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RE: HBD Pay, app and marketing Proposal #302 [ENG-ESP]

in La Colmenalast year


It is not open source, but not for any conscious reason. Throughout the almost 20 years I worked as a programmer, it was always on private projects. I suppose that's where the habit stuck with me. However, I love the philosophy of Open-Source, so if the project gets approved, I will consider the task of organizing it with the intention of making it public.

Good point!


However, I love the philosophy of Open-Source, so if the project gets approved, I will consider the task of organizing it with the intention of making it public.

Sorry, but I am not getting the sense you "love" the open source philosophy. Your reply is not worded the way I would expect if that were the case. I don't know what word would be appropriate for how you feel about open source, but the ' if the project gets approved, I will consider the task of organizing it with the intention of making it public,' makes me think of the word "ransom" or just makes me imagine you sitting in a chair while stroking a cat as you address some world leaders on a telescreen.

I hope that the perception you had of my answer is the result of my poor English writing, as it is far from reality.

Since I am used to writing code that is not easy to decipher for private projects, I would have to rewrite all the code to make it readable. This, as you can imagine, is a big job that I would not have to do if I did not want to make it open source.

Your question made me think that if I get DHF funding, it would make a lot of sense to make it available to others. But as I said, that's a lot of work, and the project isn't even finished yet, and there's still a lot of coding to do.

Thanks for your comments!