Is the Splinterlands Boom over?

in Splinterlands3 years ago

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Today I have been surfing on and I stumbled upon an interesting comment regarding Splinterlands that inspired me for this video.

His question was the following:

Looks like the value of the cards is dropping again. Is the boom over?

I've found this question very interesting and I have tried to provide an anser...

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This is one question we are all wondering and also trying to anticipate how things will move after the general sale. Getting out there 13 million cards needs a lot of players to absorb the pressure and I think that they have pushed things a little bit too much with these numbers. Things might improve in time, but still it is a very high number of cards thrown out there...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

With the exponential growth they experienced over August and September, I don't necessarily blame them from doing the numbers they did! It's going to be interesting to see how things shake out but the team has been crafty thus far in keeping interest so I think that they will be able to maintain a decent level of interest. Additionally, for months and months there were only reward cards available and that meant no summoners were being minted for folks. Now they have access to summoners and other things so I think it's just a developing situation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I totally agree. There were absolutely no summoners to purchase and this is changing now. It will allow people to enter the game for a reasonable price and probably this is very good in the long run for the game.

I have also a bit the same feeling. Looking back at the amount of cards that we had with the previous editions, 15 mio packs seems a lot but there are also a lot new players.

We have to keep in mind many cards will be locked on land. And we are not talking about level 1 cards, because the level of the summoner and monsters matter, as will the edition and probably if they are GF or not.

It may seem 15 mil is a lot in all, but I think it won't be. Plus they added those bonuses for high volume purchases, I expect a few million of them to go out in the first few days after the general sale is opened. Then, there's time for a year to sell the rest. And there are way more active players now than a year ago to consume them, even if nobody else joins (which is obviously not going to happen).

Just a high supply rate. Prices will drop across the board not only because markets have been on the down but also because you'll be able to buy packs of 5 cards at $4 soon free for all. Once those are sold out is when we will start to see prices slowly climb again. Also going to matter how long they wait for land and the next pack releases. Too soon and the prices will stay way down.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see it also like that. I believe that card value will meet pack prices in the mid-term and then little by little, when card deflation starts to kick in, prices will climb again. You are also right to point out that it will be important that the next series doesn't come out too quick.

It's all part of the process in my opinion! We can't have all time highs all the time, otherwise that causes a lot more issues than it solves.

The SL team has been very crafty in the past to garner interest in the game and they still have land up their sleeves and all of the things related to that. I think we are going to have some things to look into in the coming weeks that's for sure!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The hype that we have been having for the last months was not sustainable simply for the fact that new players could hardly get a deck together because of astronomic card prices. If the value of cards goes down, it will allow more new players to start the game for a reasonable price.

Yup - all part of the proceess! Just hold!

There is so much ahead and things will definitely turn around once this new quantity of cards will be "digested" by the game.

Keep holding, keep playing, and yes, bring more people on board on the game.

It is now even easier to get started with that first 1000 CP on an account. Better than ever!

Exactly, if the entry barrier is lower for new players, it will be profitable in the long run because a broad new userbase is the foundation for longtime growth.

Indeed! I started playing at a time where, when you hit the Battle button, you could wait for the timer to run out two or three times before matching with an opponent who is online.

The game is now constantly busy, sure, some bots add to that but it is most active players all around the world. This I adore.

But we can totally do with another 3x-4x players on this game. 😁

This is nothing us Splinterland OG's haven't seen before.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely :-). I was more worried about the hype before that lol

When millions of new cards hit the market... the market goes crazy. This was expected by anyone who has been through Alpha, beta, untamed... Good things ahead most certainly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think that the team took great measures to reduce the impact of these new packs with the voucher system. It couldn't be avoided and in the long run it's much better for the game to have affordable cards out there.

Totally. The flaw is in people thinking that markets can stay stable when such a supply shock is in play.

I think it's just a relax for a rebound. Definitely a good time for new investors to buy into th Project. I know the team would showcase a new feature to buzz things up again.

I'm definitely not worried about it. I was more worried about high card prices because this meant that new players could hardly get 1000 CP to really get started. Now it will be much easier to reach it with affordable cards.

I think people that see the game as long term proget will focus more on growing so that by next bull they will be in better place

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

When prices are reasonable for cards, people will build their decks and this will be more profitable for the game in the long run.

To me, the first boom 💣 that went off left a lot of damage, and now I can't stop thinking to think about how to get more and more cards and dec in the game.😉 but the boom is not over there is more fire to spread out.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Yes I understand that but now you actually can get these cards at a reasonable price and that will help you to upgrade your deck.

It really does help and with my new understanding being able to earn more, that is also good. But will need to apply it now.

I think prices will drop because there are just too many new Chaos Legion cards. Some people are buying packs and building their own deck. However it also means that there is a lot of extra cards that people might want. We will just have to wait for the next hype after Chaos Legion sells out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think that the lower value of cards will allow more new players to build their decks. This will create need for summoners and in the long run demand for other cards. I believe lower prices of cards is paramount for the long term development of the game.

Ah that does make sense. Maybe some of the people in the lower league will want to move up and I guess I should be prepared to lose more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Thanks a lot for the curation!

I am sure many more gems are going to be revealed soon in Splinterlands.

That's the thing we have to be aware. The team can come up with something new at any point and everything might be changed because of it :-)

Thanks for your opinion on this. I think the real point of truth will come mid January as soon as we see how the general sale develops.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe that once the general sale is started, the pack value will meet the price of packs and from there the prices might start to rise over time.

I kind of agree but I also see the risk that If we happen to not sell out all packs because of missing demand, the prices of cards and the value of packs will stay low longer then expected.

That's true. On the other hand a period of price stability isn't that negative for the game. In the past prices moved at a much slower speed and it was easier to plan things.

A kind of slower growth period might be good for the game and I personally would agree but I´m kind of pessimistic about the impact on user numbers as we seem to have attracted quite a crowd of "I want to earn money yesterday" users 😅

Per community guidelines, the VYB community does not wish to allow or encourage self-voting by primary or ALT accounts. The basis for this guideline is to eliminate the possibility of rewards abuse at any level. We apologize for the inconvenience this may bring but look forward to supporting your next article.

Wasn't aware of that. Thanks for mentionning it.

You're welcome. It's what we would like in the community. I have to write though that I feel it will take some time before we get there. Hive, after all, allows the practice. I'll be putting out more about self-voting in the near future.

15 million packs coming. Meaning with 1million active players each can get 15 packs.
I already opened about 60 packs at least so me alone and I am a small fish has 4 times the average users pack already opened before the sale evn started and I am not planning to stop buying packs until they last.
I don't think that the boom is over it just slowed down a bit but the userbase is still continueing to grow. I onboarded someone from the WAIFU DAO gaming guild yesterday, and they started off their career with 30 packs

What is also different from alpha or beta is that you actually need much more cards to fully develop a card. It's normal therefore that there are more packs and also more people to cather. Cheaper prices means easier entry for new people which is necessary for long time growth.

I hope it is but I get increasingly worried as competition is heating up and SL gameplay did not evolve for the past 2 years

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Competition is definitely getting more heat. Every season it gets more difficult to reach the level of the previous one.

The boom will be back! I couldn't tell you when, I just know it will boom again.

That's the great thing about SL. It's built in a way that offers boom times and times when things calm down. I agree, it's just a matter of time :-)

Yeah I did notice that the prices and rents dropped across the board. But it's good for me because it makes it cheaper for me to rent good cards! 🙂

Yes there are always both sides of the medal. I believe it's important for new players to be able to build their CP for affordable amounts. Like that they can put their feet into the game and start profiting from it.

I am currently waiting on the summoners to get to $4.00 each. This will allow me to get a level 2 summoner for $20.00. We are getting closer to that point.

That's a good strategy. I'm doing the same but my threshold is $4.50 :-)

I actually love this decline in prices. It will shake up some of those who only stick around in rosy times.

I'm like you, I start to pick me some summoners from the market ;-)

I think it's part of a cyclic movement that will repeat itself from time to time. We might experience a price drop now but that could bring more people to the table, which will increase the prices down the road.

As long as the game keeps evolving I think it will do fine

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree, the price drop is actually very positive for the long time development of the game. The entry into it is cheaper for new players, they can build and later participate in bringing value to the game.

I recently just came back to Splinterlands, and plan on buying the 100 pack bundle in about a week (just stacking up some vouchers currently and building my SPS up).

I don't have the time to play, however my plan is purely to approach this from an investment standpoint - I figure 110 packs (10% bonus, woot!) Will give me a very healthy yield solely from the upcoming airdrops (its typically what, 2% chance per pack, meaning 110 packs = 220% airdrop chance?)

Renting out my drops (and hoping for some solid gold cards and legendaries) should bring in a fair amount weekly, which I intend on reinvesting back into Hive + SPS / building up my collection further.

Any strategies you recommend outside of this? Just looking to build up a solid rental collection and equally, another passive income stream!

The great thing is that you have plenty of options. When you buy packs you can simply keep the packs and earn sps from them. You can also open the packs (you would need potions however) and then you could create a deck to rent out. You would get rental income and also SPS for Collection point. And you are right that you get airdrop chances when you buy packs but I don't know how to calculate the probability. I think it's much lower than what you calculated ;-)

As I noticed a few others highlight, this massive release is actually why I feel like I may have a chance of becoming more competitive when the general sale lands.

Otherwise, I'd likely be priced out for a while; just plunking along in Bronze/Silver :S

I totally understand your point. I think that with chaos legion, the game becomes accessible to everybody and I believe this is very important!

Almost sounds like the stock market. There will be days that fluctuate positively and negatively depending on how players react. We, as players, must stick to the game and invite others to help provide competition to the market. Competition will increase the value of cards as less cards become available for the public to buy either because of combining cards to make stronger level cards or burn cards in order to give DEC.