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RE: HBD Pay, app and marketing Proposal #302 [ENG-ESP]

in La Colmenalast year

Oh why should a scam explain itself?

And this won't help adoption. This is useless.

Qr code and track payments. What use is it? Exactly none for this idiot to get direct funding?

Hive is now garbage if this guy gets funding. And for what.

This won't help adoption. It won't help anyone. Except him.

Admit it. Now hive is a ghost town and the worst projects and now scams are begging for funding.


worst projects and now scams are begging for funding

Everyone can open a proposal, this is how decentralization works.

You are right! Anyone can do this including the scammiest scum..


Let me guess next is Justin scum.

Seriously. This isn't decentralized. It's whole ownership is acidyo and OCD. This isn't decentralized. It's centralized.

Get it right. If you are going to talk. You might as well know what you talk about.