Hello, SPL community as well as to Hive people! Another week for a fan art challenge and this week as I was browsing the SPL characters, I saw this card, and a bright idea came to my mind. This is my inspiration for this week's art entry.
"As charming as fungus flingers look, they are incredibly deadly if provoked. They are often found among the leaf litter and rotting vegetation in wetlands and forests, feeding upon the dead or decaying matter. They usually shy away from visitors, but if their colonies are threatened, they will attack, and the outcome tends to be most unpleasant.
These small creatures throw bits of fungus at any threat or danger and can be quite accurate. Their pasty projectiles explode on contact, blinding the target and grounding those that are airborne. Upon death, fungus flingers release spores that empower nearby allies.”
Here is the final result of my artwork. A stubborn mushroom with fungi coming out from different parts of its body.
The coloring materials I used for this drawing are colored markers. At first, I was hesitant about what would be the result but as it goes on, I'm enjoying the process. Hope you'll like the final output. See you again next time! Thank you!
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