THE PERFECT ONE (story). [ENG / ESP] || EL PERFECTO (cuento). [ENG / ESP]

in Writing Club3 years ago


This is a fictional story about a young lad who had searched and waited for a perfect and flawless lady to marry. He finally found the lady of his dreams but it turned out that he just couldn't marry her. The story is a product of my imagination and teaches an important lesson about life


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It was love at first sight, Jack couldn't just take his eyes off her, he starred in amazement as this beautiful damsel walked past. Her beauty was stunning, she was sexy, with a smooth face decorated with sparkling hazel eyes, a cute straight pointed nose and a soft creasy pink lips. She looked like a goddess, she was fair , curvy, straight legged, had a long dark hair cascading down to a slim waist and an eye-popping backside. she was just perfect. She was the girl of his dream, the kind of lady he had been searching for.


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He had never seen such a beauty in his neighborhood before and so he couldn't just resist the urge to follow her and know where she was from or where she was heading to.
He followed her as she moved, his eyes still fixed at her backside. She walked slowly and gracefully and he followed with a slower pace thinking of whether he should just approach her immediately or not.

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He finally decided that he would just trail her to where she was going to and would talk to her some other time when he was well dressed and prepared. He felt he wasn't ready and didn't want to leave a bad first impression. He really liked her and didn't want to take any rash decision that may just ruin his chances of getting her to like him back.

His eyes still fixed on her dangling butt, he stepped on a banana peel and tripped, he fell down slamming his back on the ground.


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Unfortunately and fortunately, the sound of his fall made her turn, she ran and helped him to his feet. He was now looking messy and blood had started trickling down his elbow.
Empathising with him, she asked, "what made you fall ?, are you ok ?".

He couldn't utter a word, "your waist made me lose focus" Jack said in his heart. He kept on cleaning the sand that clung to his clothes, he didn't know if he should be sad or happy.

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The girl insisted that he followed her to her house which was just by the corner so she could give him water to clean himself up properly. Jack followed her and got himself cleaned up.


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He thanked her for everything then asked her what her name was, "Betty is my name" she said, in a low melodious voice. "how about you, what is your name ?" she asked jack, looking at him in the eyes. Jack was hypnotized by her beautiful hazel eyes and the sound of her voice, he didn't know when he said " my name is Betty". "bettty ??", she retorted, trying to hold the laughter that filled her mouth. "No!! , I mean my name is Jacky, no jack ", he corrected hastily, stuttering as he spoke .

Betty finally let out the laughter, she laughed so hard that her laughter made jack feel a bit awkward and embarrassed. "can I get your phone number ?" , Jack asked as he joined in the laughter in a bid to digress and break the awkwardness.

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Betty hesitated but later gave jack the number. "you're really funny and I like you", she said to him as she handed over a sheet of paper on which she had written her number.

Jack went home feeling so happy. He went about telling his friends about the beautiful damsel he met. he told them about how she was not only beautiful but also very kind and cultured. He talked so much about her that everyone was eager to see Betty. They wanted to see the girl that was driving Jack crazy.

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Although he had just met Betty, he was persuaded that she was going to be his wife. He even called his mum to tell her about Betty and how how he would like to have her as a wife.

Jack's meeting with Betty made him so happy and restful. For years now he had been searching for love, for a lady he would spend the rest of his life with, he was really convinced that Betty was the perfect one and that he was definitely going to marry her. His friends told him not to count his chickens before they hatched, they felt he was too excited and was losing his sense of reasoning plus they feared that if he continued that way, he would be very hurt if things didn't eventually work out as he envisages. Jack assured them that he knew what he was doing and that he was definitely going to marry Betty and everything would definitely work out well


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The next week, Mike travelled home to see parents like he always did once every month, he ceased the opportunity to properly inform them of the new girl he met and how he planned to marry her.

His parents were really pleased, they were happy for him. They were happy that he finally found someone he loved, someone he now thinks is good enough to be his wife. Previously , he would always say that he had not seen the perfect one, that all the ladies he had seen lacked one vital quality or the other. Although his mum had told him that there was no perfect lady and had even suggested and recommended some beautiful girls to him, he would always reject the ladies saying that they were either not beautiful enough or they were not intelligent or kind enough. His parents were really happy and prayed that things would work out well for him this time.


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The next day he went out with his parents to visit his dad's younger brother (uncle Joe) who had just returned from a foreign country. Uncle Joe left the country many years ago while he was still a kid. The only thing he knows about this uncle is that he is rich, plus his dad had once told him that uncle Joe had two children out of wedlock while he was still in the country, and that the children were taken care of by their mum and didn't travel abroad with uncle Joe. Jack had never seen uncle Joe or any of his children before and so he was really eager to see them.

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As soon as they arrived at Uncle Joe's house, uncle Joe rushed out to greet them, he was really excited to see Jack's dad ( his brother). Jack was fascinated at how much uncle Joe looked like his dad, they looked very much like twins. Uncle Joe took them in and made sure they were comfortable while he went in to get his children so he could introduce them to their relatives. Jack was really excited, he couldn't just wait to see his cousins.

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As uncle Joe walked in and his children followed, immediately the very beautiful and jolly day became sour for, Mike was utterly shocked and broken as he saw Betty. He wiped his face with his hands and squinted his eyes so he could see clearly and he found out that it was Betty he was seeing. He found out that his new found love which he plans to get married to is uncle Joe's daughter. Mike was really disappointed and dejected, he wished it was all a dream. He was even more frustrated because he had told people about Betty, he didn't know how he would now face them, he wished he had never told his parents and friends about Betty.


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Versión en español

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Esta es una historia ficticia sobre un joven que había buscado y esperado una dama perfecta e impecable para casarse. Finalmente encontró a la dama de sus sueños pero resultó que no pudo casarse con ella. La historia es producto de mi imaginación y enseña una buena moral


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Fue amor a primera vista, Jack no podía dejar de mirarla, miraba asombrado como pasaba esta hermosa damisela. Su belleza era impresionante, era sexy, con una cara lisa decorada con brillantes ojos avellana, una linda nariz recta y puntiaguda y unos suaves labios rosados. Parecía una diosa, era rubia, curvilínea, de piernas rectas, tenía una larga melena oscura que caía en cascada hasta una cintura delgada y un trasero de infarto. Era la chica de sus sueños, el tipo de dama que había estado buscando.


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Nunca antes había visto una belleza semejante en su barrio, por lo que no pudo resistir el impulso de seguirla y saber de dónde era o a dónde se dirigía.
La siguió mientras se movía, con los ojos todavía fijos en su trasero. Ella caminaba lenta y elegantemente y él la seguía con un paso más lento pensando si debía acercarse a ella inmediatamente o no.

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Finalmente decidió que se limitaría a seguirla hasta donde se dirigía y que hablaría con ella en otro momento, cuando estuviera bien vestido y preparado. Sentía que no estaba preparado y no quería dejar una mala primera impresión. Ella le gustaba mucho y no quería tomar ninguna decisión precipitada que pudiera arruinar sus posibilidades de volver a gustarle.

Sus ojos seguían fijos en su trasero colgante, pisó una cáscara de plátano y tropezó, cayó golpeando su espalda en el suelo.


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Por desgracia y por suerte, el sonido de su caída la hizo girar, corrió y le ayudó a ponerse en pie. Ahora tenía un aspecto desordenado y la sangre había empezado a chorrear por su codo.
Empatizando con él, le preguntó: "¿Qué te hizo caer?, ¿estás bien?".

El no pudo pronunciar una palabra, "tu cintura me hizo perder la concentración" dijo Jack en su corazón. Siguió limpiando la arena que se pegaba a su ropa, no sabía si debía estar triste o contento.

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La chica insistió en que la siguiera a su casa que estaba justo en la esquina para que le diera agua para limpiarse bien. Jack la siguió y se aseó.


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Le dio las gracias por todo y luego le preguntó cómo se llamaba, "Betty es mi nombre" dijo ella, con una voz baja y melodiosa. "¿Y tú, cómo te llamas?" le preguntó a Jack, mirándolo a los ojos. Jack estaba hipnotizado por sus hermosos ojos color avellana y el sonido de su voz, no supo cuando dijo " mi nombre es Betty". "¿Bettty?", replicó ella, tratando de contener la risa que le llenaba la boca. "¡No!, quiero decir que me llamo Jacky, no jack", corrigió apresuradamente, tartamudeando al hablar.

Betty finalmente soltó la carcajada, se rió tan fuerte que su risa hizo que Jack se sintiera un poco incómodo y avergonzado. "¿Puedes darme tu número de teléfono?" , preguntó Jack mientras se unía a la risa en un intento de divagar y romper la incomodidad.

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Betty dudó pero luego le dio el número a Jack. "eres muy divertido y me gustas", le dijo mientras le entregaba una hoja en la que había escrito su número.

Jack se fue a casa sintiéndose muy feliz. Se dedicó a hablar a sus amigos de la bella dama que había conocido. Les contó que no sólo era guapa, sino también muy amable y culta. Habló tanto de ella que todos estaban ansiosos por ver a Betty. Querían ver a la chica que volvía loco a Jack.

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Aunque acababa de conocer a Betty, estaba convencido de que iba a ser su esposa. Incluso llamó a su madre para hablarle de Betty y de cómo le gustaría tenerla como esposa.

El encuentro de Jack con Betty le hizo muy feliz y descansado. Llevaba años buscando el amor, una mujer con la que pasar el resto de su vida, estaba realmente convencido de que Betty era la perfecta y que definitivamente se iba a casar con ella. Sus amigos le dijeron que no contara sus pollos antes de nacer, sentían que estaba demasiado excitado y que estaba perdiendo el sentido de la razón, además temían que si seguía así, se sentiría muy herido si las cosas no acababan por funcionar como él preveía. Jack les aseguró que sabía lo que estaba haciendo y que definitivamente se iba a casar con Betty y que todo saldría bien

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A la semana siguiente, Mike viajó a casa para ver a sus padres como siempre hacía una vez al mes, dejó de lado la oportunidad de informarles adecuadamente de la nueva chica que había conocido y de cómo planeaba casarse con ella.

Sus padres estaban muy contentos, se alegraban por él. Estaban contentos de que por fin hubiera encontrado a alguien a quien quería, alguien que ahora cree que es lo suficientemente buena para ser su esposa. Antes, siempre decía que no había visto a la perfecta, que todas las mujeres que había visto carecían de una u otra cualidad vital. Aunque su madre le había dicho que no había ninguna mujer perfecta e incluso le había sugerido y recomendado algunas chicas guapas, él siempre las rechazaba diciendo que no eran lo suficientemente guapas o que no eran lo suficientemente inteligentes o amables. Sus padres estaban muy contentos y rezaban para que las cosas le salieran bien esta vez.

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Al día siguiente salió con sus padres a visitar al hermano menor de su padre (el tío Joe) que acababa de regresar de un país extranjero. El tío Joe se fue del país hace muchos años, cuando él todavía era un niño. Lo único que sabe de este tío es que es rico, además de que su padre le había contado una vez que el tío Joe había tenido dos hijos fuera del matrimonio cuando aún estaba en el país, y que los niños estaban al cuidado de su madre y no viajaban al extranjero con el tío Joe. Jack nunca había visto al tío Joe ni a ninguno de sus hijos, por lo que estaba muy ansioso por verlos.

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En cuanto llegaron a la casa del tío Joe, éste salió corriendo a recibirlos, estaba realmente emocionado de ver al padre de Jack (su hermano). Jack estaba fascinado por lo mucho que se parecía el tío Joe a su padre, se parecían mucho a los gemelos. El tío Joe los acogió y se aseguró de que estuvieran cómodos mientras entraba a buscar a sus hijos para presentarles a sus familiares. Jack estaba realmente emocionado, no podía esperar a ver a sus primos.

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Cuando el tío Joe entró y sus hijos le siguieron, inmediatamente el día tan bonito y alegre se volvió agrio, Mike se quedó totalmente sorprendido y roto al ver a Betty. Se limpió la cara con las manos y entrecerró los ojos para poder ver con claridad y descubrió que era Betty a quien estaba viendo. Descubrió que su nuevo amor con el que planeaba casarse era la hija del tío Joe. Mike estaba realmente decepcionado y abatido, deseaba que todo fuera un sueño. Estaba aún más frustrado porque le había contado a la gente lo de Betty, no sabía cómo se enfrentaría ahora a ellos, deseaba no haberle contado nunca a sus padres y amigos lo de Betty.


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Thank you so much for reading my story

I hope you enjoyed the it

This story is original and is written by me @luckydrums

All images used are well sourced and are from free image sites

Special thanks to this community and to my friend @susurrodmisterio for always reading my stories. I appreciate you


Saludos, me gusto mucho este escrito. Este joven creo que se dejó llevar por el amor a primera vista, no creía en nadie, se sentía muy seguro de lo que estaba haciendo, aun así sin escuchar a nadie. Ahora está decepcionada, triste y solo por no haberse esperado unos días más para así conocer mejor a dicha joven.

Gracias por compartirlo con nosotros. Saludos.

Thanks alot for stopping by. I really appreciate

Bravo!, Very nice story.
I really like the way you described the character Betty, it made me begin to love her too, I could easily picture how beautiful she is in my heart.

I also like the twist at the end, Indeed there is no perfect person and we really need to take our time and research before making decisions.

Thanks for stopping by. I am glad you enjoyed the story

Great story!
I would like to know if there is a continuation, A forbidden romance?

Thanks for sharing!!! I like your writing!

Thanks for reading. I may consider making a continuation, depending on the response and support I get from the story. Thanks once again

Oops... Well things just got interesting. I would really love to know how they would proceed from there.
While its quite obvious what they do, pesky organs like the heart would be telling them otherwise😇
This is a beautiful story indeed. I am glad i read it😇