Last on the Wind

in Writing Club2 years ago


Last on the Wind

Gently, gently past the pane,
to never come this way again.
No time to look in, no time to see
Screams heard, but not for me.

Caught for a moment upon a burr,
a reminder of gone and scars of her.
Released again to float away,
Into tomorrow's another day.

Across the grey and into the blue,
Not hiding, yet all eyes pass through.
Reflecting back a sight unseen,
Gone and here, as ever been.

To the other side and over edge,
skipping stone and over ledge.
No end is near and no start to come,
a balanced life of zero sum.

Witness steals a tired gaze,
A sigh and turn as eyes glaze.
A moment held and in two forgot,
With only self, is heart besot.

Drifting on toward the unknown,
A life of aim already flown.
With angel dream and devil sin,
The end is borne, on last wind.



hm. Perplexing poem, this one. I've read it through with a dandelion seed in mind, which worked really well, until those last two stanzas, which take me into myself, allowing me to liken my life to that of a seed borne on the wind. Which makes me happy, no matter how tired the eyes that might view me.

This line makes me think that every life is complete, even when cut short:

Drifting on toward the unknown,
A life of aim already flown.

I love this line, a bit of a riddle:

Not hiding, yet all eyes pass through.

A very interesting work. Lots to think about here. Kind of in between your darker works and your lighter works (fewer in number). Neutral in tone, timeless in its ineffable message.

I really like the way you analyze these! I always find it interesting to which lines you latch onto and connect with :)

First thought: I thought immediately about a fart LOL

Reading through it:

Perhaps about death, the last wind being the last breath perhaps! I enjoyed it, I was never able to really write poetry because I would get all caught up on things. I'll have to give it another try one of these days when I'm in a solid mood for that, either happy or pissed off LOL those are usually good moods to write in!


I think you should try, as it is is one of those processes that kind of uncovers deeper thoughts, whether they are put to paper or not. It is like a forced self-reflection.

Bad moods are the best time for poetry - no wonder why so many poets offed themselves.

An interestingly worded poem, that flows and takes the reader different places and feelings. Yes, it travels and moves you. Thanks.

I am glad that the sense of journey comes through it :)

Gently, gently past the pane

This lines got me so much and I am happy to read it, with what I can view it relates to me that, it is better we took much of our time to do something than to scan through and not getting any positive, in other words, when we put much of our time into something we would surely achieve it abundantly.

No end is near and no start to come,

Secondly, I also admired the thought coming from this lines, for us to succeed we must determine and follow the path we must to follow.

Nice Poem, you got me smile again 🥰.

I think you always mention terms such as last, end, death... in your poems 🙄