A pleasant day to all the members of the Hive platform and to the Splinterlands community.
I wanted to share the fanart that I've created of Prince Julian, a legendary summoner under the Dragon Element. This summoner can be used in the Silenced Summoner ruleset because it doesn't give any abilities to the units it summons under the ruleset.
I can't remember if I rented this card since I started playing the game but remembered some battles where I've played with players using this awesome summoner in the higher leagues.
I truly appreciate this summoner that I decided to create a simple fanart of it.

- I created a simple sketch concept of my artwork in a piace of paper. Once I'm done with the sketch. I took a photo of it to be used in the art app that I'm currently using which is the ibisPaintX.

- I imported the photo in the app and started to created the line art. After I finalized the line art, I started to add the base color of the sketch, following the flat colors and simple shadow to make it somewhat more lively.


Thank you for reading my blog and how I created this simple appreciation fanart.
Great work. It's great to see part of the creative process 😊👍🏼