Before you max out the level of your cards, check this out first!

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

I know how excited you are when you open up one of your chest rewards and find that final card that well max out the level of one of your cards.


But is that always a good idea?

Remember once you level up that card there's no going back.

You cannot take back the cards that you've combined.

You might be fit into thinking, well it's the highest level card therefore it should trump a lower-level card.


Well, let me show a situation where that's not the case...

Let's say we have a 13 mana game where Earth is one of the Splinters to choose from.


Now, everyone who's been playing this game long enough would know that Flesh Golem w/ Scarred Llama Mage is one of the best if not unbeatable combination.

But what if a Level 9 Golem was faced off with a Level 10 Golem in this scenario?

Who do you think would win?

Your guest would probably be Level 10 right?

Well, you would be wrong. Check it out below.

Link to Battle

Above is the match-up and in this instance, my Level 9 Golem with Llama beat the Level 10 version. If you have the patience to play it all the way to match 24 you'll see that Fatigue caught on to the Level 10 version faster than the Level 9.

I haven't done my own calculations as to why that is but if you look at the same match-up at's battle chain. Level 9 is always winning.

This is not a fluke, in this match-up, the Level 9 Golem ALWAYS beats Level 10 version.

So before you combine those cards, think again check the battle chain over at Peakmonsters or hold up on Leveling it up.


he played first so after his attack you healed and attacked and the round was finished. so his healing was at the beginning of the round and fatigue effect is at the end of the round. because of that you were starting the round with more health.

if you were the first to attack you would lose every time.

But I'm never the first to attack in this match.

i am not sure how game determents who attacks first when speed is the same, if it is that higher lvl goes first then yes lvl 10 will always lose in this situation.

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