It was in October 2018, 3 years ago, when I finally joined Splinterlands. At the time I had been on the old blockchain for some time already and I saw all these posts about the game. It took me quite a lot of time to join the game. However, I finally took the step to join the game and paid the 10$ for the Summoner Spellbook. In hindsight these were probably among the best 10$ invested in my life :-).
In the old times there was no DEC, no potions, no SPS
When I started the game, it was kind of a transitional period between alpha and beta packs. The great thing at the time was that all rewards were given out in the form of NFT's. There were no DEC, no potions and of course no SPS. But you could receive a lot of cards for daily quests and season rewards. That is how I manged to build my deck. I swaped some of the cards and bought summoners and packs and slowly but surely increased the size of my deck.
It took me some time but I finally managed to upgrade my summoners to level 6 and I thought that the investment to go to the next level was simply too high. So instead of trying to upgrade my cards more, I started to build a second deck and then I also created a third deck with all my gold cards. Over time, one more account was added, and I play now Splinterlands daily with 4 accounts.
With my main account, I have played a total of almost 22'000 games!!!
I made some investments over time
There were some periods when Hive/steem was dropping in price and at this time I bought cards because they were keeping the value much better. I also invested some btc to buy some expensive legendary cards. I would say during this 3 years, I probably invested around 1000 $ into the game.
The value of my cards was multiplied
When I look at my cards today, the value went up considerably and I could probably buy a nice car if I sold all my cards now. This is without counting the value of the cards in my other accounts.
Some of the cards I have, I rent them out which brings another daily income. Then there is the SPS airdrop, the income from victories, the quest rewards, season rewards... However it's not only the financial aspect that I love about the game. I love the community, the brawls, the posts and of course the game. Let's not forget that there is a lot things that we can be excited about like chaos legion or the land expansion....
Well let's say I'm really happy that I started to play Splinterlands 3 years ago...
Want to start to play? Join my referral program!
Join Splinterlands using this link, buy the Summoner Spellbook and I will send you 200 DEC tokens
Join Rising Star using this link, make 100 missions and I will send you 1000 Starbits
This action is only valid for people who actually are my referrals.
Let's connect ! You can find me on these platforms:
Happy anniversary, come to think of it must be around my three years too.
Have some !PIZZA to celebrate these crazy crazy times!
It's hard to believe that it's already 3 years that I'm playing this game. I don't think there is any other game that I have been playing so long and I don't plan to stop :-)
TBH I've been renting for the past couple of months, it was getting a bit frustrating.
But I still keep an eye on cards to level the deck, I will play again at some point!
Wow, that are some awesome stats! You know, when all the craze about Steemmonsters began I overlooked thinking it was just more of the same and just went my own way. How wrong I was! Around 3 months ago for some reason it popped up again and I was like, "let's see what it's like" and it was huge! After a couple of days of playing I was convinced and took some LTC I got from a faucet and bought the Spellbook. Everything since then was like being in a roller coaster! The game is fun, the rewards are awesome and the community is so supportive and engaging. I wish I had joined years ago! I don't know, maybe I wasn't prepared for it then. Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary!
It's always difficult to take the first step to enter into such a game, especially when you have to make an investment upfront. It's nice that it is now possible to play the game without buying the Spellbook first. That was not the case in the past. It's once you are in the game that you can actually discover all the potential and all the aspects of the game. I'm happy I joined early and I'm still having a lot of fun :-)
Congrats for the cool journey! You joined a month before I did. You really played a lot... 21k battles, that's about 4k more than I did.
And there were no reward cards either. So all rewards were in cards from the base set (beta when I joined). Reward cards were added in January 2019.
That's true. I remember the season rewards at that time... So many cards lol. You will be celebrating your third annivesary soon as well :-)
Wow, so cool to hear about these 'old days'. I have only been playing a few months, but I hope in another 3 years we are looking back at today cursing that we didn't invest more in the game.
The way I see what is being planned, I'm looking forward for the next 3 years. You might be right that in 3 years we will be thinking back to today and wonder why we didn't invest more :-)
I agree. Very exciting to see what Chaos Legend is gonna look like, and what the addition of a rotational format does to shake things up. Longer term, I think a lot depends on what the future of SPS looks like, especially after the airdrop period ends.
The Splinterlands has managed to surprise me more often that I can count. I'm quite confident that they have some ideas in store to support SPS after the airdrop period.
That's an inspiring testimony, I only started playing a year ago and it's a move am thank to self I made.
Whenever I checked on other games, I always compaired them with Splinterlands. I think this game has been an example how it should and could be done. I'm really greatfull that I joined so early and I enjoy every day playing the game :-)
Congratulations! Those 22k battles though. You've been hustling hard. You deserve the gains.
When I think about these 22k battles, I think that I spend way too much time on the game lol. At least it's worth it :-)
That's an awesome achievement and a long journey! Have played Splinterlands just over a week and have done 400 battles so far. Am enjoying this game too!
400 battles in one week is quite an achevement. If you continue at this level you will have about 20'000 battles within a year!
Wow that's an optimistic way to look at it hehe! Thanks for the vote too!
Well it would definitely imply a looot of playing lol
Wow 😮 it turns out to be a really good 3 years of investment
Hope one day I will be like you
Am starting to really love the splinterland
Well by November I will be year old in the hive blockchain.
I just hope to make this one year count well.
I have been on the blockchain since 2017 and it took quite some time to feel my account grow. After a while however, you start to notice that your hive power and your votes become more and more interesting. It takes time but it's definitely worth it :-)
I want to join this splinterlands if you can help me with the registration, show me the steps.i will be happy.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have built a free online course how to get started with the game. Maybe it can help.
Congrats on your milestone and I think I follow on same steps as Splinterlands simply stick to me since its inception. And what a great journey for all of us that started at once...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have started and stopped to play a lot of games but with Splinterlands, I never really stopped. I'm happy I didn't :-)
Apart from investments and cards, you are enjoying the game, that matters.congrats @achim03.
Exactly. I think that all components together is what makes the game great :-)
Oh I didn't know that the start of the game didn't have DEC. I thought it was part of the game from the start so it could promote the Play to Earn model.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
DEC was a great add-on to the game but at the beginning it was only card rewards. DEC broght the game to another level altogether.
Congrats man....And thanks for helping me learn the game along the way too...Even though I've rage quit more times then I can count LOL
I believe that Splinterlands is one of these games that aren't that easy to grasp from the get go. But in fact that is what makes it so interesting. There are some days I feel like a beginner with 5 losses in a row. It needs concentration and knowledge to progress. It's great you are still playing and better than every before I believe :-)
I think the next three years in the game will be even more interesting :)
I'm really looking forward for the land expansion. I think this will give one more dimension to the whole game and the economy.
Just started getting into this game it is very good have a blessed day
Good luck it takes some time to get used to but it's actually quite fun :-)
Wow, reading this gives me more courage to push through, congrats on your anniversary.
Thank you and good luck on your SL journey!
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