[ENG/ESP] [Ant miners GIVEAWAY] I got 1st Place in a splinterlands Tournament! let's check the battles in the final!/Obtuve el 1er lugar en un torneo en splinterlands, veamos las batallas de la final!

in Splinterlands3 years ago

splintermammothtournamentthubnail_76494919 (1).gif

Link to tournament

As I usually say, I hope whoever is reading this has a great day/night!

Como suelo decir, espero que quien sea que esté leyendo esto tenga un grandioso día/noche!

Hello! today we will be reviewing the battles from the final round of the SplinterMammoth Community Tournament from February 13th. I was thinking about it a lot and decided to limit the post only to the final round because the match was grueling with 7 fights! Despite this, I will leave some extra matches from previous rounds that I found interesting at the end.

Hola! el día de hoy estaremos revisando las batallas de la ronda final del Torneo de la comunidad de SplinterMammoth del pasado 13 de febrero. Estuve pensándolo mucho y decidí limitar el post solo a la ronda final por que el match estuvo reñido con 7 combates! A pesar de ello dejaré algunos combates extras de rondas anteriores que me parecieron interesantes al final.



The tournament was in the bronze league, only chaos legion , reward and promo cards were allowed. All cards, including legendary cards, were allowed. Although I have to say that there was a small hole in the level caps, I'll talk about that later.

El torneo fue en la liga de bronce, solo las cartas chaos legion , reward y promo estaban permitidas. Todas las cartas, incluyendo las legendarias, estaban permitidas. Aun que debo decir que había un pequeño agujero en los límites de niveles, ya hablaré de eso luego.

I want to comment that in almost all the rounds, I was 1 loss away from being eliminated, I find it hard to believe that I could have made it this far. With each passing round I became more nervous and at the same time more excited xD.

Quiero comentar que en casi todas las rondas, estuve a 1 derrota de ser eliminado, me cuesta creer que haya podido llegar tan lejos. Con cada ronda que pasaba me ponía más nervioso y a la vez me emocionaba más xD.

I have nothing more to say, let's go with the battles!

No me queda más nada que decir, vamos con las batallas!

Round #1

Ruleset: Fog of war, earthquake.
Mana cap: 29.
Allowed splinters: Water, earth, death.


Watch this battle here!

Dragon wasn't active, but even if it had been i wouldn't have been able to pick Brighton bloom since it's not a Promo, Reward or Chaos legion card. For these cases the best option for me is Kelya + Venari wavesmith, so I went with that.

One or two rounds ago, as a last minute rental, I rented Ruler of the seas because, well, you don't go that far in a tournament every day, do you? losing by not using a card that you know will give you an advantage would be sad. Because of that I decided to use it in this battle since it is a very good card.
At the bottom I put Halfling alchemist and Venari wavemisth for obvious reasons, at the front I put one of the best tanks in the water splinter: Kelp. Another last minute rental for this moment I had done is Spirit hoarder, which I decided to place in the second position, and just behind it I placed Captain Ghost. With any luck Spirit hoarder will heal those monsters damaged by the earthquake. My main concern this game was Deep lurker, I wanted to keep him as far away from Captain ghost and Ruler of the seas as possible.

Dragón no estaba activo, aun que igual si lo hubiera estado no habría podido escoger a Brighton bloom debido que no es una carta Promo, Reward o Chaos legion. Para estos casos la mejor opción para mi es Kelya + Venari wavesmith, así que fui con eso.
Hacía una o dos rondas atrás, como renta de último momento renté a Ruler of the seas por que, bueno, uno no llega todos los días tan lejos en un torneo no? perder por no usar una carta que sabes que te dará ventaja sería triste. Debido a ello decidí usarla en esta batalla ya que es una carta buenísima.
Al fondo coloqué a Halfling alchemist y a Venari wavemisth por obvias razones, al frente puse a uno de los mejores tanques en el splinter de agua: Kelp. Otra renta de último momento para éste momento había hecho es Spirit hoarder, que decidí colocar en la segunda posición, y justo detrás coloqué a Captain Ghost. Con algo de suerte Spirit hoarder curará a aquellos monstruos dañados por el terremoto. Mi principal preocupación en esta partida era Deep lurker, quería mantenerlo lo más lejos posible de Captain ghost y Ruler of the seas.

Round #1 results: Loss. My opponent played a strategy that didn't cross my mind: using Queen mycelia. This strategy was pretty solid if you used Lord arianthus and Mushroom seer on top of it, but that wasn't enough as he added Regal peryton who can fly. Damn.

Resultados de la ronda #1: Derrota. Mi oponente jugó con una estrategia que no se me pasó por la mente: usar a Queen mycelia. Esta estrategia era bastante sólida si encima se usaba a Lord arianthus y a Mushroom seer, pero con eso no bastó pues añadió a Regal peryton quien puede volar.

Round #2

Ruleset: Target practice.
Mana cap: 32.
Allowed splinters: Fire, water, life, dragon.


Watch this battle here!

I don't remember if by this time in my opponent's old games I saw that he had a Ruler of the seas, but be that as it may, this time we could play with Dragon and I must say that this splinter under the rules of this tournament was very good, I'll explain why:

No recuerdo si para este momento en las partidas antiguas de mi oponente vi que tenía un Ruler of the seas, pero sea como sea, esta vez podíamos jugar con Dragón y debo decir que este splinter bajo las reglas de este torneo era muy bueno, ya te explico el por qué:


Due to being the tournament in bronze you could use Daria (or Kretch tallevor) of maximum level 2 since it is an epic card, being an epic card provided you with the ability to place cards * RARE* level 3, as opposed to chaos legion summoners who could only level 2.
Due to the above, Silvershield assassin could be used at level 3, which made it have 2 melee damage, which added to Daria's damage would make her have 3!.

Explained this, taking into account the rule of this round, I particularly like to take advantage of it to play with full melee, in such a way that all my opponent's attacks focus on the tank, while on the other end, my sneak would do its thing.
In front I placed a card that I rented a while ago to get POWER: Void dragon, it was the perfect tank, with its speed and flight it could dodge the range pretty well and with Void magic wouldn't be a problem. Since I knew that my opponent used a lot of magic I put Crystal werewolf as secondary tank. In case my opponent used Daria, I put Disintegrator in the third position. The rest of the cards were monters with sneak.

Debido al ser el torneo en bronce podías usar a Daria (o Kretch tallevor) de máximo nivel 2 ya que es una carta épica, al ser una carta épica te proveía de la capacidad de colocar cartas RARAS de nivel 3, en contraposición los invocadores de chaos legion que solo podían hasta nivel 2.

Debido a lo anterior dicho se podía usar a Silvershield assasin a nivel 3, lo que hacía que tuviera 2 de daño cuerpo a cuerpo, que sumado al daño de Daria la haría tener 3. Explicado esto, y teniendo en cuenta la regla actual de la partida, a mi particularmente me gusta aprovecharme de ella para jugar con full cuerpo a cuerpo, de tal manera que todos los ataques de mi oponente se centren en el tanque, mientras en el otro extremo, mi sneak haría lo suyo.
Al frente coloqué una carta que renté hacía un tiempo para obtener PODER: Void dragon, era el tanque perfecto, con su velocidad y vuelo podría esquivar bastante bien el rango y con Void la magia no sería problema. Como sabía que mi oponente usaba mucho magia coloqué a Crystal werewolf como tanque secundario. En caso de que mi oponente usara a Daria, coloaqué a Disintegrator en la tercera posición. El resto de cartas fueron monstruos con sneak.

Round #2 results: Win. Magnificent, my opponent wanted to take direct advantage of the rule using Ruler of the seas, however my strategy led him to attack just who I wanted him to attack, meanwhile my sneaks were destroying his rear .

Resultados de la ronda #2: Victoria. Magnífico, mi oponente quiso aprovechares de forma directa de la regla usando a Ruler of the seas, sin embargo mi estrategia lo llevó a atacar justo a quien quería que atacara, mientras tanto mis sneaks hacían destrozos en su retaguardia.

Round #3

Ruleset: Fog of war.
Mana cap: 36.
Allowed splinters: Fire, life, death, dragon.


Watch this battle here!

I couldn't use sneak (still, I didn't want to repeat the strategy), therefore Daria and Tarsa had little use and General sloan was very risky, due to the amount of magic that my opponent handled. Since my opponent had a certain affinity for using magic and the lack of sneak (besides that among my cards rented by power I had Lira a very strong card with opportunism) I decided to play with Thaddius since the rest of the splinters did not convince me. As a tank I placed Prismatic energy, if all went well I would have quite an advantage. As secondary tank I placed Xenith monk and in the third position Spirit hoarder (because of his magic rather than his ability). Due to the lack of sneak I placed Soul strangler, Lira and Lich in the back.

No podía usar sneak (igual, no quería repetir la estrategia), por ende Daria y Tarsa tenían poco uso y General sloan era muy riesgoso, debido a la cantidad de magia que mi oponente manejaba. Ya que mi oponente tenía cierta afinidad por usar magia y la falta de sneak (además que entre mis cartas rentadas por el poder tenía a Lira una carta muy fuerte con oportunismo) decidí jugar con Thaddius ya que el resto de splinters no me convencía. Como tanque coloqué a Prismatic energy, si todo salía bien tendría bastante ventaja. Como tanque secundario coloqué a Xenith monk y en la tercera posición a Spirit hoarder (por su magia más que por su habilidad). Debido a la falta de sneak coloqué al fondo a Soul strangler, Lira y Lich.

Round #3 results: Win. Everything went great, the magic reflection weakened my opponent a lot while Lira, Lich and Soul strangler finished the job.

Resultados de la ronda #3: Victoria. Todo salió excelentemente, el reflejo mágico debilitó mucho a mi oponente mientras Lira, Lich y Soul strangler terminaban el trabajo.

Round #4

Ruleset: Silenced summoners, close range.
Mana cap: 42.
Allowed splinters: Fire, water, life, dragon.


Watch this battle here!

With silenced summoners active I had a higher play range if I used Daria (at 42 mana I didn't want to rent Kretch). The best tank I had on hand was Void dragon for both magic and range/melee. Since I was using Void dragon, setting up Crystal werewolf just in case didn't seem like a bad idea so I did it. I then set up several sneak cards, including Sand worm and Silvershield knight. To protect myself from sneaks, I put Silvershield sheriff in the back.

Con silenced summoners activo tenía un mayor rango de juego si usaba a Daria (con 42 de mana no quise rentar a Kretch). El mejor tanque que tenía a la mano era Void dragon tanto para magia como para rango/melee. Ya que estaba usando a Void dragon, colocar a Crystal werewolf por si las dudas no me pareció mala idea así que lo hice. Luego coloqué varias cartas con sneak, incluyendo a Sand worm y a Silvershield knight. Para protegerme de los sneaks, coloqué a Silvershield sheriff al fondo.

Round #4 results: Defeat. In this format the Kraken is a very powerful card x_x and due to the lack of buffs on the summoner's part it makes it more difficult to deal with, even more so if he is being healed.

Resultados de la ronda #4: Derrota. En este formato el Kraken es una carta muy poderosa x_x y debido a la falta de buffs por parte del invocador hace que sea más complicado el hacerle frente, más aún si está siendo curado.

Round #5

Ruleset: Close range, little league.
Mana cap: 44.
Allowed splinters: Fire, water, life, dragon.


Watch this battle here!

Hmmm usually with little league I like to use the Xenith monk + any card that heals the tank strategy, so I'll play Kelya to use Merdaali guardian. I'm going to put Kelp as my main tank in front, Xenith monk as my secondary tank. In the third position Scavo hireling to heal the shield. At the bottom will be the ranged damage cards as usual, these being Kulu and Pirate archer.

Mmmmm usualmente con little league me gusta usar la estrategia de Xenith monk + cualquier carta que cure el tanque, así que jugaré con Kelya para usar a Merdaali guardian. Al frente colocaré a Kelp como tanque principal, como tanque secundario a Xenith monk. En la tercera posición Scavo hireling para que cure el escudo. Al fondo irán las cartas con daño de rango como es usual, siendo estas Kulu y Pirate archer.

Round #5 results: Loss. Heck, Manticore at level 2 takes 1 point more melee damage? O_o, I didn't know that. My opponent used the same strategy regarding the tank, but with a higher damage efficiency, on top of placing Fire spitter in the background I would say that he protected himself very well from sneaks.

Resultados de la ronda #5: Derrota. Rayos, Manticore a nivel 2 adquiere 1 punto más de daño cuerpo a cuerpo? O_o, eso no lo sabía. Mi oponente usó la misma estrategia respecto al tanque, pero con una mayor eficiencia en el daño (y vaya que si), encima colocando a Fire spitter al fondo diría que se protegía muy bien de los sneaks.

Round #6

Ruleset: Heavy hitters, reverse speed.
Mana cap: 26.
Allowed splinters: Fire, earth, life, dragon.


Watch this battle here!

The best way to take advantage of reverse speed is by using sneak, I consider using magic to be risky, especially with so little mana, and considering how powerful Daria is under the tournament rules, I decided to go with her. As a tank I will leave a card with a lot of health but 1 speed, Blinding reflector. I'm going to play Halfling alchemist since with the reverse speed, it's almost impossible for it to miss before dying, plus it'll work against sneaks. Sand worm is a card that I always put in these games when I can, it will hardly fail. I decided to put other cards with sneak and Celestial harpy since it will take advantage of the damage that Daria will provide.

La mejor forma de aprovecharme de la velocidad inversa es usando sneak, considero que usar magia es algo riesgoso, especialmente con tan poco mana, y tomando en cuenta lo poderosa que es Daria bajo las reglas del torneo, decidí escogerla. Como tanque dejaré una carta con bastante vida pero 1 de velocidad, Blinding reflector. Colocaré a Halfling alchemist ya que con la velocidad inversa, es casi imposible que falle antes de morir, además de que servirá contra los sneaks. Sand worm es una carta que siempre coloco en estas partidas cuando puedo, difícilmente fallará. Decidí colocar otras cartas con sneak y a Celestial harpy ya que se aprovechará del daño que Daria le proporcionará.

Round #6 results: Win. Despite the debuff applied by my opponent's Disintegrator, I was able to debuff his tank with Halfling alchemist, which made Blinding reflector last a bit longer! Meanwhile, the sneak did his job and quickly took down my opponent's monsters. I have to say that the fact that my harpy dodged so many attacks was great.

Resultados de la ronda #6: Victoria. A pesar del debuff aplicado por el Disintegrator de mi oponente, pude encajarle un debuff con Halfling alchemist, lo cual hizo que Blinding reflector aguantara un poco más!, mientras tanto los sneaks hicieron lo suyo y derribaron rápidamente los monstruos de mi oponente. Debo decir que el hecho de que mi arpía esquivara tantos ataques fue genial.

Wow! This final has been very, very close, the next one is the final match... gosh, I was so nervous, but at this point I thought that even if I won the match I would be in second place because even if I won we would both be tied with 21 wins, but I would have more losses..

Vaya! Esta final ha estado muy pero muy rendida, el que sigue es el combate final...cielos, estaba tan nervioso, pero a la vez en este punto pensé que aun ganando el match quedaría en segundo lugar ya que aun si yo ganaba ambos quedaríamos empatados con 21 victorias, pero yo tendría más derrotas...

Final round

Ruleset: Earthquake, spreading fury.
Mana cap: 16.
Allowed splinters: Fire, death, dragon.


Watch this battle here!

Earthquake + spreading fury...this is a very, very particular combination of rules since you can take advantage of the earthquake damage to increase the stats of your melee monsters, it's a bit risky, but lately I've been losing all the games with those two rules together since my opponents did exactly that, so this time, I decided to try this strategy for the first time.
I would need a lot of HP to last as long as I could, Daria didn't offer HP, so I decided to use Tarsa who would also increase my monsters' melee damage.
I was definitely going to need sneak cards, with Tenyii striker being my primary damage dealer, so I put him in the middle because of that. Halfling alchemist needed to survive as long as he could to make sure he hit the enemy tank, who would presumably have increased stats with the enrage, so I put him in the back, but in front of Uraeus.
Finally my secret weapon: Ant miners. If I managed to increase his life with Scavenger, added to the HP buff and melee damage of the summoner and the enrage could take a lot and do a lot of damage.
Do you remember what I said regarding my doubts about whether even winning the match I would win the tournament? Well, I had 1 space left over in my composition, a space that could be filled by Schorch fiend, I hesitated for several seconds whether to rent it or not but in the end my competitive spirit got the better of me and I rented it. I placed Schorch fiend in front and Furious chicken in second position.

Terremoto + spreading fury...esta es una combinación de reglas muy pero muy particular ya que puedes aprovecharte del daño del terremoto para aumentar las estadísticas de tus monstruos, es algo riesgoso, pero últimamente había estado perdiendo todas las partidas con esas dos reglas juntas ya que mis oponentes hacían exactamente eso, así que esta vez, decidí probar esta estrategia por primera vez.
Necesitaría mucho HP para aguantar tanto como pudiese, Daria no ofrecía HP, así que decidí usar a Tarsa quien aumentaría también el daño cuerpo a cuerpo de mis monstruos.
Definitivamente iba a necesitar cartas con sneak, siendo Tenyii striker mi hacedor de daño principal, debido a ello lo coloqué en el medio. Era necesario que Halfling alchemist sobreviviera tanto como pudiese para asegurarme de que golpeara el tanque enemigo, quien presuntamente con el enrage tendría su stats aumentados, así que lo coloqué al fondo, pero al frente de Uraeus.
Por último mi arma secreta: Ant miners. Si lograba aumentarle la vida son Scavenger, sumado al buff de HP y daño melee del invocador y el enrage podría aguantar un montón y hacer mucho daño.
Recuerdas lo que dije respecto a mis dudas sobre si aún ganando el match ganaría el torneo? Bueno, me sobraba 1 espacio en mi composición, espacio que podía ser rellenado por Schorch fiend, dudé por varios segundos si rentarla o no pero al final mi espíritu competitivo pudo conmigo y la renté. Al frente coloqué a Schorch fiend y en la segunda posición a Furious chicken.

Final round results: Win. Immediately when I sent my composition, without even seeing the result, a notification popped up with the prize in DEC that I had won: 125 DEC, the amount that the first place would receive... I had won, I couldn't believe it! Analyzing the battle, it can be seen that the RNG was not in my favor, I was very lucky that the last attack did not miss.

Resultados de la ronda final: Victoria. Inmediatamente al mandar mi composición, sin siquiera ver el resultado, saltó una notificación con el premio en DEC que había ganado: 125 DEC, la cantidad que recibiría el primera lugar...había ganado, no lo podía creer! Analizando la batalla, se puede notar que el RNG no estaba a mi favor, tuve mucha suerte de que el último ataque no fallara.


Actually check this out, according to splintertools.io, my opponent had an 80% chance of winning, so I was lucky!

De hecho mira esto, según splintertools.io, mi oponente tenía un 80% de probabildiades de ganar, vaya que tuve suerte!

Extra battles from rounds prior to the final

Extra battle 1
I ended buying Void dragon for things like this xD

Terminé comprando el Void dragon por cosas como ésta.

Extra battle 2
When Weak magic is active, Kraken + Scavo hireling + River hellondale does a good job x_x.

Cuando Weak magic está activa, Kraken + Scavo hireling + River hellondale hacen un buen trabajo.

Extra battle 3

Don't underestimate the power of Pirate archer.

No subestimes el poder de Pirate archer.

Extra battle 4

Even with double Void, countering Ruler of the seas in this format is tricky...

Aún con doble Void, hacerle counter de Ruler of the seas en este formato es complicado...

Extra battle 5

I completely forgot the existence of Queen mycelia, I felt very silly, I currently don't have that card, it's a bit expensive.

Olvidé por completo la existencia de Queen mycelia, me sentí muy tonto, actualmente no tengo esa carta, está algo cara.

Extra battle 6

This battle was the final round of the semi final, I needed something that would give me a noticeable advantage to make sure I won, because of this I rented Ruler of the seas at the last moment. It was a great decision.

Esta batalla fue la ronda final de la semifinal, necesitaba algo que me diera una ventaja destacable para asegurarme de ganar, debido a esto renté a Ruler of the seas en el último momento. Fue una gran descición.

Final thought

February 13 was a very special day, I reached diamond for the first time and I got a chaos legion pack in a chest, but on top of that I also won a tournament, I really can't ask for more. The battles in splinterlands are visible for a month, after that the link is useless, I will record the final game and leave it on my youtube channel as a souvenir... 20%, i will remember that percentage forever. Thanks for reading!

El 13 de febrero fue un día muy especial, llegué a diamante por primera vez, obtuve un pack de chaos legion en un cofre y encima gané un torneo, realmente no puedo pedir más. Las batallas en splinterlands son visibles durante un mes, luego de eso el link no sirve de nada, grabaré la partida final y la dejaré en mi canal de youtube como recuerdo... 20%, recordaré ese porcentaje para siempre, gracias por leer!

Giveaway Time!/Hora del sorteo!


1.Leave a comment letting me know that you want to participate.

Deja un comentario haciéndome saber que deseas participar.

2.Just ONE entry per person (more comments are ok, but will not give you more % to win)

Solo UNA entrada por persona (más comentarios están bien, pero no te darán más % de ganar).

3.Upvotes and reblogs are not necessary but IF YOU DO A REBLOG i will tip you some PIZZA, LUV or LOL in exchange!

Los upvotes y los reblogs no son necesarios pero SI HACES UN REBLOG ¡te daré PIZZA, LUV o LOL a cambio!

4.The Giveaway will end in a week (February 26). And I will use this tool to determine the winner. The winner will get a Ant miners Level 1 card.

El Sorteo terminará en una semana (26 de febrero). Y usaré ésta herramienta para determinar el ganador El ganador obtendrá una carta Ant miners Nivel 1.

Ad space/Espacio publicitario <3

kisspng-resident-evil-4-albert-wesker-resident-evil-2-leon-resident-evil-5aca121c363505.0380330215231923482221 (1) (1).png

"Gotta selection a good things stranger"

Interesting post/Post de interés

  1. [ENG/ESP] Splinterlands Brawl Report In Bronce Fray (7 Battles!) - PIZZA 2 GUILD 14/Feb/2022 by Me

  2. [ENG/ESP][Gold II League] amaillo's - Splinter Stats Season 67 Report Card by Me


Do you want to try Splinterlands? You can use my referral link (https://splinterlands.com/?ref=amaillo-m), if you do I can delegate some cards that will help you rise in ranks faster!

¿Quieres probar Splinterlands? Puedes usar mi link de referido (https://splinterlands.com/?ref=amaillo-m), si lo haces puedo delegarte (es decir, prestarte) algunas cartas que te ayudarán a subir más rápido de rango!

Hey, if you want to get some extra income in Hive (because yeah, never is enough income xD), why do not to try Rising Star? And also Cryptobrewmaster!, both of them are good and easy games! HUH?! did you don't like games?! O_o. Well you can try eXode which is a bit more strategic and also you will receive 2 alpha packs when join, ah? You do not like to think ?!

Oye, si quieres obtener un ingreso extra en Hive (porque sí, nunca hay suficientes ingresos xD), ¿por qué no pruebas Rising Star? Y también Cryptobrewmaster!, ¡ambos son juegos buenos y fáciles! ¡¿EH?! ¡¿No te gustan los...juegos de solo dar clicks?! O_o. Bueno puedes probar eXode que es un poco más estratégico y donde puedes recibir 2 paquetes alpha al unirte ,Ah? No te gusta pensar?!

Welps, you can emm get PIZZA here and stake 20 PIZZA , to get some more PIZZA and also be capable of give pizza in your comments! What?! The pizza makes you fat u say? O_o (note: you can still be capable of give pizza just by holding 20 tokens). Also, why no join to our DISCORD? We have $PIZZA and games!


Bueno, puedes conseguir PIZZA aquí stackear 20 PIZZA, para conseguir más PIZZA y también ser capaz de regalar pizza en tus comentarios! ¡¿Qué?! La pizza engorda, dices? O_o (nota: puedes otorgar pizza aún solo si holdeas 20 tokens). Además, por qué no unirte a nuestro DISCORD? Tenemos $PIZZA y juegos!

Ok, you can also delegate some of SPT to (@)monster-curator to get some pasive SPT (in case you aren't doing nothing with it).

Ok, también puedes delegar algo de SPT a (@)monster-curator para obtener algo de SPT pasivo (en caso de que no le estés dando uso para hacer curaciones/dar votos).

¿Nuevo en Hive? Date una vuelta por este post que te explica todo lo básico que necesitas saber. Si quieres comprar Hive puedes darte una vuelta por
Binance o por Orinoco.io, puedes usar Hive para stackearlo y obtener más recursos (es decir, más capacidad para hacer transacciones) además de poder obtener más Hive por tus curaciones ("likes").



i don't have BEER, but take this

I could get in trouble for stealing from the kitchen supply store
But that’s a whisk I’m willing to take.

Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)@eii, I sent you an on behalf of @amaillo

Tremendo informe de batalla Bro. Felicidades por tu primer lugar, eres un crack en Splinterlands.


You have received a 1UP from @dynamicrypto!

@monster-curator, @oneup-curator, @neoxag-curator
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕 The following @oneup-cartel family members will soon upvote your post:

Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the family on Discord.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

anotame y felicitaciones we

Congrats for such great achievements! Pls count me in for the giveaway thanks~

So fire bro! Congratulations!! I'm sure it will be the first of many hehe

upvoted by gameboyali.png

i hope so!

I can't even imagine winning a tourna that so many tough players entered.
Thanks for the giveaway~

!1UP amazing post with an amazing gif meme

Count me in for the giveaway @jmehta

count me batistebou

That is awesome that you won the Tourney, and the 13th will be a great day, diamond, I am just dipping my foot into gold and I am liking the rewards for it, downside is renting to get there, but making the DEC back from renting is always a nice thing, not to mention a !PIZZA fam member delegating me CP.

Good luck to everyone and have a great day! I would like to participate @kqaos

!PIZZA forever!

count me in for the giveaway!
ign: @onefapman


I watched a documentary on Marijuana last night…
…that’s probably how I’ll watch all documentaries from now on.

Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (4/4)@onefapman, I sent you an on behalf of @amaillo

Good luck everyone!

count me in : ign : asrullpare

Ant miners is one of the few fire cards that have scavenger ability, also it is a low mana cost card. Would be very glad to participate in this giveaway/raffle. Thank you...

Thank you for this giveaway. Please include me in the draws. @itzyyy

I want to please have a chance for this card. @ashborn07

I want to participate please. @jona10

Eyyy... Let me participate sir.

Hi. Please let me in
IGN @animocin

Thanks for the giveaway, count me in please,

IGN : @fighter3

Please count me in for the giveaway :

IGN : @fighter58

Please include me. @squishna !PIZZA reblogged


Why was Pavlov's beard so soft?
Because he conditioned it.

Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)@squishna, I sent you an on behalf of @amaillo

I want to participate in the giveaway, good luck every one!

OwO congrats 🎉 Your decks are so strong to achieve that 💪

Thank you for the opportunity! @spryquasar

Nice man, happy to win something lol - great write-up of the tournament, well done, re-blogged


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
amaillo tipped bacon-dub (x1)
amaillo tipped eii (x1)
bacon-dub tipped amaillo (x1)
amaillo tipped myeong (x1)
amaillo tipped squishna (x1)
squishna tipped amaillo (x1)
pleo1542 tipped amaillo (x2)
davideownzall tipped amaillo (x1)
curation-cartel tipped amaillo (x1)
kqaosphreak tipped amaillo (x1)
amaillo tipped pleo1542 (x2)
amaillo tipped kqaosphreak (x1)
amaillo tipped davideownzall (x1) @falcout tipped @amaillo (x1)

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@amaillo! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

BEERHey @amaillo, here is a little bit of from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

You need to stack more BBH (Each 1000 BBH in your wallet allows you to send 1 BBH per day)

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Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from February day 17