Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge - Myselic Slipspawn

in Splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about one of the most useful rare earth card which is called Myselic Slipspawn. First let's have a look at the stats to tell advantages and disadvantages of using it in the battle.

In my opinion the main advantage of using this card is 'taunt' ability. Because of the taunt ability you can protect your other low health weaker monsters easily as all monsters with 'snipe' and 'opportunity' ability will target Myselic Slipspawn first . If you use this card together with a monster which has 'Triage' ability then you can make your defense even stronger.

Another useful ability is 'Forcefield' . Without this abilty it would be so easy to take down Mycelic Slipspawn with monsters which have 5+ attack power.

The last abilty is 'Slow" which makes opponent team slower so they will miss their attacks more often.

The best rulesets to use this card in my opinion are "Target Practice" (so all monsters will target this card) "Equal Opportunity" ( because magic can attack through shield using this card can be effective)
Other than these rulesets I couldn't find any other useful ones to be honest.

My overall opinion on this card is that in higher mana battles this card will help you a lot, has high health and 'forcefield' abilty to last longer in battles, slows down the enemy speed which is important but if we talk about disadvantages it's not effective at low mana battles as it costs 9 mana, despite 9 mana cost it just does 3 magic damage and can be easily countered if enemy has monsters with 'void' abilty.

Now let's talk about the battle itself!

This is my lineup as you can see I'm battling against water team and in order to take advantage of the magic monsters I use 'Obsidian' as summoner to increase my magic attack power which helped me to win easily.

As you can see opponent is using 2 monsters with 'opportunity' ability so without Mysekic Slipspawn I'd lose my tank healer and lose but at first round he survived 2 attacks and I took down opponent's tank so rest of the battle was determined already.

At third round Myselic Slipspawn got killed by Deeplurker but because at another round Deeplurker targeted Myselic Morphoid my tank healer survived and battle lasted 5 rounds with my victory

Conclusion: If you use tank healers a lot then you can use Myselic Slipspawn to protect healers easily but in low mana battles it'd be better to not use it as it's not as effective as in higher mana battles.

Here's the battle link if you'd like to watch:

And here's my referral link if you'd like to join this amazing game and community:)

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