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RE: The Technologies of God- A Serial Micro-Fiction 16/24

in Writing Club3 years ago (edited)

Fuck. Gorgeous as usual.

Hair flowing against the backdrop of the milky way. The light from the tablet illuminates her sharp face.


She flings herself at me, and I hold out my arms. We end up crashing on the glass cupola, where the stars surround us with their glimmer, and the Earth is a pinpoint of light in the cosmos.

Oh wait - that's nearly the whole thing. There's something beautiful about your writing I can't replicate - it's the Ballard/Gibson/Mievelle kinda thing.

With a bit of Heinlien/Asimov/Le Guin, perhaps. I don't know. Maybe it's just the floating against the stariverse.


Thank you, @riverflows! Writing about space puts me in a trance and in the mood. There is just something very sensual about the idea of floating about in a weightless medium, as I'm sure you know given your surfing habits ;) Generally, on land, our body knows its predefined routines. Move forward to the nourishing, backwards away from the toxic, and sideways to avoid getting run over. In space, it's all multi-spatial and omni-directional, so I think that trying to envision that micro-gravity environment, gets me high in a manner of speaking, and maybe it also has an effect on my writing. Or maybe it was just the weed I smoked. :)

I couldn’t say it better myself