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RE: Is it possible for Splinterlands (SL) Investors to invest in hive? Why?

in Splinterlands7 months ago

Hell yeah man, it looks cool. We used to have our own game, it was called Scrolls…it was a lot like magic, but we made the cards ourselves…this seems like something I would enjoy.

Can I ask, is this a game where I can be competitive/have fun if all I invest is the initial $10 for the book? Or will I find myself compelled to spend more and more to gain an edge? I have that addictive/compulsive gambler streak, so I get nervous about that as well.



lol you will have fun for $10, but soon you will want to put in a bit more to stay competitive. If you are familiar with magic that’s how life goes for a trading card game

Hahaha yeah this is true. In Scrolls, the only cost was that of ink and cardstock. New cards had to be approved by the guild of course.

I’m 100% going to give it a shot, but probably won’t invest in getting started until I’ve hit my first HP target (10k)…which I don’t think will take me very long :)