PROMISCUITY in married women

in Writing Clublast year

Hello hivians,

Today we are going to look into this word "PROMISCUITY IN MARRIED WOMEN"

PROMISCUITY:- what is this word? According today's English, the word means an acts of having many sexual partners.
a state of being promiscuous

Now let us consider the causes of this promiscuity or the state of being promiscuous. So in this article we will see the causes, the effect and the possible suggested solution.


causes of promiscuity

UNHEALTHY COMPETITION:- if the husband is promiscuous constantly cheating on the wife, showing no respect or regards to the wife in the course of his sexual exploitation the wife may be challenge to also give a try which will later lead to perfection in the profession ( promiscuity ).
Generally we know women has a large heart when it comes to accommodating men they also understand that men are polygamous but the woman can only react when the husband fail to recognise her existence before she can get into such competition.

LOVE :- lack of love on both parties, some couple get into marriage because of material love , sympathy, physical attraction which may not last long . Some get into marriage because of the man ability to perform well on bed without taking into cognisance that those attributes or the bases for their love are not constant and is liable to change .
For example wealth can be disparage, beauty is likely to gradually growing faints and disappear, capacity to last 45 minute to one hour on bed will reduce to likely 1% or 0% ( one percent to zero percent) as he the man is aging. But if their reasons for marriage where base on genuine love and understanding the outcome will not be the reverse.

POOR RELATIONSHIP/ COMMUNICATION:- in a situation where husband and wife are not living in a good and harmonious relationship in the house , relating well as husband and wife having adult discussion from time to time , thinking freely exist together as one family the woman may feel unsafe and decided to have a communication or discussion partner outside and this may leads her to think of having pleasure outside her matrimonial home.
Some men are very regid, hard they don't gist with their wife they don't crack jokes and this give room to for another man to cause their wife to laugh and happy. any woman who is not happy she is not celebrated , she is not being appreciated can fall in for any little opportunity that can make her breath fresh air.

--- DOMESTIC VIOLENCE:- some men are born violent and no woman like a violent man and to be beating up and down. Every woman love to be love and to be pamper. And love can only thrives where there is peace , feelings and urge can only grow where there's closeness and romance. In recent time , is been everywhere on the news and social media where women are losing their lifes because of domestic violence and mishandling by men who pretends to love them. No sensible or reasonable woman having known that the husband is posses by the spirit of violence will develop an affection or a bit of love for such a man. Rather she will look else way that she can find peace and the required pet.

HEALTH :- health ground, sickness sometimes can be attributed to nature and is no respecter of any class of human being, if the husband is a person with a health challenge that disable him from satisfying the wife sexually or mismanage the health situation that may result into the wife seeking an alternative means of satisfying her sexual desire or urge. But outsiders will not understand what the woman is passing through in the house but they will still attributes it to unfaithfulness in the path of the woman.

FRIENDS MOTIVATION:- some women are motivated or lure into bad habit because of the kind of company they keep. Bad friend has a way of influencing by enticing words, wrong advice before you know it the woman will begin to give a thought to the friend advice and that end it.

GREED :- women are not contented with what they have they have big eye for something but they can not work to achieve them. They want to satisfy all their need by all means without financial ability to back it up. By so doing they will be tempted to do what they suppose not to do just to satisfy their numerous need forgetting that human wants are insatiable.

HUSBAND CONTRIBUTION OR ROLE :- primarily it is the responsibility of the husband to Cater for the need of the wife as the Bible called them the head of the family. It is also a priority and responsibility of the husband to provide for the wife the necessary protection and above all it is mandatory on the husband to love the wife and cherish her. Where all these qualities are lacking, the tendency for the wife to misbehave is high.

COMPANIONSHIP Is spending time with someone the by keeping the person company, in companionships you both shares your dream and aspirations. So when this is lacking in marriage the relationship become toxic and unhealthy and the by leading to seeking where to find solace.

SEXUAL NEGLIGENCE:- Sex is the food of the body as well as food is normal and compulsory for our daily life so is sex in any marriage. When a man abandon or neglect satisfying the wife sexually the reverse is the case some men deliberately starve their wife of sex some busy and forget their wife tell me why the wife won't look else way for satisfaction because it is natural. Libido is natural the moment she can not control the urge she is in a high chance of misbehaving.

"The Effects Of Promiscuity"
This come from the both partners that's the husband and the wife.
Promiscuity is a tool to broken marriages it causes disaffection, plant seed of discord among couple.
If the wife is promiscuous the husband love, affection, desire for the wife dies automatically.
In the vein of the husband happen to be the victim
The wife care, love, concern will reduce having known that any of the party is involved in such acts it may lead the parties into having a raise blood pressure and this most time leads to dead, some couple commit suicide coming to realise the level of unfaithfulness from any of them.
It also smear untold shame to the family where they come from
It also affect the reputation of the woman in the society and also has serious effect on the children.

Having look into the causes of promiscuity in marriage and the effect to the family and the society at large.
All things being equal the husband has to love, provide, protect, care, support, appreciate, cherish and most importantly satisfy their wifes sexually by so doing the rate of promiscuity in marriage will decrease and we will have a better home and society.

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