Forbidden corners || Rincones prohibidos (ENG/ESP)

in Writing Club2 years ago

Forbidden corners

Author: @nachomolina2

image source: pixabay

These corners of the world
they are covered in salt
and others,
with such indifference,
free the body
of your sorrows,

Your passion
who never tires of going through them
and to my mind
convinces him of pleasure
and the desire,
believing himself the owner
in the many

it's still hard for me to solve them
and I fight for
keep me sane
yearning to know
if i'm out
or if I'm in...

Of the hundreds of aisles
that are kept from the light
and they project immense
and perfect worlds
worlds within
from other worlds,

primal and inhospitable,
bathed in tears of sunshine
together with dancing
Of bones,

bones that like mine
they are people who dance
in a street
that goes to heaven
and then they fall apart

Punching to the skin
and then
crushed fall
bricked up by lust
and each wall is a sack
of perversion

And its circular shape
vaulted inscribes
in stories
that are not worth believing,

still erected
the corners of the world
and his appearance
of infinity,

does not tend to disappear,
on the contrary,
they are part
of man and his whim,

Only blind passageways,
corners that are covered
With salt,
of the forbidden…


[Original Content]


Translated with (free version)


Rincones prohibidos

Autor: @nachomolina2

fuente de imagen: pixabay

Estos rincones del mundo
se cubren de sal
y ajenos,
con tal indiferencia,
libran el cuerpo
de sus pesares,

Su pasión
que no se cansa de recorrerlos
y a mi mente
le convence del placer
y el deseo,
creyéndose el dueño
en los tantos

que aun me cuesta resolverlos
y lucho por
mantenerme cuerdo
ansiando saber
si estoy fuera
o si estoy dentro...

De los cientos de pasillos
que se guardan de la luz
y proyectan inmensos
y mundos perfectos,
mundos dentro
de otros mundos,

primigenios e inhóspitos,
bañados en lágrimas de sol
junto al danzar
de los huesos,

huesos que como los míos
son gentes que bailan
en una calle
que va al cielo
y luego se desmoronan

Hoyando hasta la piel
y luego
aplastados caen
tapiados por la lujuria
y cada pared es un costal
de perversión

Y su forma circular
abovedada se inscribe
en historias
que no son dignas de creer,

Sin embargo,
siguen erigidos
los rincones del mundo
y su apariencia
de infinito,

no tiende a desaparecer,
por el contrario,
son parte
del hombre y su capricho,

Solo ciegos pasadizos,
rincones que se cubren
con sal,
de lo prohibido…


[Original Content]



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