What a rough play. I'm glad that they got back together, if not, they'd have made the biggest mistake of their life.
Our past should stay in the past where it belongs.
What a rough play. I'm glad that they got back together, if not, they'd have made the biggest mistake of their life.
Our past should stay in the past where it belongs.
Wow look who we have here 😳 where have you been? How have you been? 😅 Too many questions already, answer them o 🙄
Yeah, rough play indeed 😂 they are lucky they realised early enough.
These questions are already causing my brain to spin. Lol
Away from where @merit.ahama could see me. 😄
Quite good. I can see that you're pouring out good content still. Kudos.
Hope you're good?
And why would you? Whatever happened to the mmykel that shares awesome write ups?
I'm okay sha, just that you forget about me 😕
Two questions again. Lol 🙆
Well I had a lot of things to work on. That Mmykel is much alive. He is here.
You don't believe this right? You know I didn't and I wouldn't forget you. 😄
Meanwhile my dm on discord is widely open. 😄