En este increíble lugar habitaban todos los jóvenes hedonistas de los Dioses. Habían creado esta nación para que los chicos se llenaran de los placeres sin medida. En un estado crepuscular, construyendo fantasías y haciendo que estas se cristalizaran con toda la majestuosidad posible; los chicos estaban custodiados por los Jaresines, quienes eran una especie de súbditos y mentores con poderes asombrosos para hacer realidad cualquier deseo sin embargo solo existía una regla o máxima “Nunca, jamás ni por ninguna razón debía existir el amor en sus relaciones con otros”. Siendo esta la única regla, todos hasta ese entonces podían hacer cualquier cosa que les apeteciera.

Esta población siempre había vivido sin sentir dolor, pesar o ninguna complicación que les impidiera generar sus placeres, por tal motivo existían las áreas agradables en cada división geográfica de los Hedos; Como por ejemplo, la ciudad Olímpica donde todos podían lucir sus cuerpos perfectos, gozar de entrenamientos y competencias resultando siempre ganadores con el uso de sus poderíos, también estaban los intelectuales en las ciudades de libros con el placer de leer, los artistas con los musicales, lo comensales y catadores de bebidas y las gastronomía más exigente a sus paladares, por último estaban aquellos de la ciudad de los conocedores y expertos en el sexo que sin duda cada vez se volvían más egoístas, demandantes y arrogantes.
Cada quien según sus apetencias estaban sumergidos en sus individualidades, sus excesos y negados a verse como equilibrados para la prevención de la salud, la superación personal, nada de un legado después de la muerte, o motivos altruistas. Nadie estaba dispuesto a sacrificarse por una causa mayor o defender la justicia a pesar de desventajas personales; era un mundo totalmente egocéntrico. Hasta que La Diosa venus (Diosa del amor) en un momento dado dio a luz un hijo al que le llamó Kiyo pero este había sido un desliz con el Dios de la guerra, así que nadie podía verle y siendo éste un bebé fue enviado a las Huestes de los Hedos para ocultarlo.
Llegó el día en el cual Kiyo estaba decidido a declararle su amor a Amaya, pero cometió antes el error de confesarlo a uno de los Jaresines que había sido elegido por su madre para cuidarle también. El Jaresin se dió cuenta de la falta de Zoe y fue inmediatamente a contarle a Venus lo sucedido y así esta madre decidió que fuera expulsada inmediatamente del Hedos y arrojada a los Montes de Bácula, un lugar infernal donde se desterraban a todos los que infringían las leyes y convenios de los Dioses. Kiyo comenzó a sentir dolor, sus lágrimas inundaron todo el aposento hasta llegar a las calzadas de su madre, el llanto era insoportable y ella ya no podía ver a su hijo navegando en la tristeza. Así que decidió imponerle una condena y que realizara hazañas probatorias para demostrar su amor verdadero y ambos salvarse de la imputación.
Los Montes de Bácula, eran territorios hostiles y lejanos, solo podía atravesarlo por primera vez quien era de noble corazón y amor puro. Su madre conocía el corazón de ambos y a pesar de su debilidad en caer en la tentación en su sabiduría y su voz interior avizoraba el destino de los jóvenes enamorados a cambiar el mundo y su manera de vivirlo. Ahora no existía solo el placer de existir en este universo y su Deidad sino la posibilidad de coexistir y completar un orden entre la razón, la pureza y el amor.
Si así estaba escrito en el cielo
Mis miedos no serán testigos
Mi amor será el fuego que abrasará
hasta incinerar todo peligro
Mis lanzas serán tus besos
Como dardos del amargo destino
Mi arma serán tus flores y tu aroma
Será el valor hasta traerte conmigo
Porque ningún dragón o mito
Podrán callar mis latidos…
Pierde tu desconfianza
Cuando sientas mis rugidos
Porque leones me acompasan
Fruto soy de ti y guerrero he nacido
Entonces kiyo fue guiado por las fuerzas mayores a cumplir su destino, peleó con dragones y apaciguó las desalientos del minotauro que se alimentaba de la violencia, atravesó mares de turbulencía, luchó contra los ejércitos de las huestes volcánicas de la indiferencia, La diosa de la Tormenta y así fue derrotando cada obstáculo y monstruos hasta lograr ver a su amada Amaya y salir del fuego del rencor y el odio. Cuando terminaban el camino a galope, su madre se develó ante ellos transportándolos a la Ciudad de La Compasión para luego dejarle un decreto y la bendición de su unión Eterna.
No obstante cuando fue consumada su alianza esto trajo como consecuencia que el cuerpo del joven fuera reemplazado por el de un adulto maduro semidesnudo y así ya no podía estar en los Hedos. Ambos fueron expulsados de ese universo mitológico y así que decidió venirse al nuestro en esta era tecnológica junto a su amada para crear una aplicación "apps" con cartas de oro y repartir a cada corazón desolado y triste una sugerencia de amistad o flechazo compatible con tus descripciones para de esta manera vivir su idilio, ayudando a otros a amarse por siempre y así cambió su nombre a una marca Cupidletter .

Todas las imágenes fueron tomadas de Pixabay editadas con Canvas.
There is always a reason for love and this story that happened in the magical Country of the Hosts of Hedos did not escape from such an epic.
In this incredible place lived all the hedonistic young men of the Gods. They had created this nation for the boys to be filled with pleasures. In a twilight state, building fantasies and making them crystallize with all the majesty possible; the boys were guarded by the Jaresines, who were a kind of subjects and mentors with amazing powers to make any desire come true however there was only one rule or maxim "Never, ever and for no reason should there be love in their relationships with others". This being the only rule, everyone up to that time could do anything they felt like.
This population had always lived without feeling pain, regret or any complication that prevented them from generating their pleasures, for this reason there were pleasant areas in each geographical division of the Hedos; As for example, the Olympic city where everyone could show off their perfect bodies, enjoy training and competitions always resulting in winners with the use of their powers, there were also the intellectuals in the cities of books with the pleasure of reading, the artists with the musicals, the foodies and tasters of drinks and the most demanding gastronomy to their palates, finally there were those of the city of connoisseurs and experts in sex that undoubtedly became more and more selfish, demanding and arrogant.
Everyone according to their own desires were immersed in their individualities, their excesses and refused to see themselves as balanced for health prevention, self-improvement, no legacy after death, or altruistic motives. No one was willing to sacrifice for a greater cause or stand up for justice despite personal disadvantages; it was a totally self-centered world. Until Goddess Venus (Goddess of love) at one point gave birth to a son whom she named Kiyo but this had been a slip with the God of war, so no one could see him and being a baby he was sent to the Farting Hosts to hide him.
Being so small, he was in the care and attention of one of the young girls named Amaya, the daughter of Freija (Goddess of beauty) Time passed and she reached adulthood, while Kiyo with only 17 years old felt something very special for her, something he did not know that it was forbidden to feel and his caretaker in her act of hiding him from the other inhabitants did not want to teach him how they lived in the country of the Hedos, unfortunately for everyone this relationship turned into love. Kiyo was a young boy who enjoyed reading and poetry, verse, romance and music were for him a beautiful and pleasant activity; this happened because his lover filled him with attention, loving care, offering him perfumed baths, caresses full of flowers, enchanted songs to wrap his dreams and dishes prepared with so much passion to teach the palate of this innocent youngster.
The day came when Kiyo was determined to declare his love to Amaya, but he made the mistake of confessing it to one of the Jaresin who had been chosen by his mother to take care of him as well. The Jaresin realized Zoe's fault and went immediately to tell Venus what had happened and so this mother decided that she should be immediately expelled from the Hedos and thrown to the Montes de Bácula, an infernal place where all those who infringed the laws and covenants of the Gods were banished. Kiyo began to feel pain, his tears flooded the whole room until they reached his mother's footpaths, the crying was unbearable and she could no longer see her son sailing in sadness. So she decided to impose a sentence on him and that he would perform probative feats to prove his true love and save them both from the accusation.
The Montes de Bácula were hostile and distant territories, only those with a noble heart and pure love could cross them for the first time. His mother knew the heart of both and despite her weakness in falling into temptation in her wisdom and her inner voice foresaw the destiny of the young lovers to change the world and their way of living it. Now there was not only the pleasure of existing in this universe and its Deity but the possibility of coexisting and completing an order between reason, purity and love.
The trilogy that the Gods required to lessen the occult powers of the oracles and avoid the destruction of their inspirations and dreams already predicted. Kiyo was taken to the presence of his mother, he did not know him so he could not recognize her, he could hardly hear her because her radiance and beauty left him astonished, however his love for Amaya was what kept him firm to his feelings. His mother showed him all the dangers that he had to face in a huge portal of predictions and he versed her:
If so it was written in heaven
My fears will not be witnesses
My love will be the fire that will burn
to incinerate all danger
My spears will be your kisses
Like darts of bitter destiny
My weapon will be your flowers and your scent
Will be the courage to bring you with me
Because no dragon or myth
Will be able to silence my heartbeat...
Lose your mistrust
When you feel my roars
Because lions are my pace
Fruit of you I am and warrior I am born
Then Kiyo was guided by the greater forces to fulfill his destiny, he fought with dragons and appeased the discouragements of the minotaur that fed on violence, crossed seas of turbulence, fought against the armies of the volcanic hosts of indifference, the goddess of the Storm and thus was defeating every obstacle and monsters until he managed to see his beloved Amaya and get out of the fire of rancor and hatred. When they finished the galloping road, his mother unveiled herself before them, transporting them to the City of Compassion and then leaving her a decree and the blessing of their Eternal union.
However, when their alliance was consummated, this resulted in the young man's body being replaced by that of a half-naked mature adult and so he could no longer be in the Hedos. Both were expelled from that mythological universe and so he decided to come to ours in this technological era together with his beloved to create an application "apps" with golden cards and deliver to every desolate and sad heart a suggestion of friendship or crush compatible with your descriptions to live their idyll, helping others to love each other forever and so he changed his name to a Cupidletter brand.
𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕤 𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕟 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 ℙ𝕚𝕩𝕒𝕓𝕒𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 ℂ𝕒𝕟𝕧𝕒𝕤.
𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕚𝕥
𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕚𝕥