Wow, I never considered "anticlimatic" being a word until now. Though I believe I can see the kind of anticipation you felt when showing these unreal battle stats. I want to repeat your graphic to exactly show what I mean:
Now to the battles. I love this report format of having insights into the actual choices we do when we play. As with battle #1 I'd really liked to see a battle unfold on your Yodin Zaku strategy against a strong Silver opponent. - Oh, by the way, what has been your fray? It's missing in the screenshot of your battle list. But yes, it is shown at the top of the battle. And now while I am there, I'll enjoy the rumble ... Well, it reminds me on my favorite strategies when a Blast rule-set is coming up, as I don't have a Yodin in my deck yet. Might be worth coming for one though. Fortunately there are only 9 available and that makes it even more exciting playing this card, I am sure.
And I am not going to tell any strategies here today, as our guilds are coming up against each other this brawl. Looking forward!
Frankly, I took a look into Yodin via peakmonsters, and it turns out that there is a lot of pressure to it. Look at this. I even saw @clove71 hitting the space, yet the card was gone for rent immediately, too. So it'll remain a surprise here what players will confront us with a Yodin.
Being into this deeply here, let's skim your report so I'm sure to hit the bottom of it ...
+1 Mana with Barracks level 4 looks frightening. I'll tell my guild! 😅😎
Now thanks for the mention! Being mentioned through my own report made it much easier for me to find your report that quick, while crafting another interim report. 👍 There you go: Short interim report at the dawn of brawl 49