Retrato de mujer para colorear
Solo la piel de la desnudez
cubre tus secretos obscenos.
Ponte quieta, así, inmóvil,
mientras yo te retrato
el alma con mis dedos.
Te creo, te disipo, te recreo,
hago de ti un bosquejo
y me pierdo en los alvéolos
de la oscura colmena
donde el viento se encrespa
y las hojas se yerguen.
Desnuda de venus ante mí
hago el dibujo de tu sangre.
En el alfabeto blanco
del lienzo que te esboza
despiertan los volcanes
fraguados en la tierra.
Woman portrait for coloring
Just the skin of nudity
cover your obscene secrets.
Stand still, like this, motionless,
while I portray you
the soul with my fingers.
I believe you, I dispel you, I recreate you,
I make a sketch of you
and I get lost in the alveoli
from the dark hive
where the wind curls
and the leaves stand up.
Naked as venus before me
I make the drawing of your blood.
In the white alphabet
of the canvas that outlines you
volcanoes wake up
forged in the earth.

Autor: Amedeo Modigliani
Título: Nu au sofa (Almaisa)
Italia, 1916
Wow, interesting and nice drawing, your poem was brave.
Thank you for your valuable opinion.
Regards.Yes, @jeremiah25, it is a beautiful drawing by Modigliani.
Sin duda, cada verso de este poema es como una pincelada sobre el lienzo. Un gusto poder leerlo.
Saludos, amigo.@juniorgomez, estoy muy complacido por tu hermoso comentario.
My thoughts have always been surrounded by the fact of beginning to relate my ideas about a work of art, in this case writing about an exuberant painting.
It is an excellent idea to take works of art of different natures and develop our ideas from them.
Thank you very much for your visit, @steemtpistia. Regards.
Thank you for your kind response @oacevedo. Regards.