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RE: UPDATED: Speed and Evasion Chances - Your Guide to Splinterlands

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Hello @cornavirus! Here is another challenge in questions of speed. How could, in the following battle, Fineas Rage miss Magi of Chaos in the first round at the very first hit?! It has a speed of 5 against a speed of 2 and there is no Reverse Speed, Fly or whatsoever involved.

True, it is an uneven battle, fighting with Silver lvl 4 against Gold lvl 5 with lots of strong cards. However, this miss does not look like fair play.

PS: I still hope someone sees my question at

Screenshot at 2022-05-29 17-54-50 anjanida fast miss.png


Ok, thanks for your private hint @naive-god and @hb67 . Now I see. The play speed was to fast and I did not even notice Blind (15 %) was applied. Thank you! Blind is explained above!

Screenshot at 2022-05-29 20-54-55 anjanida play speed was to fast.png