callaloo cross-posted this post in EgiStars Universe 3 years ago


in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Hello Fellows Splinterlanders & Happy New Year!

As I started my journey few weeks ago I am back to start sharing with you a SUPERCHEAP deck that will lead you easily to GOLD!
As everyone will tell you the easiest way to start in this game is getting your first Summoner, so through these weeks I builded a deck around this little cute girl!
(This will be a super fast article to read, but feel free to make any question!)

KELYA FRENDUL at the moment can be bought for around 5USD which is AMAZING. I strongly believe that this card is a bit underrated at the moment since you can build a really strong MELEE team.
(Not a Financial Advisor but bear in mind that after general sale you could eventually buy this at a 3.90-4.50 price point)

This cards gives you a +1 Speed that is super useful unless there is a SLOW game rule.
Now let's jump into the cards that gave me a really good 60+% WR (I would say even 70% if you mix them with a Daria Team...check at the end of the article)

Let's start with our Cards for your frontline!


Torhilo best tank vs Mages: 10$
Kraken: 68$ --> Rent it
Sea Monster: good tank with heal at 5$
Serpent of Eld Strong guy in frontline or against a Sneak team, put it in last position to troll the enemy team: 3.30$ or free at lvl 1



Pelacor Bandit: SUPER UNDERRATED CARD at 0.05$, get this guy to lvl 5 and you will be shocked (Always last position)
Wave Runner: 0.29$
Feasting Seaweed: 0.70$
Demented Shark (put it in second position or 1st in low mana + slow mode): 0.57 USD THIS GUY IS YOUR CORE CARD
Flying Squid:0.105$
Sabre Shark: 1.97$

Consider that with the new format this combo will shine even more in lower elo (Bronze to Gold)

If you add to this composition a Daria

Rent it, unless you have some money to invest

You could add just 3 cards and have a double deck with a decent amount of USD


Twilight: 0.17$
Djinn Chwala: less than 1$
Dragon Jumper: Rent it, it is expensive.

I hope you will enjoy this and this card help you to get out of bronze/silver. In case you are on a really tight budged you can seriously consider to just rent 3-4 Cards in the Water Splinter since you have most of the card for free from your spellbook, if you can afford to rent the Summoner Level 4 (Freya) JUST GO AND BUY THOSE CHEAP WATER CARDS!

Wish you the best, and see you on the next Article!

Dr Estiqaatsi,
Splinterlands Expert Wannabe!