Hey, Legionairessssss, it's time to celebrate what we accomplished together again in our last brawl!!! 😂 🎉 💪 🔥 ⚔️ 🥳
We fought for and secured 51 Wins, earning us 4th place, 52 Crowns for Legion upgrades and 2,311 Merits and 30.561 SPS for each of us. So we can once again open a Gladius pack with leftover Merits to carry forward towards purchase of the next one. 💪 🔥 🎉 💰 🥳
Our Top TP Legion Brawlers were:
🥇 chrz88 7 Wins 💪 (7/2; Heading up the podium again!!! 🎉)
🥈 chrz88 6 Wins driving Witches 💪 (6/0; LOVE it... 1st AND 2nd place on our podium!!! 🎉)
🥉 Injectvenom 6 Wins 💪 (6/2; Well deserved... you've jusssst missed being on the podium several times recently!!! 🎉)
HUGE Congratzzzz for placing on our LEGION Brawlers Podium, guys!!! 🥳 🎉 🔥 ⚔️ 🏆 ⚔️ 🔥 🎉 🥳
HUGE Special 'Grats also to our Sweeper:
🧹 chrz88 driving Witches 5/0 🧹 💪 🔥 ⚔️ 🎉
Additionally, SIX other guildmates/accounts achieved a 50% or higher Win rate. 🔥 ⚔️ 💪 🔥 Happy Special Congratzzz to:
JeremyCrow 5/3 💪 🔥 🎉
ROYALEAGLE driving Gooddeck 5/4 💪 🔥 🎉
angelacs driving EternalNow 4/2 💪 🔥 🎉
Ririthecat driving PinoyKitten 4/4 💪 🔥 🎉
MikeSugs 2/1 💪 🔥 🎉
chrz88 driving QueenOfChaos 2/2 💪 🔥 🎉
And again, Deepest, Deepest Thanks ROYALEAGLE chrz88 Injectvenom klmnpogi and Ririthecat for driving our loaned accounts and Dave and ROYALEAGLE for loaning LEGION those accounts. Each one of you helps TP Legion and each of us earn more rewards every single brawl and every ranked focus play battle as well. 🌺 💪 🌠 🎉 🥳
Thanks, Everyone!!! 🌺 🔥 🎉 Frays open up again in approximately 9 and 1/2 hours and we'll be together back-to-back battling in the Arena again on Sunday/Monday (depending on your time zone). 😉 😂 🔥 💪 ⚔️ 🎉 🥳
If you have not yet found your forever Splinterlands guild home and would like to meet and learn more about the Team Possible guild network of which Team Possible Legion, the guild that I co-lead, is a part of, you can join our Team Possible Guild Network Discord
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