Oh yeah I agree that some women bosses are guilty of harassment too but we have it happening more with male bosses than female but regardless, it's an evil that must be stopped. Not everyone is strong enough to voice out when these things happen to them and that's why it's still happen. Knowing that one can actually stop them helps one fight better.
It's good to see you here again my friend.
Oh yes I agree it is virtually all from men, but it all needs to be stopped. I don't how it is over there, but here in the UK they were having a push for men to stand up and be heard. We have many cases of women bullying their husbands, and the husbands being too scared to report it for fear of being ridiculed.
All abuse and all harassment needs to be stopped. on that there is no doubt.
I just read the writing prompt for this, and I think I will participate.
You re a great writer, this really was a good read.
In my office, once I was having a discussion with the barrister I work for, he told me that men also suffer domestic violence. My first reaction was that of disbelief but when he outlined how husbands are bullied by their wives and the type of abuse and harassment some men go through in their relationship, Ive come to agree that the society should also protect men who speak up and not see it as a sign of weakness
That is one reason why many men keep quiet. People forget there is mental cruelty as well, and yes I know many men are not only physically abuse but mentally abuse as well.
We just need peace and tranquility everywhere and let every human enjoy their life stress free!
I agree with you. We need more advocates for men just like we have for women. Have you seen my recent post? I'd love to have your thoughts on it.
No I had not seen your recent post, however reading this comment, I opened up your profile and read the post. You really are a passionate writer like you say on your profile. I will comment on it for sure. Just beware the rebound I say. Life is to be lived in chapters, and relationships breakups are part and parcel of life, as you say it is okay to be alone and feel lonely.
Thank you my friend. You've said it all.
You are so very welcome, I enjoy reading your posts!