Do you all know the feeling of sleeping when it's raining no matter the hour of the day? I'm pretty sure you do but in my case it's a lot different. It's not like I don't wanna get comfortable in bed and just pass out like a log of wood. The problem is just the kind of wind that's coming with the rain.
It first started drizzling and I was already happy as I got under my blanket, shut my eyes and got ready to get to my dream world but the rain had a little more plans than I expected.
Suddenly,I heard a loud thunder clap and lightning flashed through my window which scared me pretty much and I immediately hid my face under my pillow for fear of getting struck.
Then came the wind blowing and shaking things mildly, it swung my window to and fro creating an unpleasant noise so I had to fasten the window immediately before any damage was done.
After fastening the window, I lay back in bed but the wind increased and blew with all its might. It shook trees and sent mangoes which were on trees hitting on roofs. I was scared that it might bring down a tree which could shatter my little cottage. I just had to say silent prayers appealing to nature to have mercy on me.
It kept blowing and picking up leaves sending them to different directions and I stood by my window watching from the glass. It was quite beautiful to behold but I wanted to enjoy the moment in bed but it seemed like the wind hated me for no just cause.
After like an hour of windy display, the rain finally came down as if it was fighting with the cloud that held it up in the sky. It came down with might and hit the surface of the earth crust as hard as it could but the splashy sounds produced was so entertaining to my ears. The rhythm it carried synced with my spirit and like a hypnotized soul I moved to my bed and sank in it tucking myself up under the warm blanket and cuddling my teddy which I got during Valentines.
Again when I shut my eyes to sleep I heard something drop in my room from the roof. After taking a close look, I figured I had a leakage in the roof and that was just the height of it all. I got annoyed with everything. Nothing wanted me to have a little peace of mind. I was scared that I'll have my whole house flooded so I put a bucket at the leakage spot and went back to lie down watching it.
The rain doesn't seem like it's gonna stop anytime soon and so I just have myself, my phone and my teddy in here to have fun till it finally decides to stop raining. I love rainy days though because the heat reduces to the lowest.
How will the wind hate you for no good reason? 🤣🤣😂😅 I mean don't you even have a glimpse of this? You are WIND GIRL 😂 so maybe the wind was just doing its part lol.
Anyway, sorry about the loud disruption caused by the rain.
I can also relate to the love for rainy days, especially the smuggling in bed part and sleeping all through😅 too bad yours was disrupted cause you felt your house would soon be flooded or the trees were gonna fall on your roof lol.
From your explanation and descriptions, this could only happen here in my country, are you a Nigerian?
It was more than I could handle. Lol
Thank you 🥺
It's just the sweetest thing ever and I'm glad someone can relate 🥰.
I'm partly Nigerian.
I love rainy days too, but your case seems to be different, it was a good thing, your teddy bear was there with you as you play with it and never put too much of your thinking in the leakage of the roof.
I love rainy weather, but your case seems to be different from any of the others. It was a good thing, as you were careful with your teddy bear and only played with it.
My case is really different and I don't know why. Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate 🥰