Advice for a newby?

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Can anyone give some advice for a newby on good strategy to get started as a free to play or at least low cost startup? Buying the spell book is a given. But I hope to get a thread that people can contunue to learn from even after I have learned.
Best summoner? Best placements? Anyway to rank up quicker?
Thank you so much for any input!


If you search the splinterlands community for post by @quixoticflux you'll see some really good guides for beginners broken down by splinter. Best advice is to choose 2 splinters you like to play, and focus on getting as strong as you can in those splinters. The above mentioned guides can help. For beginners, Fire is a really good splinter to invest in. After that, Earth, Life, and Water are popular choices depending on your play style.

For free to play, your progression will be fairly slow. Re-invest your DEC in rentals according to the above guides. Do your dailies and claim those rewards religiously. Sometimes you get lucky with a big reward. For just a little investment in the game beyond the spellbook, the rental market opens up a lot of opportunities for you to build those first 2 splinters.

Awesome thanks for the reply! I will definitely check out the guides. I notice that dec is really slow grinding at first. But the rentals look pretty good if i can get some decent DEC generation going. I really like fire so far for sure.

Yeah, the DEC at the novice or Bronze 3 level can be less than 1 DEC per win. Higher up in Bronze you can start getting 5 DEC per win and even up to about 12. At least, that was my experience. And it's fairly cheap to rent the necessary cards to get to that level. There's useful commons that will get you there. Then, just start investing in higher power cards. It's a slow grind at first, but then it "clicks".

Awesome. Yea i am starting to come along. I did rent a couple goodies i just spent a few bucks to get started. I want to play to earn, but a little investment to get the ball rolling makes sense. I notice that i am getting better payout per fight now. I rented a gold foil too, and it gives more dec bonus it looks like

My best advice would be to rent out the Earth Summoner with the "Thorns" ability early on when everybody is using melee attackers. I think the name of that card is Mylor Crowling. Also, grab the Wood Nymph for healing and magic abilities. Then just roll with the free cards you're provided with and accept the occasional loss you may endure when you face someone with great magic cards.

Awesome. I will look into that. Thanks!