ESP|ENG Mi nombre es Tiempo, Justin Tiempo | My name is Time, Justin Time

in Writing Club3 years ago

dreem-wotw time.jpg


Hola a la gente que lee esto

Hoy me gustaría contarles una historia.

Damas y caballeros, niños y niñas, os sentéis, coman un pastel o coman una galleta y tomen una copa.

¿Estáis todos listos? ¿Sí? Voy a empezar la historia.

Mi nombre es Tiempo, Justin Tiempo.

¡Sí, de verdad, mis padres son el Sr. y la Sra. Tiempo!

Mis padres me tuvieron cuando ambos tenían 40 años.
Tuvieron un hijo. Ese niño era yo.

A mis padres les dijeron que es mejor tener hijos cuando tienes menos de 40 años.
Ellos me tenían justo a tiempo. (En inglés, justo a tiempo significa just in time.)

En mi certificado de nacimiento, encontrará el nombre de Justin Time.

Cada año en mi cumpleaños, dicen este broma una y otra vez.

¡Es un poco monótono ahora! ¡Se puede imaginar!

¡Pero no se te puede culpar por los nombres que tus padres te llaman!

¿Sabes que?

En realidad amo mi nombre. Como el jefe de proyecto, tengo presión todo el tiempo. Tengo fechas de entrega todo el tiempo. Tengo cosas que se deben terminar todo el tiempo.

¿Cómo manejo esta presión?

Yo lo llamo estar bajo presión. Al igual que la canción de la banda Queen.

¿Sabes la canción Under Pressure 🎼🎼🎼?

Como el jefe de proyecto, tengo que completar el proyecto a tiempo.

Lo hago, lo hago siempre.
¡Lo hago, porque vive en mi sangre!

Completé mi proyecto a tiempo. Ellos me llaman JIT para abreviar.

¿Cómo estás hoy JIT?

Oh, JIT está bien, respondo, y voy a JIT mi proyecto hoy.

Entonces, ¿qué es JIT?

¿No lo adivinaste ya? Just In Time

Mi nombre ¿Lo ven? Sí, Justin Time, ese soy yo😁

¡Soy mi nombre!

¡Vivo mi nombre!

¿Cuan genial es eso?
¡Es muy genial Justin!

¿No es fantástico?
¡Sí, es fantástico Justin!

Así que ahora no hay más presión. Solo acepto que voy a completar las cosas Just In Time (justo a tiempo), y me divertiré.

Justin JIT lo hace otra vez 😃
Ser Justin JIT significa menos estrés para mí.
¡Acepto que soy mi nombre!

Por ejemplo...
El supermercado local cierra a las 22:00.
Entonces, ¿cuándo iré de compras?
Sí, por supuesto que voy al supermercado a las 21:45.
¡Yo lo llamo las compras JIT!

¡Pero las compras JIT le ahorran dinero, se pueden comprar gangas!

¿Tienen un nombre tan genial como yo?
¡Yo creo que no!

¿Tienen un nombre tan divertido como yo?
¡Yo creo que no!

Hoy es martes, y eso significa que es mi día para comentar en español con @coquicoin .

¡Me encanta esa presión! ¡Bajo presión otra vez!

Hoy decidí que haría algo diferente.

¿Saben qué decidí? ¿Sabíais lo que era?

Sí, decidí que escribiría una historia en español.

Así que esta es mi historia de Justin Tiempo. También escribí esta historia en inglés. Fue un buen uso de mi TIEMPOTIME.

Sin embargo, ¡es muy difícil hacer una historia con un juego de palabras en otro idioma!

¡Hoy he aprendido una dura lección!

Esta historia es mi historia divertida para la palabra dreem-wotw.

La palabra de la semana es TIEMPOTIME

Podéis participar en el concurso si queréis, ¡pero cierra hoy!

Leéis las reglas en esta publicación Dreem Word of the Week - S1 R2 - Let's talk about TIME!



Hello to thee people who read this.

Today, I would like to tell you a story.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and girls, take a seat ,eat some cake or eat a biscuit and take a drink.

Are you ready? Yes? Let me begin the story.

My name is Time, Justin Time.

Yes really, my parents are Mr and Mrs Time!

My parents had me when they were both 40.
They had one child. That child was me.
My parents were told it is better to have children when you are under 40.
Because they were 40, they decided to name their child Justin.
They had me just in time.
On my birth certificate, you will find the name Justin Time on it.

Every year at my birthday, they say this joke again and again.

It is a bit monotonous now! You can imagine!

But, you can't be blamed for the names that your parents call you!

You know what?

I actually love my name. As a project manager, I have pressure all the time. I have deadlines all the time. I have things that must be finished all the time.

How do I cope with this pressure?

I call it being Under Pressure. Just like the song from the band Queen.

Do you know the song Under Pressure 🎼🎼🎼?

As the project manager, I have to finish the project on time.

I do it, I do it always.
I do it, because it is in my blood!

I finish my project on time. They call me JIT for short.

How are you today JIT?

Oh JIT is fine I reply, and I will JIT my project today.

So what is JIT?

Did you not guess already, Just In Time

My name, do you see it? Yes, Justin Time, that's me😁

I am my name!

I live my name!

How cool is that?
It is very cool Justin!

Is it not fantastic?
Yes it is fantastic Justin!

So now there is no more pressure. I just accept that I will finish things Just In Time, and I will have fun.

Justin JIT does it again:)
Being JIT Justin means less stress for me, I accept that I am my name!

For example...
The local grocery store closes at 10pm. So when do I go shopping? Yes of course I go to the store at 9.45pm. JIT shopping I call it!

But JIT shopping saves you money, you can buy bargains!

Do you have as a cool a name as me?
I think not!

Do you have as a fun name as me?
I think not!

I love that pressure! Under Pressure again!Today is Tuesday, and that means it is my day for commenting in Spanish with @coquicoin

Today I decided that I would do something different.

Do you know what I decided? Did you guess?

Yes, I decided that I would write a story in Spanish.

So this is my story of Justin Time. I also wrote this in Spanish. It was a good use of my TIME. However, it is very hard to make a story about a play on words in another language!

A lesson has been learned by me!

This story is my fun story for the dreem-wotw.

The word of the week is TIME

You can join in the contest if you would like, but it closes today!

Read the guidelines in this post Dreem Word of the Week - S1 R2 - Let's talk about TIME!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman @TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.


Haste Ye Back!


Hi @tengolotodo, Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content. For more information visit our discord

I got my post in, Justin Time! Lol!

jeje excellent, and I shall be there soon:)

Your Royal Cockiness....!!!! JIT???! 🤣🤣🤣🤣... You do have an awesome name. What creation!!! Out of the box!!! Hahahahaha. Justin Time 😂

hehe you live my thinking haha no idea where I get stuff from!
Justin Time my hermano 😂😂😂

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 laughing all over again

Jaja!!! Esto me encanta Mr. Justin Tiempo. Esto si es aprovechar bien el tiempo, jeje 😄
Hoy te doy 10/10 Super Ed!!! you nailed it :)

jeje gracias Super Eli.
Fue divertido escribirlo, pero fue difícil para mí escribir Justin Time en español.
10/10 Me siento honrado y la punta, qué puedo decir, excepto gracias :)

Fue divertido leerlo, Super Ed. Y yo sé lo que cuesta hacer juegos de palabras cuando escribes en otro idioma ;)
You are awesome :)

jeje gracias Super Eli, y estaba ahí con el diccionario de tiempos verbales abierto

Jeje!!! Supongo que eso es lo que más te cuesta al escribir en español. Los tiempos de los verbos.

Yes Super Eli the tenses, and then singular and plural you, I had my brain fried yesterday! It was fun though:)

Poor brain, lol. But you did great, Super Ed :)
Happy happy day to you :)

Just In Time to read this sweetlicious story of your !lol.

Your parents were very thoughtful.

Hehe thank you, it was a fun Just In Time story to write.

I was surprised for a moment, wait! Tito Ed is writing in Spanish? hehe

Cool story though, and you're obviously great at doing JIT :)

Jeje well Eli have made a pact that we will talk in Spanish on Tuesday, so I decided as it was Tuesday to write that post in Spanish but with the play on words for Justin Time it was trickier than I thought 🤣
She gave me a 10/10 so I will take that. It was a fun one to write.
Happy Wednesday CJ😁

That must be fun. Great that you got a perfect score, congrats 👏


jeje yes we need to make life fun CJ, you should join in too!
I doubt I will get a perfect score next week, but I will try!

Yes Tito Ed, life should be fun.

Thanks for the invite, but how does it work? Just write anything in both language?

Well on Tuesday for example Eli and I write in Spanish on our replies and comments so can do the same with you;) You can answer back in Spanish, it isfun and gets your brain working , well for me anyway, for Eli it is relaxing as she gets to talk in her native language for once.

That's challenging Tito Ed! Deepl translator will come in handy for me, lol!


Thank you so much for the great laugh!

hehe you are so welcome, if people laugh with my writing, then job done:)

I thought it was real that your name is really Justin Time 🤣... But I remember it was Ed... Was it for Edward? 😅..
Then here it is, the dreem wotw.. Just fiction about time..😅.. If I will mary a man with a surname Time, I'll call my child Justin 🤣🤣..

I wanna try if I have some !CTP or !LUV

oh woohoo JaneyJaneJane you have some !LUV
hehe Edward yes it is and reading your comment I think I should call myself Justin Time 🤣🤣🤣

🤣🤣.. Why not..haha. It's cool haha

jeje yes and a cool reward for Justin hehe


Arrived JIT for the WOTW challenge, too!

Hehe JIT can be fun 😊

Amazing! You blew me away with that, Justin Time 😂😂

hehe thank you, I do love to be different😁😁

Hahahahahaha,that is the name of my other account on Discord lol!!! You are using my name. Did you ask me for permission? hahhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know Achmed the Terrorist? He say, "I sue you" hahahahahahahahahaha!!!

This post was obtained through Dreemport. This is a pretty awesome post @tengolotodo (or should I say Justin hahahaha)!!! Not sure about the Spanish version, but the English one was killer!

Hahahahahaha,that is the name of my other account on Discord

No way? Darn.... I am sorry about that James hehe, I had no idea!
Ah well great minds think alike I would say😁

Thanks for commenting thought, and I have my lawyer on speed dial now 🤣🤣🤣

Ed! Absolutely no worries lol, yes GMTA hahahahahaha I wouldn't go near a shark hahahaha, besides, I don't believe in suing people, only for fun lol!!!
Great imagination!!!
Oh, I just checked it, I usually use it for testing purposes, and I did change the name to Justin Case, I really liked both but used this one and changed it from Justin Time to Justin Case for a bit. I have zero idea why I that even entered my mind at the time that I created those!

hehe and thank you, cheers James :)

HAHA. I love this! I didn't know you could write in Spanish. Awesome! I didn't read the Spanish version though. I scrolled down to see the English version. :) Great job, Justin!

jeje salamat MJ, yeah Tuesday is my Spanish day:)
This was a bit of fun and glad you loved this:)
How are you getting on ?

I love it! I would like to name my future kids with meanings too. 😁 Justin Time ain't bad at all lol always on time hahahaha

It's already starting. I just imagined someone introducing themselves to me "Hello, my name is Justin" and me adding in my head "TIME!"

This will follow me for the remaining time of my life. 😉

What is Victorias Secret?
High prices.

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(2/2)@tengolotodo, I sent you an on behalf of @hannes-stoffel

haha and now if you ever meet a Justin, you will be thinking ah Justin Time haha
!LUV it

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JIT makes a cameo appearance ;-) A creative effort to explain Just In Time to your readers. Cute that his parents called him Justin Time, given the timing of his conception! I had no idea that you actually wrote the Spanish versions of your articles! So you don't simply use Deepl then? It's a Tuesday lesson with @coquicoin to learn Spanish and improve your written Spanish? If so, bravo on your accomplishment to date. !LUV

hehe had to pop JIT in there.
My spoken Spanish is so much better, and this way I get my written Spanish back up to a level where it should be, so no I don't just copy and paste a post into deepler or whatever it is called 🤣🤣🤣
Thanks Sam:)