Future Memoirs ArtExpo (Hive and NFTShowroom) in MBA, by artists from Aveledo + Unearte by @nahupuku

in CBRS4 months ago (edited)

Future Memoirs ArtExpo (Hive and NFTShowroom) in MBA, by artists from Aveledo + Unearte by @nahupuku



Behind the scenes video:

PukuGreetings to all my pukufriends. I present you this new video made at my PukuEstudio titled: First ArtExpo (with Hive and NFTShowroom)in MBA,to my students from the Aveledo+Unearte by @nahupuku and @orimusic, which I made with my cellphone. I hope you like it and it's my new post for Hive. Blessings.

Future Memoirs - Art Expo CCS, Vzla - Photos by @nahupuku & @orimusic:





Artworks posts:


Exposition Photos

THe Inauguration Will be 1 June Saturday 2 pm at the Beaux Arts Museum in Caracas - Gerencia de Educación place, and will be wolrdwide Live Streaming in our PukuMundo Instagram Account:


4 Artworks was made by kids students to Liceo Agustin Aveledo Project and art contest that was made this year some months ago, the others artworks was made by Unearte and others artist from Venezuela, mostly digital and cryptoart:

Thank you very much for coming, everyone. This is a small sample of an exhibition we are hosting here at the Management Spaces of the Education Department of the Museum of Fine Arts in Caracas. The idea is for you to have a first experience as students of Unearte by showing your works on the wall, and then, in a year, when this project ends, you will showcase the art you have been creating, and compare the differences. That's why we are recording this video capture, so you can see and compare from when you started until the end. These comparisons are important because they will show you if you have progressed, if the concepts you are expressing now are the same ones you will express at the end of the course, if you have understood and applied the concepts. I personally think that art is subjective, and every artist or person who dares to be an artist, who is inherently talented. Why is this important? Because I will show you that the art you are creating can perfectly belong to the digital world, to the crypto world. We are looking for ways to merge real works with digital computing techniques, editing, and different apps to convert them into the digital world. We are currently representing Hive, a blockchain web3.0 website that works with original content for artists, but beyond Hive and its currency HBD, the Hive Coin, related to the crypto world, we are focused on NFTShowroom, which is what you are seeing on the computer, our virtual art gallery.

Why is this important? Because it supports artists. Just like you see your works physically in real-time, there you are also seeing a work of Bolívar that registers the entire creative process of how the work was generated, from the moment the pencil was picked up to the final result. So we did a beautiful job of digitizing all the works you gave us. What you see on the screen is a virtual art gallery. Look at how impressive it is that all the works there are classified one by one. Here, I'll show you in detail so you can see how interesting and beautiful the fusion between the digital, the virtual, the cryptographic art from the screen, and reality is. And the link can be seen from anywhere in the world, meaning when you share this link, many galleries, in fact, the creators of this gallery are in Canada, and project supervisors are in the Netherlands, Lithuania, the United States, etc. Look at how interesting. At least this work, which was a digital fusion of the works exhibited here. This is another one, look at how the colors change, transitioning from the pencil. Because these are technological tools and apps that will be taught throughout the course for those who want to go down the digital path.

And what's interesting here below is that you have your title in Hive, the username you chose, your work, and two editions, one chosen for the artist's exhibition catalog: @bethlin, and this one, for example, is a work by Professor Aarón Torrealba, a print from 2018. These are images from Agustín Aveledo High School, and they are teenagers. Also, here is an artist named Justine @shijiro-ali, who is 13 years old, for example, and her work is an award-winning artwork in Ecuador. These you are seeing here, at your school, and here are four selected works from Agustín Aveledo High School in La Pastora, Caracas, and both these and those from Bolívar, which I am explaining, were made in 2018. Here I'll show you so you can see what a Hive post means, or from the platform. Here you can see a small text talking about what it means to me, or how the fusion is because I made this work and this is the final result that may seem a bit naive art, naive art, but here is the explanation, this was the original portrait that I got from the Peruvian artist: José Gil de Castro between approximately 1821 and 1823 but then I saw this work by Jean-Michel Basquiat from 1982, and as I saw this torso or these ribs, I found a similarity and had a vision, so I dedicated myself to studying the image, here is the comparison, and then look at how I started drawing step by step, from when I picked up the pencil, and started trying to define the first strokes, until I started coloring, and the final work you just saw here, so look at how interesting the process is of registering a work.

When you are on the column side, just like that, I used that technique to compare Basquiat to make the Frida Kahlo work, since he had a Gioconda (Mona Lisa), and I did the same with Velázquez, Goya, Don Quixote, and Sancho Panza. And why do I say it's cryptographic digital art? Because you see here and here there is an HTML code and another TX, which you will see printed is important because this is 21st-century art. This is what is happening worldwide right now, and the idea of this exhibition is also to open the door a bit so that you can really enter the world of technology, look here you see a simple image but if I click here, you will see a series of codes, and those codes are a contract in which the artist who made the work can open a universe 100% huge of possibilities, what does that mean, that you can sell your work, that you can be chosen, for that code that is there to be shown in exhibitions worldwide, and also in the virtual world, I mean in the metaverse. Why is the metaverse important, and I will also explain what it is for those who do not know when there was the pandemic many people could not leave their homes for obvious reasons of biological safety and that people could be contaminated, then from a computer, from a telephone, anyone could have or take a character and with the mouse or with the computer keys, walk and just as one sees at least Google Maps or one walks and sees the streets and directions, the same thing is happening here but with art galleries.

So it's super cool because you're walking and seeing works of art by different artists, but here's the good thing about the metaverse or this digital world, is that if you click on it you can buy it. So if you put a work in $ you can buy it and thus the artist has a new universe of possibilities to enter the world of art and sell their work. It even respects copyright, if that work is resold, royalties are obtained, but I don't focus so much on that, yes, I'm going to talk about it very clearly, I don't focus so much on art as a sales or monetary process at 100%, I see it more as: how beautiful it is to have this, as I have a link, of course, this is a drawing that I already commented on where the context comes from, but any of you, any of your works can be seen outside, for example, someone comes to Japan and is interested in you presenting those works but can't take the physical, then present the digital and it's a super cool way for you as future and professional artists to have that level of worldwide exposure because this is a community that many artists who are there on the platform, so here you can see for example in this post that I'm going to show you here, as well as all the artworks that are exhibited there, you can see them here, look here is the selection of the printed works catalog and here you can see a video of how the gallery was set up, of the different spaces or different photos, and here are the first digital modifications, for example, look how interesting, how it can be shown only with a link, and with this link, it can be shared any number of times to anyone anywhere in the world. Here is the process of creating the works of both Aveledo High School, which is a project we have been carrying out in a public high school in Caracas since November.

And I want you to see from here, how the Unearte works start. So how interesting to see that there are two types of art exhibition in the gallery, there is the post format, which is what you are seeing at the moment, and at the same time, there is the format of the virtual art gallery, which I will put back. Any artist can monetize on the platform, those interested, but notice that here in the post, there is a line because the payment is declined, what does that mean, at least in this case, I who created the post am not getting any kind of economic or monetary benefit from this content, because it does not belong to me, but rather these works are yours, the artists, but in terms of showing it, I thought it was interesting to create this post. I wanted to show it to you so you could see yourselves there, as well as here in the NFT art gallery. Look at how nice everything looks organized, and this is just a university exhibition, imagine at the future level, how many worldwide exhibitions there will be and you and your children and your relatives can be showing your works you and your talent there, I mean, it's super cool.

So well, I hope if you have any doubts now, I will answer any questions you may have, but I feel that I explained it quite clearly, this is important, that you see that there is this system of art galleries that is online, virtual, and digital, and as I said, I am not focusing on the issue of monetization, but so that you know and are aware that these works can be sold because this is an online art gallery, and they can be sold, and there is a simple automated way to pay if any work is sold, in this case present not for the moments, because this is for the purposes of this exhibition but when the boys and girls are already learning to use the gallery, and have the joy of selling some work, there is a super comfortable exchange that passes the money from the crypto to the bolivar, which is very good because in a mobile payment they would already have their money in their bank.

In my case, I, who am also a musician as well as a visual artist, since 2017, have been creating content for this platform and this is simply a support for traditional classic art, which is this exhibition, and what I wanted was to break a little the traditional schemes to show the two worlds basically, I say this so that no confusion is created, since it is super important that this be clear because Unearte is the most important art university in Venezuela. So how interesting that you already start mastering digital content right away, little by little, because this is a complex world, but it can be done. This exhibition is a double exhibition, it is a virtual exhibition that is a digital art gallery and a real exhibition of traditional art, and it will be a before and after, this first exhibition is like the first phases of the boys and girls who are studying, and next year at the end of the project, another exhibition will be held, to see the progress, and see if the student progressed or not, in their technique it is important to clarify this data that I did not say a while ago, but it is very important, that these works that are here belong to a class day, it is not a work that took days, that took weeks, that took months, because this is also an experiment.

What was the concept that I gave to students in section 9 and section 10? That: How do they see the future? So there are streets that are destroyed, or like the tower of Parque Central burned, or there are classic columns and the elites on top, who are like dominating the world, and the others cannot access and the background is like apocalyptic, there are like chips and people who are letting themselves be dominated by technology. That is the concept, now, it is not necessary to judge with the magnifying glass of academic perfection and perfection of strokes these works, because the boys and girls who are in the initial art trajectory are gradually advancing with their theories and their classes and both Professor Aaron and myself, weekly we are giving them art theories from Kandinsky, we are giving them Jung, with the archetypes, everything related to birth charts, with the zodiac, but at the level of art representation and simultaneously, we are teaching them color theory, now we are going to work on the theme of ancient civilizations, which is the art of origin of humanity, and it is one of the contents that are being given, both in analytical drawing and in the drawing subject.

So regarding the project, Unearte's curriculum has now changed and it lasts a full year, that's why we are as we say here piano a piano with the activities, little by little and in parallel I am showing them (because the project is also about digital art), I am showing these platforms, and it's already set up, it's an important additional detail that to upload the works in this gallery, on this platform has a monetary cost, but this was a donation, the same person from the Nftshowroom gallery, donated the money necessary to upload the works and obviously it's like a kind of gift for the students, you don't have to pay anything nor are you going to give money, none of that, why is this being done because it's a bet in the good sense, it's a bet towards the success of bringing the artists, you, to the future, really. This also does not mean that I owe it and have to give it to me at the end of the course, no.

Because the idea is to help each other. I have been on the platform since 2017, and now all of you have your Hive users created and that is done especially so that you can develop art and artistic content on this platform. When you already walk through the gallery, which you will do now when I finish here and turn on the lights, you will see that there are pages that have html codes or crypto codes. Those are the codes that I'm talking about that are behind each image, Hive also has a video platform called 3speak.tv and there you can also upload video art or art content if you are developing a video or a behind-the-scenes of the creation of one of your works you can record it, and upload it to Hive and all that is monetized.

And why is monetizing important? Also this is beautiful because you will have a portfolio, all of you already have your gallery created there, and even two editions of each work were uploaded, because each of you in your user already sent a work, that's already yours, that's yours, and you will have it there, each one, because it is the right thing I am not staying here with anything because this is yours because it was a donation and the exhibition flyer is also an nft, which in this case this nft is a digital virtual art, which is already in each of your accounts but for example, why is monetizing important, to buy materials, to buy some kind of investment in art, I, who am a musician, for example, I build a sculpture that is a giant drum set that is the size of a giant room, and I need the cymbals the drums, so I always reinvest in the art I do, that's also the advice I like to give not only the students but people in general, so, a little help is never too much, but as long as it's original content, and this is also very important because it's something you did, original, that you did in an hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, that's spectacular. Maybe now that you are young, you are not seeing it, but in a few years, you will say: wow, how I was here at the Museum of Fine Arts, I exhibited here, how I have the golden opportunity to be on these walls that have been so important and so many people have been formed?, for example, I was trained in the 80s here. So this experience will stay with you, which yes for later and for life. Everyone here has their work, has their gallery and everyone here has to be respected equally, as artists, or future professional artists, what is being sought with this show, to professionalize art.

That is important, that you feel comfortable and say: maybe this is the path I'm going to take in the future, look, I like this, creating art, it's my vocation, I want to be an artist, I have something to say, if nothing more with a simple idea that I gave as a teacher: What do you think of the future?, how do you envision the future?, all the almost 40 different manifestations are great and that is impressive, all that you can do and more when you learn and are focused 100% on creating your own artistic concepts with the tools you are learning. So now I say goodbye, we are going to turn on the lights. And this art gallery, this blockchain page that is here, is a cryptocurrency page but it has to do with content creation, it is not mining, it is not trading, and it has nothing to do with that, but rather it has to do with creating content.

Why is it important because we are taking the time to teach you to create the introduction post because the introduction post is well paid when you enter the platform and there automatically you will have credits you will have money you will have Hives and for example, uploading each work are swap.hives, so if you have 50 hives to upload art little by little and the rest you keep it there which is called HOLD or you can withdraw it in an exchange that you pass it to what I mentioned, to a bank account in bolivars, or you have it there, but you already have your user created, and you what you have to start working on is the introduction post, what is the introduction post? Well, a text in which you are going to tell us about your life, that you are artists, that you are studying at the university, your social networks, if you have portfolio-type social networks, that kind of thing, why? Because the platform also values original content, and it also has to prove that to a certain extent, that you are real, and you are not bots, because there are people who have tried to scam the platform and we do not want that. Everyone will create their introduction and everyone will have, just as I did my works on the platform, you will also have it. Thank you for attending and enjoy the exhibition.


Artworks NFT`s:




Artworks by students hands:


obras imp.jpg


The students making theirs artwork:



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They going to upload theirs artworks during this year and the next ones, in a Big Nftshowroom gallery and theirs profile, plus the Aveledo students with theirs artworks. Thanks to @juliakponsford, @nftshowroom and @alienarthive, CBRS, @cbrsphilanthropy, Marius, @artakush, Flynn @mercadomaestro and all the @coldbeetrootsoup team, and OCD, @ocd and Special thanks to Acidyo @acidyo and Special Thanks too: @eturnerx

Onboarding users names list:





Video Interview about this expo:


Some Photos at the event:





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Previous and related Posts:






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My NFTShowroom gallery:


PukuEdición by me, 2024 - NNR




Nahu Padilla #pukumundo

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Bendiciones y gracias por ver mi post

Blessings and thanks for watching my post



amazing pictures and amazing project!
maybe you could review the long text - it is really hard to read!

wow thanks a lot for the advice! I fix it in several paragraphs! thanks a lot again

Very well done Nahu 😍 You are one of very few who really believe in Hive as Hive and you care for your students and the future of your country. I hope Hivians see how much you are doing.

thanks a lot :)

Awesome thanks so much for sharing!

your welcome! thanks you for your invaluable help with this idea

Increíble todo lo que se puede lograr y más que está presentación estuvo impecable y que la receptividad fue hermosa

así es! :D gracias por todo

Well done on organising this. Are any of the NFTs for sale?

:D thanks a lot! yes, in near future, when the expo its over at the museum


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