking the passage to his post. Like many mornings, this one is cold, you can notice traces of fog drifting away, making your skin crawl. The sun rises slowly, more, the street is slightly lonely, a few cars pass by, in a hurry, perhaps because of the remoteness of their owners' jobs, or to leave their kids at school on time, who knows, fleeting thoughts. His shoes a little worn, but still with life ahead of them, supported his weight and protected him from the water and puddles, which he in turn surrounded.

Esa mañana era particularmente más fría, la luz solar era escasa, nubes grises se aproximaban silenciosas, aún sin caer una gota, era evidente lo que se aproximaba. No traía paraguas, pero la chaqueta no lo protegería lo suficiente. No importaba, solo continuó avanzando. Pasando cerca de callejones, una vía solitaria, avanzando a través de una zona comercial improvisada, ligeramente ruidosa y agitada, con las personas colocando sus puestos, acomodando sus mesas, cada una buscando una manera de ganarse dignamente la vida. Algo de todos los días, “Todos tienen algo que vender”, pensaba para sí mismo, mientras saludaba al peluquero que siempre obraba a la misma hora, y el que ya conocía, pues suele cortar su cabello en su puesto.

That morning was particularly colder, sunlight was scarce, gray clouds were silently approaching, even without a drop falling, it was evident what was coming. He didn't have an umbrella, but the jacket wouldn't protect him enough. It didn't matter, he just kept moving forward. Passing near alleys, a lonely road, advancing through a makeshift shopping area, slightly noisy and hectic, with people setting up their stalls, arranging their tables, each one looking for a way to make a decent living. Something of every day, "Everyone has something to sell," he thought to himself, as he greeted the hairdresser who always worked at the same time, and the one he already knew, as he usually cuts his hair at his stall.

Atravesando la zona comercial, aún le quedaban unas cuadras por recorrer, el clima que amenazaba, había pasado a la ofensiva, con lluvia, creciente, y vientos ligeramente congelantes. Subió el cierre completo de su chaqueta, empezaba a hacer más frío, su cabeza se mojaba, aunque logró encontrar un techo para resguardarse un momento, seguía lejos. Estaba casi sobre la hora, pero sabía que la lluvia era una excusa válida para la tardanza, no había preocupación. La lluvia disminuye su fuerza, retoma el paso.

Crossing the shopping area, he still had a few blocks to go, the threatening weather had gone on the offensive, with rain, rising, and slightly freezing winds. He zipped up his jacket, it was starting to get colder, his head was getting wet, although he managed to find a roof to shelter him for a moment, he was still far away. He was almost on time, but he knew that the rain was a valid excuse for the delay, there was no worry. The rain lessens its force, he picks up his pace.


Logra llegar a su puesto, es uno de los primeros, ni siquiera su superior había llegado aún, siempre es el último. Llegado su superior, puesto en fila, junto a otros, es enviado al pasillo 4, el recurrente, sabía cómo manejarlo, casi siempre está cubriéndolo. Las horas de la mañana no suelen ser pesadas, las personas se aglomeran a eso de las 12:00pm, la hora del almuerzo de los de su calaña, y donde más se requiere su presencia, irónico.

He manages to reach his post, he is one of the first, not even his superior had arrived yet, he is always the last. Arrived his superior, put in line, along with others, he is sent to aisle 4, the recurrent, he knew how to handle it, he is almost always covering it. The morning hours are not usually heavy, people crowd around 12:00pm, the lunch hour of his ilk, and where his presence is most required, ironic.

Con los ojos fríos, puestos sobre aquel pasillo, vigilando y acercándose con naturalidad a los curiosos clientes, que a su vez debía tratar como sospechosos. Respondía alguna que otra duda de los clientes, orientaba un poco a los confusos, riendo por lo bajo a alguna que otra broma que alguno hacía, evadiendo y cuidando de no caer en conversaciones inútiles. “No te distraigas, todos pueden ser sospechosos, no te queremos amable, te queremos alerta, no pierdas tiempo” frases que recordaba apenas comenzó. Casualmente, en esos días, ocurrió un robo, justo al lado de su pasillo, fue una suerte que no haya sido en el suyo, o una advertencia del destino, lo hizo estar alerta, el pobre desgraciado encargado de cuidar ese lado, no tuvo suerte, fue expulsado al instante.

With cold eyes, set on that aisle, watching and approaching naturally to the curious customers, which in turn he had to treat as suspects. He answered the occasional doubt of the customers, gave a little guidance to the confused ones, laughing under his breath at the occasional joke that someone made, evading and taking care not to fall into useless conversations. "Don't get distracted, everyone can be suspicious, we don't want you nice, we want you alert, don't waste time" phrases he remembered as soon as he started. Coincidentally, in those days, a robbery occurred, right next to his hallway, it was lucky that it was not in his, or a warning from destiny, it made him alert, the poor wretch in charge of guarding that side, was not lucky, he was expelled instantly.

Aunque pareciera sencillo, no lo era, las horas eran extenuantes, y no había mucho que hacer. Ese día en particular, no era nada especial. El tormento para él, vendría después. Con solo 15 minutos para almorzar y descansar, era su turno, y aprovechaba cada segundo, por poco. Terminada su comida, lavando sus manos, y vuelto a su puesto, continuaba.

Although it seemed simple, it was not, the hours were exhausting, and there was not much to do. That particular day was nothing special. The torment for him would come later. With only 15 minutes for lunch and rest, it was his turn, and he took advantage of every second, just barely. Having finished his meal, washed his hands, and returned to his post, he continued.


Una hora después, algo le ocurre, no puede mantener los ojos bien abiertos ¿Está cansado? No, le están ardiendo, como si estuviese dentro de un horno, la cabeza empieza a dolerle y calentarse, respira, intenta mantenerse en pie, es una tortura, todo su cuerpo quiere ceder, y aún le quedan horas encima. “No te desplomes” Se decía a sí mismo, no podía hacer nada, decir sobre su estado actual sería un pecado para sus superiores, y supondría una enorme falta de compromiso.

An hour later, something happens to him, he can't keep his eyes wide open, is he tired? No, they are burning, as if he were inside an oven, his head starts to ache and get hot, he breathes, tries to stand up, it's torture, his whole body wants to give in, and he still has hours to go. "Don't collapse" He said to himself, he couldn't do anything, to say about his current condition would be a sin for his superiors, and it would mean a huge lack of commitment.

Aunque avisase de su condición con un día de anticipo, era inaceptable, o estabas o no. ¿Qué alternativas tenía? Una parte de él deseaba solo colapsar en medio de todo y alejarse voluntariamente de su “responsabilidad”. No importaba su esfuerzo previo, estaba en la cuerda floja, había recibido amenazas de despido, quería probar su valía. Como pudo, se sobre ponía.

Even if he gave a day's notice of his condition, it was unacceptable, either you were there or you weren't. What choice did he have? Part of him wanted to just collapse in the middle of it all and voluntarily walk away from his "responsibility". No matter his previous efforts, he was in over his head, he had received threats of dismissal, he wanted to prove his worth. As best he could, he overdid it.

La fiebre apenas lo dejaba respirar, pero él no se rendía, continuó, hasta finalizar su jornada, de casi 14 horas. Era un sábado, aún así debía volver el domingo. Mientras volvía por sus pertenencias, alguno que otro compañero lo invitaba a beber, el rechazó cortésmente, nadie de ese lugar podía ser considerado su amigo, como todos, solo esperaban la hora de la salida para aprovechar y desahogarse en cigarrillos y botellas, el solo quería volver a casa, y más ese día, con malestar encima.

The fever barely let him breathe, but he did not give up, he continued, until the end of his day, almost 14 hours. It was a Saturday, but he still had to return on Sunday. While he returned for his belongings, one or another of his colleagues invited him to drink, he politely refused, no one in that place could be considered his friend, like everyone else, they were just waiting for the time to leave to take advantage and let off steam with cigarettes and bottles, he just wanted to go home, and more so that day, with discomfort on top of it.

Ese día, debía ser de paga, no obtuvo ni un penique, ninguno de los de su calaña, el jefe se quejó de todos aludiendo falta de compromiso y mediocre desempeño en general, al parecer es motivo suficiente para abusar del tiempo ajeno, casi un mes sin paga. Él, completamente decepcionado y enojado, esperó hasta el domingo, repitiendo la rutina, cuyo día, llegó la ansiada paga, miserable e inservible, era el valor de su tiempo para los altos. Al final, nos ven igual a todos, desechables, siempre habrá alguien más de quién aprovechar su necesidad “Yo no los necesito” pensó, y ese mismo día, entregó el uniforme, nunca más volvió.

That day, he was supposed to be paid, he did not get a penny, none of his kind, the boss complained about everyone alluding to lack of commitment and mediocre performance in general, apparently it is reason enough to abuse other people's time, almost a month without pay. He, completely disappointed and angry, waited until Sunday, repeating the routine, which day, the longed-for pay arrived, miserable and useless, was the value of his time for the higher-ups. In the end, they see us all the same, disposable, there will always be someone else to take advantage of their need "I don't need them" he thought, and that same day, he handed in the uniform, never to return.

Entendió que el mundo es complicado, y hay quienes quieren facilitar su mundo, haciendo más difícil el de otros.

He understood that the world is complicated, and there are those who want to make their world easier, making the world of others more difficult.



Me gustó mucho la narrativa, me hiciste inclusive sentir el frío y la angustia de él, por no querer desplomarse. Una historia con muchos matices. Buen trabajo.