
Thank you so much @brittandjosie 😊

You are very welcome and you already have a great ( not nice but … ) compliment because your entry was so good it got copied already hahahah
Happy Monday, I guess up north you already have snow? Here in Holland it’s getting colder already

I was going to write this, but how could I compliment myself 🤣 If I'm not mistaken, the goal of this competition is
to use infographics to simply and visually explain Hive to people. I'm pleased that my entry is so simple to understand and copy.

Yes! In Lapland, snow has begun to fall. But a mysterious fog is now obscuring Stockholm.

Well I was surprised but than he should have said it asked but it’s an compliment that indeed it’s very clear and way better than I could have. I wish I could be so creative.
So again I hope you win and keep doing what you do
please send me some snow hahhaha