Oxalis Triangularis Plan guide - brief walkthrough on butterfly plant

in indoorGardenlast year

Do you know that you can actually multiply a bud into hundreds of oxalis plant? In this video I will be take you through my process and progress to make the oxalis plants multiplation!

Separating buds from single plants would be a challenging process for the beginner. As the soils needs to be loose enough to allow the oxalis buds come out easily.

Once you successfully separated brunches of oxalis, make sure all of them having roots and bulbs 💡 and let’s keep them separate place.

Sometimes you might find healthier buds which having less roots or bulbs but still grows well. That is actually a new brunch growing bulbs.

Once you keep them separately, those buds need to be washed too with spay so the excessive clay or soil can be washed away.

I’m checking the soil very carefully as I don’t want to miss any bulbs or roots as they are very potential to grow another oxalis plant.

Here, you didn’t noticed that I break some of bigger bulbs and that actually makes a separate plant with multiple brunches. I keep only one bulb to grow in a single pot for you , that progress will be shown in this video too.

Now the soil checking is almost done ✅ here we found a lot of buds and bulbs that actually will help us to grow bushy. we can prepare the soil to move into next process.

Soil maxing process we have a video separately as this has some tips and tricks that helps on growing plant faster, you can watch from the video description or i button.

Here is a tips
Plant those buds or bulbs by maintaining a row or column so they grow by having space and it will help them to spread inside the soil too.

Take a little time and nicely plant them and don’t leave the bulbs, bulbs should be in right position on soil to grow.

lot of people do a common mistakes!
They didn’t separate the buds to multiply.
Here I’m trying to find some good healthy bulbs from well grown plants, trying not to harm to the mother plant.

Also we need to try not to harm the mother plant as the bulb doesn’t goes much deeper so it can be easier for you too to grab it and plant in a different pot for another result.
Let’s treat single bulb as a double plants. Result will be seen by next couple of weeks.

Now this single bulb why I’m not breaking from the middle that i will explain next few seconds,
Let’s finish the planting process by putting the bulb in right direction.

Spaying water is much for the newbies !

Right after in 30 to 40 days
It started growing with multiple leaf brunches, and why i was breaking the bulb 💡 because of i want more brunches leafs . They really seems happy and glowing purple!

Today finally i have found a new member in oxalis garden which was a long awaited plant.
Yes, It is The green shamrock ☘️
Anyway; the purple shamrock experiment 🧪 went very very well as you can see in this video and you can see my previous videos too for other plants that you may not engaged yet.

So the green shamrock ☘️ i was looking from a long time, and finally i found from a local plant shop in .15 cents. They do have similar types of flowers as the purple one.

Unexpectedly i got a growing cutting inside the green shamrock plants, that’s a bonus. Hoping to see you in another video of green shamrock soon.

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