LA Modern Noir: Chapter 5a Allison

in Writing Club7 months ago (edited)


I wrote this post about a story where I had a first chapter written. I'm trying to push on and finish a first draft in 2024.
Chapters are likely to be longer, but they will be split up if needed.
If you'd like to be tagged in for future chapters, let me know.


Chapter 5 - 1,124 words
CW - Partner Abuse

The reception was East of Compton. Adam wanted to have it at the factory out where production happened, but Albarn insisted on having it at one of his clubs in the city.

At least, that’s what Earl said.

Allison tapped her fingers on the door handle of the brand-new Mustang Earl had arrived home in the day before. The car still had the new plasticky smell which was faintly nausea inducing.

All the loans cleared, and a brand-new car purchased for cash, and instead of feeling relieved a swell of unsurety continued to rise inside her.

It wasn’t helped by not being included on the insurance. When she’d asked how she should do the shopping, or take him to the airport, or any of the other things she used the car for his response had been dismissive, then frosty. She stopped asking questions before he reached angry and was thankful his joy with the new car pushed that threshold higher than normal.

‘Isn’t this fantastic?’ Earl asked. He hit the gas and swung the car out to overtake a tanker. The acceleration shoved them back into the leather Recaro seats.

‘It’s great, honey. What time are we to be there again?’ It was as close as she dared go to asking him to slow down.

‘We’ve got plenty time.’ They drifted past a car like their previous one. ‘Aren’t you glad we’ve got rid of that heap of junk. Can’t believe I thought that was a good car. Damn, it’s good to have some serious grunt in the engine. Can’t wait to see what the guys think when we arrive in this.’ Another pump on the gas and they shot forward.

Allison thought about when they’d got the previous car. Earl had recently started at BYOSfere and sunk a chunk of his signing on bonus into the three-year-old vehicle. It hadn’t been glamorous, or expensive, but it was reliable and reasonable to insure and run. He’d been so proud of finding a car which fit all his criteria, and didn’t care it wasn’t one of the newest in the parking lot.

Of course, five years ago he’d never hit her either. Maybe now things seemed to be better he’d go back to his old self.

They turned off the freeway and followed the satnav as it guided them through streets they weren’t familiar with, finally depositing them in front of a multi-use building that had an Evangelical Revivalist Church at one corner, a specialist in German cars at the other. An Ethiopian and East African bodega next to the car place had boxes of fruit and vegetables stacked out the front while over next to the church was a laundrette and dry cleaners.

Sat in the middle of these was an archway with a set of metal gates at the entrance, and then wooden doors a few yards back. There was no sign to indicate this was (name of club) but the opposite side of the street was the rear of a fabrication factory that they’d driven past on the way in. It was the right part of the right street, and the doorway was the only place the club could be.

Earl pulled out his phone and checked his messages, he jabbed the satnav and checked the address he’d entered, and looked back at his phone. ‘We’re definitely here,’ he said.

‘What about if we park up,’ Allison said, ‘and you can call Harry.’

There was parking on the side of the street that was the wall of the factory and someone with a bag of laundry crossed the road, got in a blue Kia sedan, and drove off. Earl slid into the spot.

The phone connected and the tone rang loudly in the parked car. It was six rings before it was answered. ‘Earl?’

‘Oh, hi, Harry, we’re at the address for the club, but there’s only a closed gate and no sign of-‘

‘What the hell are you doing there at this time?’

Earl looked over at Allison, who stared back and shrugged.
‘You said to be here at five,’ Earl said, ‘and to be sure not to be late. It’s ten to now.’

A hearty laugh came through the speakers and then Harry’s voice, though fainter as he spoke to someone else in the room, ‘Hey, Earl and his wife are at the club.’ An even fainter voice responded, ‘Already? What they doing, watching Lupe set up?’ There was more laughing. Harry spoke into the phone again, ‘Earl, no one will be there for at least an hour and that’ll be Lupe to set up and get the bar open.’

‘Then why’d you tell me five?’

‘C’mon, Earl. No one arrives at the time on the ticket. That’s when you think about getting ready, and order take-away. Look, there’s a restaurant called DiMico’s a couple of blocks away. I’ll let them know your coming. Have the chicken alfredo, it’s great.’ The call disconnected.

Earl slammed his phone against the steering wheel. It bounced out of his hand, hit Allison in the face, and dropped into the footwell. She flinched sideways, banging her head on the window. ‘It’s just a damned phone, Allison,’ Earl snapped. ‘And why the hell didn’t you tell me we didn’t need to leave so early.’ He moved towards Allison and she flinched back. ‘Don’t be such a damn drama queen, I’m getting my phone as you’re obviously to damned precious to reach down for it.’ His hand clamped on Allisons leg just above the knee and clenched his hand tight as he pulled himself over and reached for the phone. His fingers dug in, the finger-tips biting through the cloth of her dress, five individual points of pain beyond the pressure of his hand.

The phone rang and Earl snapped his head up, banging against the glove compartment, gripping Allison’s leg harder, and swearing. He hauled himself upright and jabbed the phone. ‘Hi, it’s Earl.’

‘Earl, you at Dimico’s yet?’ Harry said. ‘Ask for Lewis, he’s expecting you both. And leave a tip if you want, but the meal is on the house. That get’s us square for Cleveland.’ He was laughing when the call cut out.

Allison blinked tears away, her leg ached. The material of her dress was runkled up on the leg Earl had mauled. She tried to breathe calmly, to not gulp in air, and sob, like she wanted to.

Earl stabbed the Start Engine button and the car growled. He yanked the wheel over, let in the handbrake, and stamped on the gas. The car lurched forwards and then he had to stamp on the brake to avoid an MPV that went past with a loud blast on the horn.

Chapter Break

Link to collated chapters HERE

Link to the short story which is the seed for this is HERE

Reader List

@seki1 @ngwinndave

words by stuartcturnbull pic by igorelick on Pixabay


This is great! I’m definitely strapped in for the rest of the story.

I am definitely in for the rest of the chapters. I am sympathetic to Allison. Let's see what's next.


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Reading this was like watching a movie. Poor Allison! I wonder how much longer she is going to endure that violence from Earl?
Thanks for tagging me. Looking forward to the next tag.

Prolific writing
Its like a movie you know

I see Earl's impatience including his aggressive behavior towards Allison ...this is sure not healthy in relationships...lets see how the next episode will unfold


Its a sad thing being abused...
Allison's always on eggshells