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RE: Founder Mode!

in Splinterlands6 months ago

I know the team isn't in a phase of growth right now, but having had a peak behind the curtain I can certainly say there are many passionate team members that bring a lot of talent, focus, and drive to their roles. This would fall under the 'hire good people and let them do their jobs' to me, especially as Matt has had to take a more macro role with the company since becoming CEO.

In all fairness, I believe Aggy had that approach as well but the company scaled too fast and too big - and this happened right at the beginning of quite a long bear market.

Once the market turns and we see growth I'll be very curious to see how Matt approaches growing and managing the team. He has the benefit of hindsight and is naturally more conservative so my hope is lessons learned lead to future success.


I am sure you are correct. The management style I described here is theoritical and applicable to conventional start-ups. Even there the two modes I discuss are not mutually exclusive. In real world big industries it is not easy to make a call which mode you should be in and at which given time. If we knew all the answers, it would be easy.