What is wrong with me?

in Writing Club3 years ago

Recent global events have left many people feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and questioning practically everything, including themselves. Although these questions may be used as a self-evaluation tool, it is usually prompted by a strong emotion. It's accompanied by a sense of not being good enough, that feeling of being stuck, and not measuring up to supposed standards.

If you have ever wondered if something was really wrong with you, then you should know you're not alone. The good news is there are actions that you can take to help you feel much better and appreciate yourself.

Before you dive into reading this, it is important that you know that your feelings are valid. Life is tough, and it’s okay to be in your feelings once in a while. What is not acceptable, though, is being in a condition of self-doubt for an extended period of time and obsessing about it. The goal of this article is to assist you in effectively managing and channeling these emotions so that you know better, do better, and feel better. Let’s start with why you might feel something is wrong with you.

Why do I feel like something is wrong with me?

  • Let’s have a look at some of the reasons you feel something is wrong with you. There are a variety of reasons why you could feel this way. Some of these include:
  • Major life setbacks like the loss of a loved one or a job.
  • Long-term physical or mental illness or an unfavorable doctor's report when you go for a physical check-up.
  • You have an overly demanding job, heavy family responsibilities, financial stress, or any other number of situations and you feel like you can’t keep up with the pace of life.
  • You fell ill after your divorce, and you began to believe that you were broken and unlovable.
  • You inspected even the tiniest wrinkles when you glanced in the mirror.
  • You felt unqualified when you didn't receive the job.

What do I do when next I feel like something is wrong with me?
When next you feel like something is wrong with you, try doing these 3 things;
1. Practice mindfulness: This is the most important thing to do whenever your world is crashing down and it feels like no one is coming save you. Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being fully aware of how you feel in the moment; an ability to be fully present and aware of what you are experiencing, without being overwhelmed. This is a strategy for calming yourself down that you can use when you're feeling anxious. While doing this you can:

  • Take a walk: if you live in Texas, for example, going for a walk in the woods is a great idea for relieving anxiety.
  • Take a cold shower: This is soothing especially when you are anxious, angry, or overwhelmed.
  • Journal: Write about your emotions in a journal.
  • Make a phone call to a supporting family member, friend, or another sympathetic individual.
  • Create a "to-do" list (this helps if you feel overwhelmed and do not know where to start).
  • Meditate: you can use a meditation app to help you relax.
  • Inhale a few drops of essential oil (e.g., lavender).
  • Take yoga or some other relaxing class online.
  • Get a book and read it (something light-hearted or intriguing to take your mind off your feelings).
  • Watch one of your favorite TV shows or movies (preferably one that is calming or funny, or both)

2. Prioritize self-care: It is essential that you create time for self-care in your day. Anything that keeps you feeling nice is considered self-care (both physically and mentally). Therefore, ensure you:

  • Get enough rest (7-8 hours a day; no more than 10 or you will feel more tired).
  • Avoid junk food, caffeine, and alcohol, and eat a nutritious diet (enough protein and fiber).
  • Exercise regularly, including stretching and raising your heart rate (10,000 steps is a good goal).
  • Set aside time for rest (e.g., take breaks if you are working in front of a computer, make sure you have screen-free time).
  • Every day, make time for the things you enjoy (e.g., reading, watching a favorite television show).
  • Enjoy nature (this will help you get vitamin D and other nutrients healthy for your body).

3. Talk to a therapist: This is usually a last resort especially if you have practiced the first two and you don't feel better. Letting out your emotions to a professional that you are assured won't judge you or spread your story helps a lot when you feel like something is wrong with you.

Posted from HypeTurf


These are all valid points. We feel something is wrong when we begin to deal with more than we can handle. Those are also great points on curbing... Thanks for this post.

Also, just as a suggestion, check out the SELF IMPROVEMENT COMMUNITY or EMOTIONS & FEELINGS. That's a beautiful Community really appropriate for this content. Just saying... Only a suggestion...