Hey splintermates, for some who dont know the latest update about the new DEC rewards, I will share some information which could enlighten you.
The latest update is that there will be no DEC reward paid after won battle for Bronze III and Novice League. This update is to discourage spamming of bots accounts and players who don't rent/buy cards which exploits the lower league reward pool. If too many bots or accounts are being spammed, then it will affect most of the other players who stays in that league.
Looking back at the past, many bots were spammed and the dec reward for novice and bronze league is profitable if you know the right technique or strategy how to maximize your DEC gains. With just a low investments, you can manage to earn decent profit of DEC per day. You can also rent good cards that will help you in that league with only low cost and that DEC spent is easily regained.
So splinterlands team encouraging players to rent for power and ranked up to higher league or buy cards to get enough power to advance to higher league. But with this, most players with high rarity and gold foil card take advantage of the situation. They rented out their card too expensive. The price hike from renting from previous season compared to now (as of this writing) is high. Most players go to the higher leagues but complaining that the total DEC spend rented is too high that some can't even manage to gain/profit more DEC than the past.
Hoping there will be updates soon that will balance the economy of splinterlands which is fair for players regardless of how much they invest in the game. But nevertheless, I still enjoyed the game and just trust the developers of the game.
So if you have any idea, suggestions, advice or strategy in how to deal with this current reward system. Pls comment down below. Cheers!
It's a bit of a dilemma. I understand they want to stop the bots from ruining the game. But for starters like myself who do not have heaps of money lying around that they want to put in buying cards. It's put me in a bit of an awkward spot really.
I hope it doesn't discourage too many people from starting Splinterlands.
Yes, its a bit hard for newcomers especially if they just play the game because of the trend and not even researching.
Yeah, don't get me wrong I like this game and want to keep playing, but this does make it a lot harder
Yes, hoping for good future updates